Yes, indeed! I also noticed when testing it. You can use the walls for your advantage. Let me say that my original planification was an open room and you must run no matter what, but honestly I prefer being able to take advantage of the walls, it is less annoying. My other game Horroria has this same mechanic and the rooms are more opened (big and small) and it's much easier for the specter to catch you, so for this simple escape game, I think it's nice that you can trick him with the walls. There is one "disadvantage" here. The first time, the specter will spawn near the summoning circle, but next times, he will spawn where he last dissappeared. He doesn't spawn in the same spot all the time. So you should be cautious because if you are walking near the spot where he dissappeared before and you don't pay attention, he can catch you instantanely. Thanks for commenting :)