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(2 edits)


I played a bit (6 hours already) and intend to continue but i wanted to share something i noticed: let's say you sleep with girl A (Kali), at dawn, if you set Lin as alarm clock, there is no interaction between them.

Also if you sleep with girl X (let's say Lin in my case) then Lin wakes you up as alarm clock, there seems to have no continuity between both events.

Finally when i chose to sleep with Lin, at some point i had a "ashley wake up" event (later it was also the case with a Emma & Felicity event) , without any mention of Lin; Besides it had the Lin alarm clock right before (i think it was before) the event.

Otherwise, the artistic direction is very beautiful.

Edit: at some point i notice some items are "sold out" in the shop without me buying them. I'm not sure it's normal.

Also, i had the "Lin" dungeon first scene before i got her the rope clothing. (For other girls, the game asked me to buy the ropes before using them in dungeon, but when i discovered the dungeon first time, the Lin scene started auto, and i had not (and still have not) bought the ropes in the store.

Thank you!

I tested setting Lin as my alarm, and slept with Kali. Everything seems to be working fine. After you wake up with Kali, Lin blows you.

Thanks for noting the continuity issue, that will likely be fixed at some point, but it isn't a priority as it isn't very glaring.

Those events for Ashley and F&E are story events, and there doesn't seem to be a continuity issue here. It may be a little odd for two women to wake you up by blowjobs one after another, but it's not too much of a stretch to say MC passed out after being sucked dry, only to be sucked dry again. Win win, right?

Which items have been sold out without you buying them? It may just be the case that it isn't available yet.

Thanks for reporting this bug, it has been fixed.


Alas i didn't take notes at that point so i don't remember very well. I think it was one ... Maria outfit (not succubus one)? and one Lin's (not ropes nor heart clothing), but really not sure. It may be one of Ashley even... rah i'm not sure anymore.

For the continuity issues, you are the only judge; i was merely saying what may or may not be a bug ;).

I'd also notice (and forgot to speak about) that each morning, the blowjob scene by Lin takes a bit of time to start, as if the game was lagging. it's the only scene with such a little delay before start.

Also, I played a bit more, and noticed that in the store when i bought the "slut outfit" for a girl (Kali i think) it was first displayed as 200$ in the list of items for each girl but on the "purchase" screen it was 50$; many items costing other than 50$ have the same "purchase screen".

However, real price is always the first price (ie 200$ in the case i speak about).