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A member registered Nov 18, 2019

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it's apparently 6969

(9 edits)

Hi, I think I found a bug: in the evening (if that matters, after the videotape where Donna gets punished by Debbie event) go to the pool. (which is not build yet in my game (?) - i don't know if it matters)

Result: The game doesn't know if you are the evening or the morning, and some places are night, other are morning, and the game interface says morning even tough most places are "evening" themed.

Other things:

* at some point, Debbie starts showing up with no panty. But then in the same day, if you take her in your office, she has her red panty on.

* when Faye is injured by Amy running, she is taken to hospital. however, the same night if i go to dorms, she is standing there as if nothing happened. I guess she shouldn't be there when she is in the hospital. (Also for the next weekend she is there for the "sun oil appliance" random patrolling event without mention beforehand that she is back from hospital, not sure if WAD or not)

* for the days during which Amy wears her chastity panty, when spying on her (not the first night) she is seen wearing her normal panties.

* after the point where Lucy offered to do the cleaning naked, when saturday event comes, i still can choose how she is clothed.

The "own clothes" option was 0 additional credit before that point, but now it's displayed as 30 credits (same price as "school uniform")

* during private punishment time, photo action: the name/age is marked on the board next to the girl. Next frame when the photo is really taken, those texts disappear. (happened for Amy and Debbie in invited session)

* holloween special: i have 0 left (gave 2 1 2 2 3) then Alice and April comes back, i accept boobs flash for 1 candy (that i have not) and ... they got one, and i have -1 candy left.

replaying the end for 3.3.5 version i have the same questions.

No problem, i understand there are concessions to do at some stage of developpment. I'm not viewing it as negative; but if it were well done, i would really approve it :D.

THat's so disturbing. I downloaded it twice due to this. Maybe you could fix it?

(1 edit)

I was quite pleased by two things :

- one, which is not in every other VN and is always bothering me: in the first scene, the bust area of the clothing seems done right. No "going up" underbreast clothing. It feels refreshing to see a normal clothing. Edit: okay it's gone after the first class. The skirts are not colliding with the legs and Lauren's shirt is all out of place. Well maybe you will try more later, it is not the most important thing to rate but i almost thought i found one VN who paid attention to this.

- then what made me smile: a comment about Ozark. That show is just great and nobody in my surrounding seems to know that... that's so bad.

So, first glance is (very) positive!

I don't know if that's a mandatory step, but in my case, all money issue disappeared from the moment kali's dad gave me 10K $. I built a fully operational bar and then never worried about money anymore.

(1 edit)

when you are receiving a phone text, if you manually open the phone and want to reply, nothing happens, then when you leave the phone to continue the scene, nothing happens.

I had to go back a few step back (by wheel up) then click multiple time for the scene (phone text, then reply) to happen normally. 

It feels like a bug.

Edit: during the hate sex scene with Emma when she is laying on her belly and we are behind her, and she looks face camera, the head is clearly weird (too big? too frontal ... i don't know)

This game is... incomplete ? i don't know but there are missing parts while "playing". Like you go from scene 1 to another scene without logical link between those.

(1 edit)


In the first scenes when we discover the new house, is it normal that through the left floor 1 window and door glass we see green-leafs INSIDE the house?

any key to screenshot?

(1 edit)

Oh pour les marqueurs tu fais comme tu veux; le "problème" c'est leur disparition : je ne savais pas si c'était un bug dû au fait que j'aie sauvé, ou autre.

Si tu ne les mets pas on ne se posera pas la question :D.

(4 edits)

(suite de mon précédent message qui devient très long à éditer)

- Les marqueurs visuels de chaque perso (Lucie et Claire dans mon cas) ont redisparu après la scène de sexe du jour 8 (et le début de l'épisode 3 je suppose)

- discussion avec Claire après le team building, et elle parle des "photos sexys" qu'elle m'a envoyées. je pense qu'il ne faut pas de "s" à sexy.

- jour 9 chez Claire, assis sur le canapé: sa chaussure gauche est mise d'une telle façon que le talon aiguille entre dans le sol.

