oh thats a scam right there on itch part, first of of, i dont have any of their money since 3.6$ from 29$ can not be paidout, I hope all itch servers burn in Hell,, it looks like your UI is designed to scam developers, They see GROSS REVENUE, but the acctual number is 1/8 of it, and itch default cut is 40%
You can change what you give to itch.io mate ~ you can give them nothing if you so wish.
If you think Steam is a more fair platform (which goes against the common opinion), feel free to put your content there instead. Steam take a much bigger cut (30% > 0%; You cannot change how much they take.) and require you to pay 100 dollars for a page.
Welcome to the difference between net and gross revenue.
Reading this might be a good start.
Just because you don't have 3.6$ in your hand doesn't mean itch.io didn't pay you 3.6$. You must reach at least 5$ before you can initiate a payout. What you have at the moment is a future liability for itch.io to pay you 3.60$ when the total reaches at least 5$ and you request a payout.
Also the default itch.io cut is 10%, lying will not help you. All lying about the default itch.io cut will accomplish is deplete your remaining goodwill.