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Ok this game obviously has high rating, I say that it is magnifique in narrative, voice, creativity, art... I can say many positive things about this, but now focus in critique:

When run, escape in a escene, I find me captched in front of bathroom mirror, and I restart all the game to try again...
I love the graphics, specially the high art, but the pixel tile maps mmm can be more pro, because the game can be pro! (ok is many many sprites, but can be pro)
The theme is not at all, so you handle a vampire yes, but is more focused in the party, friends, other monsters (perfect halloween theme), I didn't even feel the vampiric habilities as the protagonist!
The history is so good even you forget that gameplay is weak, ok use a grid to walk help to program for example: interaction with things... but I feel slow, captched, rigid when move and collide in the scenary.

Its a fabulous game in high art and narrative, but I would improve the low art and gameplay mechanics / puzzles in mini-games.