Fun game! I got way too analytical by timing wine progressions in the latest version and recording them in a spreadsheet. I did 1 -> 1 bottle, 2 -> 1 bottle, and 1 -> 2 bottle progressions. This way, I was able to find the quickest progression to Stonks Water. It's possible there's a quicker one with running triple wines, but I haven't gone quite that far off the deep end :)
Best default setting start ($300, 10min) so far for me is 426 billion:
Strategy is:
- 2 Just Grapes - there's just enough money to serially grow and process, then buy a second storage before the second one is done processing.
- Sans Intereste as soon as they're worth enough.
- Dubbly Bubbly as soon as that's done.
- Stonks Water as soon as the Bubbly maxes out.
Then it's just a matter of running stonks as fast as you can to buy a Sake, then maybe Stonks -> Sake once if you like, then waiting for the end.
I have definitely still hit the new integer limit and crashed in 20 minute mode with similar techniques and about 1:30 on the clock still.