Les jours 10 et 11 étaient pas mal, mais dans le jour 10 j'ai pas du tout compris comment je pouvais trouver le code de la salle rouge si je n'ai pas le truc magnétique avec moi. J'ai pourtant (cru ?) chercher partout.

(21 edits)

Salut, j'ai joué un quart d'heure environ hier et j'ai déjà quelques remarques (que j'espère constructives), ça n'est pas un problème si j'en fais part in fine? (de ce que je trouve en jouant)

Edit: je vais faire la liste car sinon je vais oublier.

- "crazy" n'est pas traduit en français. je ne sais pas si c'est volontaire, ni si ça l'est, pourquoi. (quand on parle de Zoé à Julie je crois ou quand on la voit au magasin de vêtements)

- "faire un jacuzzi" quand on veut l'utiliser dans la salle de bain; bizarre. "aller dans le jacuzzi"? il me semble que c'est pareil pour "faire une douche" plutôt que "prendre une douche"

- quand on regarde par le trou de serrure, la phrase d'après parle de "refermer la porte"... qui était fermée puisqu'on a regardé par le trou de serrure.

- le poster bonus dans la chambre, on peut l' utiliser plusieurs fois? normal?

- dans une phrase, il est écrit: "Claire un peu influençable..." il me semble qu'il manque un simple "EST" entre "Claire" et le reste.

- "partagé dans ma morale" n'est pas très français.

- Est-ce normal que les marqueurs de valeur (coeur et amitié?) disparaissent quand on recharge une partie en cours? Hier soir j'ai sauvé fin jour 2 (quand elle est couchée sur les genoux devant la tv) et ils y étaient, et j'ai chargé ce midi, et là plus de marqueur dans la scène sur le canapé le matin du jour 3.

Edit: ils sont revenus jour 7 après la scène sur le site porno avec Cecilia.

- dans la scène du jour 3 où Claire présente un graphique sur un tableau blanc au boulot, l'image donne l'impression que Claire flotte dans les airs car les ombres de ses chaussures sont "sous" la semelle.

- dans ce même graphisme, mettre en ordonnée les dates est très étrange surtout vu la façon dont le graphisme est construit. Les dates sont plus souvent dans l'abscisse et surtout, la manière dont les deux courbes sont présentées laisse clairement percevoir que la date doit y être en abscisse et en ordonnée des valeurs monétaires ou des quantités de vente.

- après la scène où Claire perd quelque chose de rond et rose, elle dit "viens me voir dans mon bureau plus tard"; sauf que l'on rentre obligatoirement (? en tout cas dans ma partie) chez soi avec Lucie. Peut-être utiliser un "un autre jour" "demain" (edit: j'ai vu la suite) plutôt que "plus tard" parce que j'ai cru avoir raté un choix pertinent alors qu'en fait je n'en avais pas.

- jour 5 matin, je vais à la porte de Lucie, je choisis d'entrer (c'est la première fois que je fais ce choix donc c'est peut- être un problème dès le jour 2) et j'observe etc. Quand je ressors, le choix d'entrer est à nouveau présent. Je trouve ça étrange de pouvoir faire la boucle.

- jour 5, arrivée au boulot. Je vais parler à Claire. La discussion est la même qu'au jour 4 après avoir été dans le bureau de Cecilia pirater son pc. Dommage ou bug.

- jour 5 pendant que je visionne les dossiers de Cecilia sur mon pc, problèmes:

* le bruitage est très bizarre. Autant la musique anxiogène est ok, mais il y a d'étranges bruitages qui grésillent et m'ont fait couper le son tellement j'avais peur que ça bousille mes haut-parleurs.

* dans une des scène, Cecilia est derrière Claire et la doigte (même si on le voit pas encore clairement) : son haut bleu déborde sur son bras droit. (mauvaise texture.); le problème du haut bleu qui est mal texturé est aussi présent dans la scène suivante où l'on voit mieux l'action (vue de derrière): dans une des frames de l'animation , le haut bleu "glisse" sur le bras et pas dessous.

