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Obviously a fair amount of work went into the dialogue and story building. It does help build the feel of the world and make me feel connected and want to progress which is nice. My only complaint is it gets pretty verbose very quick. I would like to see some basic 'tutorial' type play right at the start just to get my feet wet before jumping right in to the main plot line.

Also I think the code for death is janky, or maybe just unfinished? I couldn't proceed past the message about the big sleep. My own game is even more janky at death so I understand that it's probably not priority #1 rn.

I didn't get very far (died almost immediately after entering the forest) but it was enjoyable until then lol. I did get a monster on my side before I died which was cool.

Hold up -- thank you for that bit about the death code. I tried it out in my own copy and couldn't replicate it, but I'll definitely be on the lookout in case it happens again.

Otherwise, thank you so much. A straight-up tutorial isn't on my agenda, but I am probably going to add some stuff which eases players into the game a bit more smoothly. Keep in mind that the demo isn't fully polished, too; the final version's gonna have an intro cutscene.

Should have taken a screenshot or something sorry. 

 "A straight-up tutorial isn't on my agenda"

Doesn't have to be a proper tutorial, people familiar with JRPGs should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. Just some light early stuff to get a feel for things before you end up in a multi-page conversation. Also another small suggestion: the ability to press 'E', or some other use key on things instead of just clicking on them. I like moving around with WASD and I found myself wanting a keyboard option to interact with things.

That's what I meant by "some stuff which eases players into the game a bit more smoothly", kek.

Also...the game controls with a keyboard. There is mouse functionality but it's barely finished. I'm not sure what the hell kind of version of my game you downloaded -- maybe I'll have to look into this.

(1 edit)

"not sure what the hell kind of version of my game you downloaded"

kek, I downloaded the .exe third option. So you are saying there should be a way to interact with things on the keyboard? what key should it be? I've tried e, q, f, palming my keyboard.

EDIT: its space bar kek.

ah, you press "enter". i'll add an option to toggle keybinding