Really cool little game! It's pretty nice what you managed to create in 2-3 days.
The mechanic with the jetpack damaging and transforming the ground is awesome and the potential is huge. You can see some great ideas already in the game. That you need to push the tresures over the edge to open them is a nice little twist too. :) I also really like the visual look of the game, especially the little astronaut character. Only the treasures felt a little bit out of place style wise imo.
If I could wish something - I would have loved a tiny story in there, maybe one little speech bubble npc in the beginning and the treasures replaced with an object transporting the story further. That would frame the experience. :)
Only thing that bothered me was the character somehow felt like sticking on the ground for 1 second or so after taking off. Failed a few times because of this haha. Oh and this gap is a DEATH TRAP! DON'T GO IN THERE! :D
Congrats! Great little game, i had some fun! :D The potential for a bigger game is there.