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The minimalist design paired with the disturbing narrative and  alienation of being a helpless, hapless, and utterly defenseless child make this short spectacle a truly unnerving and unsettling horror experience unlike any other. It engrosses you in a way many psychological horror games rarely manage to achieve in such a quick amount of time! 

Unlike the majority of horror games with themes of the macabre, this game succeeds where others have failed simply because most, if not all the visual and narrative elements presented throughout are disturbingly accurate to real world people and events. Unlike horror games where the player has to escape a man-eating creature or the haunting memories of their past, the scarring experiences and limited discretions of the main character, a prepubescent boy, are unsettling because they can and have happened to children in real life. You may never know of the disturbing realities your neighbors relish in behind closed doors nor what each individual person is capable of when no one is looking, let alone when face-to-face with a child that isn't their own.