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Really enjoyed playing this~ The main game was well put together, I really enjoyed the art, and while it didn't go into great depth with any one character (not a surprise, being a GJ entry), there was enough to it to get me caring about them and what happened - and to get me interested enough that I went through and got every ending. The single-minded ending in particular really was a gut-punch, and made it clear that yeah, I really didn't want these boys to be sad.

The extra stories REALLY took it to a whole extra level though - having the time to let the guys slow down and be themselves, to give the player a chance to really get to know more about them (and the support cast!), makes so much difference. Seeing them with fully-realised, three-dimensional personalities was just a joy, and really enhanced everything from the previous playthroughs. Being more familiar with all the relationships and the depth of them just made the whole thing so much better, so I'm really glad those were included.

Game good, whole package GREAT. Now that I'm properly up to speed with everyone, I'm gonna go get a couple of those endings again and experience them the way they were intended~

Thanks a bunch for your thoughtful comment! Glad you enjoyed!