- haha la scène du corbeau (bon ok le corbeau devrait pas être comme ça si on veut l'imiter vraiment) mais ça m'a bien fait rire. La ptite réf à City Hunter (et d'autres).

- jour 5 soirée au bar. Assis à la petite table ronde pendant la discussion sur les copains, la fête, le bras de Lucie est "dans la table" or je pense que l'on voulait plutôt que son coude soit posé sur la table.

- scène avec Zoé dans la buanderie (quand on va enlever les sous vêtements et qu'on la suit) : sa chaussure de gauche entre dans le sol au niveau des orteils (= l'avant de la chaussure) et sa chaussure de droite a un problème avec le talon qui est dans le sol et donc la chaussure (et sa jambe par conséquent) qui devient "plate" sur le sol... alors que ce sont des talons hauts.

Même problème de talon qui entre dans le sol dans les images de sortie de la buanderie. Chaussure gauche avec salon entièrement dans le sol ce qui transforme son talon haut en chaussure plate (mais ça fait super bizarre vu que l'avant et la jambe sont mal calibrés) et chaussure droite avec un talon pas posé sur le sol mais entrant dedans. D'ailleurs la posture du personnage est mauvaise à cause de ce problème qui se reporte sur ses jambes.

- partie de poker, Josh dit "je vais de te défoncer"; le "de" me paraît inutile et faux.

- toujours dans cette partie, après que Lucie se soit mise sur nos genoux: on lui demande de poser nos cartes à notre place; mais ensuite la scène décrit qu'on "remonte sa robe". Le problème est que la première phrase (jouer les cartes) et la seconde (profiter pour remonter sa robe" sont mises comme si on parlait, or si on dit bien la première chose, la seconde chose est une description de nos actions.µ

- jour 7 jogging. Le jeu fait un récapitulatif des événements et je vois qu'il me dit que "zoé avait gagné le concours de beauté" sauf que lors du concours, les deux filles ont eu 3 points chacune et je n'ai eu de baiser que de Lucie, pas de Zoé.

- jour 8, attachée sur la chaise Zoé. Problème avec le talon de la chaussure/botte gauche de Zoé (dans le sol).

- toujours dans la même pièce et scène, quand on va "finir" avec Lucie, il est écrit "votre sexe à mesure que montR en elle la jouissance". "Montr" => "monte".

Un VN en français? je vais tester ça!

I "think" that you start the new game and load your old save. I've read that it should work except if the games have suffered so much changes that it's not save compatible.

Also i read (in this game or another similar one) to make sure to make a hard copy of your hard save, just in case.

(1 edit)

I downloaded v14 and i can see all what the game has to offer. It is quite good. I hope there will be a bit more variety with more updates for the repeatable love points, and locations (dungeon, etc.) but the visuals are stunning.

Great work.

Edit: and I finally got the title subtility. i'm happy.

I was really surprized but not as much as i thought. I really thought i could be Hana's case (which it was) but for Maria, i thought the eyes meant the same as Ashley (and Ellen) and so she would be out of that.

Now i'm just hoping to see her with her collar, for my photo collection.

No i reassure you, if i'd played in one big session i would have kept the letters in mind and eventually try to see if those letters could get something if forming a word.

As I said my main problem was that i had played 2 hours this day, then 2 hours that day, then 3 hours this day, and mixing playing this game with another C-Rpg i'm playing a lot and forgot the letters. I still remembered the first one because it is an enigma i read in another game and by association, remembered the other i spoke of because it came back to me; bot the two others were totally gone.

THank you. I remembered all letters i had found previously (the fact that i played a bit during many days didn't help at first) and will try the answer i got (as a non english native speaker it was demanding). Okay from the 2 solutions i had, it was the least probable one :D.

Thank you!

it's cuming, right?

(I just had to go for the joke, it's so rare for a non native english speaker to have the ability to place a joke.)

I would gladly have the hints from you if it's not a bother for you. And thank you.

