The Ai runs on a set triggers. The AI in this project became a new source of pride and joy for me.
- Player is invincible
- Player is close/far
- Player projectile is touching the AI overlap box
- Player is above the AI
- Attack and Dash are on timers
Yeah I think the design was fundamentally flawed because the secondary fire puts you on death's door.
I thought I deleted the taunt. It was a carry over from a previous project. That should not be there.
I think I over scooped on the project because I wanted to incorporate everything I have learned up to the point but after hearing some feed back the basics should have been the entire game in retrospect.
Jumps be hell. If you got any tutorials that I have not seen yet, please share, I am always willing to improve.
Thanks, the doppelganger idea was formed from me over scoping the interactions between player and enemy. In the future I think I can give more context because this is the first project where I tried making cutscenes.
I actually do not know what to do with my tiles. They never go for the impression I want players to have.
Yeah the stick figures are a problem. I cannot dedicate the time to make good sprites for my project and the sprites I look for do not have what I look for. I am in need for an artist to work as a partner on projects.
Thanks for all the feedback I really appreciate it!