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Noble Marls

A member registered Sep 02, 2021

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(3 edits)

If you played it properly, it was  fake pregnancy.. Her body thinks its pregnant, but its not (so her boobs are starting to fill with milk).  But one less raving idiot with a brain of a a flea leaving is fine. Good riddance.

Whats the extent of the transformations ? Withe the title Chimera, it'd sounds like you could become a fighting monster ?

(6 edits)

Anyway to change this whole landlady/tenant crap.. It ruins the whole immersion of this story I cant take seriously, it makes no dam sense.  

Landlady - a woman who owns and leases an apartment, house, land, etc., to others.
Tenant - a person or group that rents and occupies land, a house, an office, or the like, from another for a period of time; lessee.

Taken from  Obviously these are not the correct terms on how this story plays out.   Using my common sense, it should be mother and son right ?  Or maybe "fathers girlfriend/servant"  if you're trying to avoid any incest routes (I dont mind any of those routes, makes it more spicy). 

So right now im just left so confused trying to follow the story. 

(1 edit)

I havent played it yet, but just looking at some comments as the game looks fairly new, I actually realy like the concept the MC isnt powerful but can "make" his girls powerful or as his weapons. Hes seen more like the commander, That works great for me. but the way you describe it here, its as if its the concept Friendship is power!.   And on Karma, you are saying if you wanna play as a bad boy, you'll just get game overs ?  or is it if you keep making the "obviously" bad choices leading to terrible consequences, then yeah, it will end in game over ?

But I like the idea you going to go hardcore, with the corruption and Ahego tags ^_~  Could be quite spicy

(4 edits)

Does not siding with the male teacher whos asking for something that makes me want to punch him in the face,  mean that I cant progress the game ?  I would assume I'd just need 3 out of 5 to win the votes, but I saw some influence needing 4 ?

If he asked for panties, sure I might be able to get them.. but passwords and account shit, fu.   Is there some secret path where I can blackmail him or something ? find his dirt/secrets to expose ?

and on  side question, our training with the English teacher, are we really just training her to contol her class ?  or we corrupting her into a dom ^_^  That latter would be... noice.  If she would start giving us discipline points... not taking them away ><

(8 edits)

Ugh.... , its clear they have a relationship or bond already.  Merly was getting her in the mood and by the end of it she fucking loved it.  Common practice between people who are close to be intimate..  Yet your are bringing your whole rape politics into this scene just because your feelings got hurt and probably because what twitter tells you.   You need to reevaluate why you play these type of games. Instead of lecturing the dev hes doing rape.  Going forward, its clear the MC has a power thats going to make girls fall for him, so you better leave now. Unless you plan to stay and whinge /shrugs

(2 edits)

Nice new update. I liked seeing Willow and getting to know her better. Plus seeing the MC fight too.   Then the cat, it was what I was hoping for :D

I didnt see the brick save message and I loaded the game halfway through and event. It basically made me replay the event the next day as it was a trigger event (last save was the Issabella event, so I replayed the date).  Would I have broken the save ?  I didnt see anything that broke.

(1 edit)

Thats pretty low to bring your RL politics into a "fantasy porn game"  They both have a special connection and they wouldnt hurt each other.  If anything I feel like they dont sexs enough (outside of the transfer blow job)   I think you should be asking for a choice here to skip the scene, rather than complain about it being wrong. 

(3 edits)

Just starting out.. We start falling off a fishing boat.. but then we wake up in bed with a wife, daughter and a best friend that I also know nothing about.... Im so confused right now.  If it star making sense the more I play on  ? or explain what happened O_o

(1 edit)

I've liked it for the first 4 ep.... its interesting how the story is unfolding.  Pretty happy with the MC and most of his responses.  So hes not unlikeable. (I do have questions over his "capture" and loosing his g/f, but can leave that for another time)  And it appears its going to be harem since I see the option for it in the stats page, not being locked into a single route,  Girls are pretty fun or interesting....... or crazy <.< Dam Nicole...

Biggest negative/drawback, why did I only get 1/4 for Eliz scenes ? Why did I miss Nicole's 0/1 scene ????  That takes some fun out of the game if I am missing content during the game.  

Oh yeah, it had headpats.. positive++ ^_~

Anyway to turn the music down or off ?

