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Brilliant twist of the original mechanics! It does not only mess with the mind of the player used to the original, but also actually affects the movement possibilities and therefore the tactical elements of the game.

One thing that I would have hoped for would have been keyboard controls, because playing with the mouse made the game unnecessarily difficult. But I guess this game is intended for mobile devices anyway. Also, the graphic button did not work at least for me.

There are keyboard controls. You might first need to click the game area to get keyboard into focus.

(2 edits)

I though it might be something like that and tried that. I also clicked the window multiple times when playing with the mouse, but then when trying to use keyboard, it did not seem to do anything... Well maybe I have to test again. There have been some issues with my keyboard lately so that could be the reason if the game works properly for everyone else.

EDIT: Yeah, I tried again, and this time it worked with no problems. Guess the problem was on my end. Being able to use the keyboard definitely made it more fun to play.