Here be some sound design added, music and sfx and whatnot. I'm kind of worried about the sound design with regards to music vs sfx, if the music is too high you can't hear the sfx and if the sfx too high you can't hear the music. Right now the sfx is just default gain and music is like 0.4 or something. dB is just a headache to manage mannnnn. One key change I decided to do is add a wait timer after you've cleared a phase, basically it just goes silent and lets you walk around to collect loot. Spacing out the transitions and giving some dead time does give the game some pacing.
The test video also shows the general scope of the game a little better. A new enemy type has been added and enemy recolors have higher HP. The waves don't really have enough enemies yet as I haven't designed them really, but it makes it easier and faster to test the game at this point.
-make enemy damage flash white
-add some different movement patterns or behaviors for enemies
-actually fill the waves with more enemies and try to design interesting situations out of them. Also might help to randomize them a tiny bit between waves.
-uhhhhhhh make an ending and intro?
10 hours left, feel like I have plenty of time but gonna ration it to really experiment with enemy behaviors and fine tune the design. I'm willing to give up the story for that I guess.
I did not make the music for this jam, music is actually by Ozzed a guy who does public domain chiptune music.