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(3 edits) (+4)

Got around to playing the client (rather than a quick test of the browser). Its an interesting perspective playing the male origin. I like the options you present.  Most of my choices were the neutral, dont hate and resent it, but you not for enjoying it either (least at the start).   I Enjoyed the game and look forward to seeing it continue.  Some points ?  

- Sister, She disappears after a few days and doesnt really do anything. apart from the start  which kinda saddens me.  But I liked the direction.  I was really hoping she awaken the teasing her new little sis and getting intimate kink (I say kink, cause it be nice if she discovers it turns her on when it gets lewder).  If she did girly sisterly events like playing with hair, dressing you up and the more lewd stuff like showing you the pleasures of a woman sif teaching you being a girl isnt so bad.  I think it be some interesting events.  Well if you let her that is.  I felt  like stuff like in the changing room was in a good direction.   Maybe you dont want incest, but it be between girls, so pregnancy's isnt a issue. (slipped my mind its a new non-blood body, so its all fine)  Might actually be useful in the MCs training.   This is all under the assumption of the male origin.   Anyway thats what I think would be interesting with the sister, so take it with a grain of salt, I just see potential.  Like to think she'd continue to be pushy :)

-The first mission,  I felt you nailed it, well at least with my outcome.  and it was nice that the organization doest expect you to be any good (gives you time to to adjust and improve). It gives a relaxed feeling playing this story.  Anyway, the first mission. I went in there like a fish out of water, no idea what to do (from the male origin).. and it ended up with the MC stripping.  That was dam perfect.  We sucked, but we got the job done. Im interested in the future mission offers he gave, but I never saw him again. 

--Job Barmaid,  For me, storywise, I felt like this was the best training the MC could pick up, half of the motivation is for money, but the other half I felt like the MC could learn to be more social as a girl for his organization work. So I treated it more like the MCs training arc :p  interacting as a girl with the pubs.  Some good events in there that made me laugh, like selling socks.  I mean why not ?

--Pregnacy. I see its in the game, but im not usually into it unless its some unusual/monster preg.  It be nice if there was an option to turn pregnacy off, or being able to get on the pill and have it written off as a tax benefit for work :p.  I feel like it might disrupt our job.   But thats what I just feel.  just to have the option.

-- Still in favour of customization our girl from the start.  Then later letting us change for missions or whenever we feel like changing.  But thats just my opinion. 

Well leave it at that for now.  Dont want it too long.  But I enjoy the clothing system. Also loved the military barracks reacted to you walking in with a school uniform. That was great.   Also is there suppose to be roomies ?  I saw dialog asking how are my roomies, but as far as I know, they still on holidays ? or they just really good neets ? Feels like im the only one there. 


Thank you very much for the detailed post. Glad to hear you liked the early game missions and setup. I wonder if you have reached Haven yet?

With the sister, it is planned for her to be an integral part during the first weeks and post Haven. But I haven't managed to add her in properly yet so right now she just ends up vanishing. Will be a lot of early content with her though where he helps you adjust/adapt to the new life and body.

Pregnancy will be avoidable at some point soon, just need to get round to adding it in.

Customisation from the start is something I debated, but kind of wanted to get the player into the action as quickly as possible and not spend ages deciding what type of character to make when the game hasn't even started yet. I may revisit this decision though at a later point.

And yes, supposed to be roomies but still need to actually add them.


Is it possible to marry a woman? Because if you use the cheat to go straight to Quest Heaven it says you have a wife and kids and that you cheated on the wife with her sister.

 And how do I get the license to keep the child and will it be possible to raise him?

 Do you intend to add futas (hemaphrodites) and also allow the main character to transform into one? I would very much like this to be possible. 

Oh and will the part of the story come soon where the police are accused of sex crimes and you can offer yourself to them?

That whole thing where Sammy is talking about wife and kids is Sammy being sarcastic and fucking with Dr Tucker in order for him to greet her like a normal person.  Dr Tucker didn't greet her when she came in the door, just went straight into trying to brief her on the mission.  That's why after she is done with the story, he greets her.