No problem, always glad to help. And do with that what you will, but in all seriousness, I kind of like the concept of combining "towers" in order to use space efficiently.
Actually, I think I know what the problem was. I put over 3 checks just to confirm that a tile is ocupied because sometimes the game just won't recognize it for some reason. What happens (or what I think was happening, was that one of those checks was if one plant was over another object, which was the tiles. However, what I didn't realize as I made the tiles invisible (so the background tiles would seem as the actual tiles) was that actually, the plants were created on a lower layer than the tiles, thus a plant would never be above said tile, which could cause an error. If this doesn't solve it then I don't know what it could be. Hopefully the new version won't have any bugs.
Edit: I uploaded it and it seems it has been fixed. At least the bug I found before seems fixed, and luckily, the bug you found is so.
I just uploaded it again. Could you check it now please? I confused the file before and accidentally put the same one as the old version.
Fr*ck. I think the new version solved it but now I ranned into another bug.
Nevermind I think it was just some other thing. Still I would like you to see if the main bug was fixed. I understand if you're tired but it would really help me.
Forget it, the bug is still there. I'm pretty much gonna stay here a long time, I would actually recommend you to just go and do other stuff, I have actually made you lose a lot of time.
It seems a lot harder to get the bug to occur consistently, but unfortunately occur it did. Also, for a bit after the mine explodes, I have some difficulty placing plants in it's tile, was that the other bug?
Edit: After some more testing (and general clicking around) I think I have a hunch, I think it's caused directly by the potato mines. After they explode, after a few seconds, I can start making plant stacks.