(11 edits)

Ah thanks for replying.. Well I not against any thrilling horror moments,. or having the MC fight for his life in a tense battle when stumbling apon something related to the murders or not (meeting monster girls?). Or if he be involved in saving other girls from the first girl fate.  I was just curious if it was kinda have those darker tones. After giving the intro a shot, I think I know what killed her. I have my suspicion, and the autopsy was what I expected it to be. The answers I wanted :3 And this type of creature could be anyone ^_~.  Rest is for me to find out playing it :)

I know I shouldnt say more, but im curious why a murder crime scene wasnt guarded by police, Especially the brutality of it. Why was the teacher showing me, why not have that female officer waiting for him at the scene ? Waiting for the detective to arrive.

(1 edit)

In the description, saying you going to a school to investigate the murder of a dead girl, sounds depressing and ominous. I guessing it ties into the mention of monsters. So is it a bit of a horror story/element ?  The images certainly dont give the impression, But I have read enough manga to know otherwise ^_~

(6 edits)

The last update 1.4, I get this feeling my save game must be messed up a little. Some events repeat or feel bugged by my gut instinct. The stats dont reflect properly too.  It might be because I've played through the game over a series of updates and havent really completed the club since it takes so long to build and do anything with it, that something went wrong in my save file ?.  Not entirely sure.  I might need a fresh playthrough/new game ?  

After playing the 1.4 update, I knew we were close to the red head cheerleader, but were we so close to the others already ? Maybe because their events continued on now, I may of forgotten. 

As for going to the new world, I actually grateful you gave us a scene seckzing the queen, that was muh~, beautiful~.    The control got dispelled, but im assuming we left some hooks in her for future corrupting events ^_~ The same way I feel about her white headed Knight.  And on her topic, escaping the Queen, we gave her a full blast of energy. By her look on her face, I felt like it put her into super heat (re-awakening her from the last encounter ?).  But we simply made our escape and nothing happened.  But I see on the game page, theres a gift image of her in game, of us fucking her ?  Did I miss this somewhere ?  I never encountered this scene ?  I for sure would of tried to choose options to conquer her.  So im a little confused if I missed somewhere, or maybe its just game advertisement.

Oh yeah and lastly, that dam teacher is so dam annoying.  just makes me waste a whole day. which increases the chances she does the same shit the next week.  I find it annoying being honest. Telling her to get fucked, just means you can no longer access the school. Even tho I at least turn up for afternoon classes, it seems to mean nothing.  Cant you give us an option to sneak in, or jump the fence ?

(3 edits)

Seems promising.  Really liking Lynexis vamp eyes, was a great design choice.  But I wonder why Jessica has demon/beast like eyes ? Its a little odd for a human. 

MC pisses me off on occasion tho,  Even when he looks to do something competent/badass, he switches back into pussy mode right after sometimes.   but the perv scenes seem on par, touching those thighs was the best thing he did.  tho....I'd like to see him take his perv level even higher if I could choose ^_~

In all, its fine. Brenda is super cute.  Sophie really fooked up. I guess thats why it left on the cliff hanger of her crying.  She basically kicked him out oops.  So hes been hanging with Vynexis.

ps- not that into tattoo girls... but to each of their own hey.

(13 edits)

Well shes treated us as piece of garbage the whole time. Insulted us at every turn like nasty bitch (she even picks on the other sister? I didnt get the impression shes a nice caring sister). Now that we've "turned the tables" on her or going too. How can we start treating her nice ?  Was just my thoughts.    I wouldnt say im pissed off, I would say. Its more about getting what she deserves and that frustration the MCs suffered.  I just dont like the feeling shes going to get off the hook, after being so nasty towards the MC and the sister.

But dont get me wrong, im not about hating bitch character designs if the fit the story, I just like seeing they get what they deserve as progression in a game like this :)  . Whatever is planned for her,  is all rightfully in your court.

I just wanted to ask,, the Bitch sister (Kate?) Since shes been a bitch to us the whole game, Will there be a path were we treat her as our bitch once we subjugate her enough?  The only girl I really want to taste the real humiliation, cause she deserved it.

The heist scene worked ?  That was a terrible idea... REAL terrible idea. I expected it to be a bad ending... Robbing banks, you need to know what your doing, not just be some armature, and the MC was missing the point, that even if he TP into the vault.. er cameras ? If if you had a covered face, you just let the camera know you can teleport.  You bring it to light to authorities.   But.. I prefered and enjoyed loved the other route, Seducing Bonnies Step mother.  Im hoping down the line for 3somes with Bonny and they make up while serving their man :p  

(5 edits)

Quick to insult, and none have answered my question or request for more information.  And mass flagged it. But that gives me the notion that I cant ignore it. Otherwise you would of told me...  So lets leave it at that.

(3 edits)

I was able to progress the game without it, so that was good.

