Edit: Nvm lol I think I actually solved the puffshrooms bugs after some time. If you find any other bug however, please let me now! However it seems for now that Puffshroom related bugs have been fixed. Actually I may even apply them to the former game (cuz peashooter shoot if there's a zombie on a line, wether this zombie is in front of them or not.
Hi Mailchan! Glad to see you enjoyed this small project. I actually pretty much reworked the other one, so that's why there ain't no major bugs.
Btw are you sure it only happens in the middle and bottom lanes? I pretty much copy-paste the lines for a lane and for the other one and then make sure they work the same, so 4/5 of them not working is very odd.
Also the puffshrooms are kinda messed up. That bug and other ones also relevant (for example, if only ONE puffshroom is on a lane within 3 tiles of a zombie, all the puffshrooms in the line start to shoot to said zombie even if it's not close to their range). I probably should watch a Construct 2 tutorial for ranged units because it actually is getting kinda hard.
Sad enough I have a heavy project today, which means I probaby won't be working on fixing the game today. However if you knew about any tutorial or stuff, or maybe any ideas that could be causing the bug, I'd like to hear what you have to say, really. Even if I don't see it today, it might actually help me a lot for tomorrow.
Gotta go, sorry. Btw thanks again for helping me out with the last project, I would've 100% let it stay that buggy if it wasn't for ya cuz I'm not that good at bughunt.