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(2 edits)


reporting another possible continuity error:

- i had the scene in the bar where Felicity and Ashley drink contest and ends in a threesome. The scene ends with the girls going away.

- Sleep time (i guess)

- at the next morning, scene with Felicity being in my bed (related to her story i think) and we go to restaurant afterwards.

It felt weird to see Felicity go then her back in the bed.

Not sure if it was volontary and wanted so reporting.

Edit: when buying "cowgirl outfit" for Android, there is an additional confirmation screen which is not for any other clothing (that i tried already) and it is not possible to go back in time like any other screen allows.

Edit2 in Emma's scene where she brings pizza, she used "owner" in little letters after her introduction sentence. I'm assuming she said so because it's the nickname Lin gives me (instead of master). It felt a bit weird since Owner for a slave (lin) made sense, but not for Emma, but i could get to understand how she would use "master" in this occurence.