As for the game itself,. I havent played the new update content yet, But im enjoying the girls,  I love most yanderes (I dont like the pointless murder ones) so Ame is a big hit  :).  And Reis Intimidation presence personally is a nice touch.   Would just like to see more degenerate customers use both Rei and Ame with content of wanting to be stood/stepped on, being called insulting names, and other fem dominated quirks.  Rei gets annoyed by customers and Ame actually does hate them lol.  So they both work well :).  My heart breaks tho each time the MC treats Ame as a creep. Shes just special ^_~.  And the fact that the girls all know and have some history together, makes their group tighter from the get go.  Really curious the history on Cynthia and Rei. Sounds like Cynthia used to be a bitch queen?  Wonder how she changed.

So its nice each maid has their own strengths, which can be portrayed through their skill perks. I like that.   Tho speaking on perks. Some perks just feel flat out missed placed.  Like the automatic Collection, and the break room (+1 to break room and for 4k ?wtf)   That should be an upgrade to the breakroom, not a skill.  Money on a whole kinda feels off to me.  We are suppose to have loan payments, and I would like to see the girls at least have a wage (excluding Cynthia as shes co-owner).  But im going to assume that its still in the balancing phase, as loans are not implemented.   Which ties into the next point below.

You almost nailed the Cynthia Scene where she flits with the customer.  I didnt use the pins yet as im unsure if I want them having sex without being paid for it.  But giving her the "nod" to let the customer go ahead and touch her would of been what I wanted from a lewd cafe if they were "paying" for the service.  I like the idea the girls flirt and use their bodies to suck money out of the customers. Thats whole the point they would do. Ii really enjoyed  Cynthia letting herself get felt up, then came to the MC to be finished off to sedate her lust.   I just wish the event would of given you payout from the money she sucked from him.   Which would tie into the length a lewd cafe is trying to make money in a badly placed area.   I am treating it as a lewd cafe,  and it was mentioned in the story the girls should know what to expect when they joined.   So it just needs that icing on the cake here.  Like, why would a bf let his girl be felt up, if its not for the company.  Im assuming the other girls will start doing it deeper into the story ?  Its for the company!  Mc should being overseeing the girls are respected and not harmed too, that would be his job. .  As for the pins, thats just the next phase (penetration ?) and would be a greater service payout ?  I think it has to be set in stone why the MC lets his girls flirt and fool around. Its not just lewd cafe in name. I've noticed Cynthia is popular with the jocks, while Cookie seems to be popular with the nerds.  Great target for her to milk those nerds dry cause they want to talk and feel a "real" girl lol.  Cash to be made from them in extra service  ^_~

One final thing, Skills.. While charm, lewd and popularity make sense. But Looks kinda throws me off a bit.  At first I thought it would be a near static state with marginal gains (some girls look better than others) Say Rei and Cynthia are probably lookers, but Cookie is more average, but rather more cuteness. Which probably would add to the quirks of the maid.   But its current state makes it kinda hard to judge how this stat is suppose to scale. 

I know I've said alot, but this is just purely feedback, and since Ive said alot cause I have enjoyed it.  Defiantly want to see how this game develops.  I've noticed theres 2 placeholders for maids, 2 more to come ? and if I may suggest a new room for Karaoke bar/room ? Probably something to renovate in ?  Never got the VIP room to work putting maids in, but I can assume it just need the pins active, even tho it said customers only watch. 

(7 edits)

So after trying to train the slave, like Michelle who seems to be my first.  Is it normal that they start to hate and loose happiness as they keep rejecting training .  First time I tried to do a sexual activity, she got full into the BJ and was gaining arousal, I was just playing with options, so I reloaded and tried doing it for real.. and well never happened again. Everytime her arousal goes into the negatives ? (maybe it bugged out?).  I am assuming its normal that shes resisting and going negative, and that im looking at a long term pay off.  Until their willpower is in the dumps, I just need to worry about them escaping (I see her escape chance is raising), I did a wall upgrade hoping that might counter it a bit.
 But a question on escaping, if they escape, can I track them down and bring them back.  If it comes to that and I dont just reload a game. 
I assume theres a lovers path you could just let them be and give them everything they want. But thats not really slave training,  Thats her training and using you.  Can they be disciplined that ?

I havent figured out how to level discipline either.  Doesnt seem to be spanking.  My characters not really great at sexual skills or Spanking/bondage. So I guess that makes it harder ?

So what I take of it so far, Is its part of the process that you will get hated and disliked, until you can put their willpower in the dumps before making any good progress ? Once they've lost the willpower, is when real progress can be made ?   Let me know if im doing it totally wrong..  

