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I found this game by chance looking at 'BaronVonLetsPlays' YouTube channel and I just had to buy it, loving it so far!

I have a few suggestions to make, which I'm sure you might have already thought of!

Longer day/night cycles, I find that the day goes far too quickly as does the night, in my opinion.

Decrease the Hunger speed, I also find that I am hungry within 1-2 minutes of eating, perhaps make it so that a full meal lasts at least 5 (real time) minutes.

Slower oxygen/suit depletion - Again, I find that my suit's power and oxygen levels drop way too fast, even if you stand still, it drops too rapidly. I understand that there are oxygen tanks, but I think that the rate of which it depletes is still too fast.

As those above me have said, a map/radar system would be perfect.

Cheers for making such a cool little game and I look forward to seeing it grow and being a part of it's community!



Hi Jono!

Glad you're liking it! Thanks for the suggestions. Here's some quick thoughts:

Day/night cycles: fair point - day length is pretty short at the moment.

The rate that you burn through O2 and Food is something I'm still tweaking. Right now it's the main thing that can kill you (the challenge of the game) - so maybe once I can add in more stuff that can kill you (e.g. meteors, building disasters, and other hazardous terrain), maybe can make the air and food supplies last longer so that it isn't toooo hard haha.

Eventually I want the ability to upgrade your character to hold more O2, maybe craft better food that'll keep you full longer etc.

Some sort of map/radar system (something to help you find your base) is definitely something I'm still working on.

Thanks again for the support! Cheers,

- Steve / @cairn4

Deleted 8 years ago