I remember a E and a V (i think).


maybe i missed something but when i try to talk to Kate (after some scenes with her, dating and such things) she only asks some word (free input)... but i did try "date", "gym", "romance" and nothing worked? am i supposed to know what to say to her?

(3 edits)


reporting more things i notice while playing in hope it's useful.

- During the Lin & Jin training scene, when Lin is on the horse thing, ready to suck dick, Jin speaks about her collar.

I noticed that in that scene, the collar of Lin is partially colliding with her neck.

- during the Emma&Felicity wake up alarm, the movements of Felicity body vs arm are very weird at the shoulder level in the first phase especially because her boobs are not moving at all while the arm, back and head are.

- during Emma in the dungeon, doggystyle option : when she cums although you said "deny", there is no punish option; other characters always have a punish option when they cum but you said no in the previous option.

I was going to accept my "outdated hardware" explanation since my pc is from 2012 but i had still some trouble with it because:

1) no other scene has really this trouble in this game

2) i can still play some more demanding games.

3) i have played many other games with the same engine and no such issue in those.

Now that another poster has the same issue, i'm not so sure at all. I'd advise Runey42 to check if anything is different in those scenes.

OK that's totally possible.

Emma's scenes in the dungeon (especially Squirtathon and orgasm denial) seems to have some lagging/slow issue (and even, the screen goes to the choice of activity in MC room for one frame before it comes back to the dungeon scen). (On pc)

(2 edits)


reporting another possible continuity error:

- i had the scene in the bar where Felicity and Ashley drink contest and ends in a threesome. The scene ends with the girls going away.

- Sleep time (i guess)

- at the next morning, scene with Felicity being in my bed (related to her story i think) and we go to restaurant afterwards.

It felt weird to see Felicity go then her back in the bed.

Not sure if it was volontary and wanted so reporting.

Edit: when buying "cowgirl outfit" for Android, there is an additional confirmation screen which is not for any other clothing (that i tried already) and it is not possible to go back in time like any other screen allows.

Edit2 in Emma's scene where she brings pizza, she used "owner" in little letters after her introduction sentence. I'm assuming she said so because it's the nickname Lin gives me (instead of master). It felt a bit weird since Owner for a slave (lin) made sense, but not for Emma, but i could get to understand how she would use "master" in this occurence.

there litteraly is a "android install" guide in the main post. 

Read again?


Alas i didn't take notes at that point so i don't remember very well. I think it was one ... Maria outfit (not succubus one)? and one Lin's (not ropes nor heart clothing), but really not sure. It may be one of Ashley even... rah i'm not sure anymore.

For the continuity issues, you are the only judge; i was merely saying what may or may not be a bug ;).

I'd also notice (and forgot to speak about) that each morning, the blowjob scene by Lin takes a bit of time to start, as if the game was lagging. it's the only scene with such a little delay before start.

Also, I played a bit more, and noticed that in the store when i bought the "slut outfit" for a girl (Kali i think) it was first displayed as 200$ in the list of items for each girl but on the "purchase" screen it was 50$; many items costing other than 50$ have the same "purchase screen".

However, real price is always the first price (ie 200$ in the case i speak about).

(2 edits)


I played a bit (6 hours already) and intend to continue but i wanted to share something i noticed: let's say you sleep with girl A (Kali), at dawn, if you set Lin as alarm clock, there is no interaction between them.

Also if you sleep with girl X (let's say Lin in my case) then Lin wakes you up as alarm clock, there seems to have no continuity between both events.

Finally when i chose to sleep with Lin, at some point i had a "ashley wake up" event (later it was also the case with a Emma & Felicity event) , without any mention of Lin; Besides it had the Lin alarm clock right before (i think it was before) the event.

Otherwise, the artistic direction is very beautiful.

Edit: at some point i notice some items are "sold out" in the shop without me buying them. I'm not sure it's normal.

Also, i had the "Lin" dungeon first scene before i got her the rope clothing. (For other girls, the game asked me to buy the ropes before using them in dungeon, but when i discovered the dungeon first time, the Lin scene started auto, and i had not (and still have not) bought the ropes in the store.