Carrot and stick is what I went out with the idea to get started. but cant really reward them until they start deserving it.  Already give them a decent bed and decent meals :p nothing less. Unless you can options to make them sleep on the floor as punishments.  Trying to find something that works I guess.

(1 edit)

Glad I didnt add a new thread, when I can ask here :)
Im like Ookamimoo,  im new the game and kinda not familar with slave training games.  Any tips, hints and tutorial would be apricated. Right now its more like trial and error, and I dont really if im making it worse.  I got my first slave by freeing her from gansters laundering money.  She seems pretty compliant or wiling ?Saying she do anything  after being saved, but the more I try to train her, her happiness looks to be going down.   Im assuming the carrot and stick is the way to do this.  Should I been looking at it in the long term, where shes going to get miserable with her spartan training. But in the long run she will gain happiness back when most the harder training is over ?.  Seems her main skill is in academics too, so I guess I should be letting her study a little ?.   But what benefit would academics bring me ? Will she do my finances and run my businesses ?. That I dont understand. yet.   Theres alot of helpful lore information in the game, so thats good, but something to add to slaves would be nice.  I also did the massive cock, and massive load. I mean why not?  Every man wants that right.. But maybe that could go against me ?.  At least I love the kinky of having a massive load.  being able to jizz a fountain on your girl is a sight to behold.   Might reduce to impressive pp, if massive is going too much against me.  Also only allow two slaves huh ?  Im the type who gets attached to my slaves, like harem building.  So it will kinda suck for me, I wouldnt sell them unless I dislike/hate them.  Im fine with putting them out on loan (loan them to people like renting, ). Maybe theres more ideas like that for the future ?.  Im not really into slave flipping for profits. 

Other than that, the games been really brutal stating out. Following the main quest, the first mission I got totally owned... 1 vs 3 ? and I even did a solder start (and having a rifle early game) and he just get pawned cause the other 3 are pro soldiers,  I did many many reloads and tries, and I cant even hide.  best result I got was -2 fail.  And fighting them as a complete loss and perm injury.,  Surrender was the only option I could do,  Which is not the type of soldier MC I wanted.  Least breaking out was easier.   I've now learned that I should be hiring mercs,  So maybe if I hired 2 mercs with me.   But the game didnt tell me Im suppose to hire mercs straight away, especially for the first mission.  Only on the 3rd mission where im fighting 4 professionals ?  yikes.  Stories so brutal for a new comer. .  Even using soldier MC doesnt turn the tide that much for combat in the first mission. now the 3rd,  They wanted me to attack them within the week, but I hope I can delay the mission at least.  Doesnt give me the time to even attempt to train a slave for combat,

Also didnt like the MCs portraits (young) with teh scar on his face.  So I duped the middle age portrait, I hope in later versions we can at least choose from a bunch of them.   Also like the idea of a female MC, which I saw in another thread, but I full understand thats not an important goal right now.  I find female MCs nice in a world where you fighting as an underdog and noone expects anything from you, they just look down on you until you fuck them  up.  Fem dom all the way ^_~

(2 edits)

I was a little interested in giving this a try. but when I see in some of the comments you can choose the they/z as pronouns. Thats a big red flag for me.  I dont beleive in that bullshit. Only Him and Her exist in my dictionary, decided by whats between your legs.  If I chose to ignore it, will it ever come up again ?  I just want a little bit of information on this part.

(1 edit)

Think I just got that event, But it wouldnt let me choose Ria or Cookie, so choosing Cynthia worked.  Am I to assume Ria and Cookie are not implemented in this event yet ?

(3 edits)

So Finally got around to giving it a proper go.

Day 9, after VIP event.  I open  my phone and get a error pop up, and the only way out is hitting abort. which crashes the game.  Clear and copy dont seem to do anything.

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_but_phone_icon_objective:
DoAdd :: Execution Error
at gml_Object_obj_but_phone_icon_objective_Draw_0
gml_Object_obj_but_phone_icon_objective_Draw_0 (line -1)

Is the phone important or can I ignore it  ?  Can I continue the story without the phone ?

Played this awhile ago and thinking of giving it a shot again now since alot looks to be change/added.. But theres been one question on my mind even back then. Will she ever grow into a succubus form, like growing horns and a tail.  Or will it remain succubus in spirit ?. 

(5 edits)

After playing the new version

-- Loved the foxs beastial insticts coming out when shes horny. The licking, sniffing and panting.  It was pretty interesting. Then shes back to civil the next morning after calming down pretending like it didnt happen.  Cuming on the tail was the icing on the cake.  What a cultured MC.  I like where its going :D

--Holy fuck, Klaus can sing. Outstanding, but I still knew he was going to self destruct. He didnt disappoint. Fox is finally fed up with him heh.  Shes finally complaining.

-- I feel like MCs ment to be the one who breaks Erikas curse.... but.... I totally hope she stays like that, for a long time at least.. ngl, cause I'd total hit that (Kemonomimi that is, RIP Henry) .  Maybe if we got the succubus involved to confuse her feelings, she might wanna stay a pig girl for the MC, or not.. Just my wishful thinking :p. If the curse irreversible now, I'd be happy with that.

-- Finally got to see the succubus in action with Isabella Was nice to see her get involved with helping the MC like that. She really did us proud handling Isabella. I like her playing a more active role like that as MCs companion/winglady. So I enjoyed it. And her shenanigans :). 

--Figured Mia as a side character, and probably is. But shes sorta growing on me now where I want the MC to tame her like a main girl. But I also been looking forward to the lonely elf. I'll have to be patient for that I guess. 

Thank you for making this game, I been enjoying it.

So its like death by snu snu

(2 edits)

What do you mean, the Succubus is free game.  He rapes her, she rapes him back. The games begin! And if theres any other character into the play, then thats fine.    MC isnt going to just start raping random  girls,. thats not what I asking.  Is that the conclusion you came too ?

(4 edits)

Thank you for that, I wasnt aware the camp was open at night. I didnt think they were sleeping out there,  Yeah I can agree with the weak willed idea, and the elf certainly looked like a weak adventure, clearly only around cause leon wanted her :p.  But now, MC and Eris might be able to make something of her ?  maybe ? 

Eris seems to be my favorite I guess, guess thats why im eager to see her do some sabotaging to his group.  Wouldnt see it coming rom the top Adventure branch girl. Who they seem to respect and Leons obviously after her tail too.

(3 edits)

Well playing 0.5,  Im up to the part where I working on the loosers harem party,  I bought the wine, and I have 4 lust potions, but I cant give it to the dark elf, tells me to go away each time.   I cant find any option to mix it if im suppose to do it manually myself.  I looked in the alchemy crafting and t heres just nothing there.   Hitting the items icon doesnt even show the whine, but I lost my money and the elf at the inn no long has it for sale, since I bought it.

Constantly getting a crash report when I enter their camp too.  Hitting the ignore lets me continue. 

Other than that, its a shame Eris isnt helping out setting them up for us, cause that would be kinda hot.   And the first elf girl did kinda feel a little fast (well if you compare the work with the bunny and knoll girl)  But if her willpower is abysmally weak as it looks, then it makes sense :)

Whats the point of her boobs growing ?  What benefit does it do ?

(11 edits)

Seems interesting so far, for how short it was..  But I dont really get the point of looking for money everywhere.  MCs training arc tho is the best part of this. So great.  Spartan training.

As for the story, its an interesting turn when you learn the girls tragic fates.  But however I cant seem to see any redeem in Noriko. She a bitch through and through. and the notion that she used a false "rape accusation" to destroy someone's life.  makes me want to give up on her. I get tsunderes and try to see them redeemable/salvageable, but I feel shes malice from what I see.    Strangely enough, I didnt push the blackmail, just kept it in my arsenal for later.  Not sure if I made the right decision here.  Feel like she deserves it, or she can go back to the body bag.  Her type is the type I want to turn into a dog (bitch they are) so maybe I should push it :/ . The other girls that have made mistakes, have apologized like decent people, which makes it pleasant.

Also have "bad" vibes about his mate too. I mean sinister. <.<
lastly, this will be a harem right, I kinda like the AV girls ambitions (bring on her training arcs! :D), and also the tomboy who wants to make herself more girly seems fun (are we going to get to shape her?).  I dont want to have to choose a route :/

(1 edit)

After downloading the new 0.4, it seems this error was fixed and was able to progress. What we did to the stalkers mother was noice, muwh.  If only he had a sister(s) too ^_~.   See v0.5 is done, guess its waiting til it goes public :)

(3 edits)

Got around to playing the client (rather than a quick test of the browser). Its an interesting perspective playing the male origin. I like the options you present.  Most of my choices were the neutral, dont hate and resent it, but you not for enjoying it either (least at the start).   I Enjoyed the game and look forward to seeing it continue.  Some points ?  

- Sister, She disappears after a few days and doesnt really do anything. apart from the start  which kinda saddens me.  But I liked the direction.  I was really hoping she awaken the teasing her new little sis and getting intimate kink (I say kink, cause it be nice if she discovers it turns her on when it gets lewder).  If she did girly sisterly events like playing with hair, dressing you up and the more lewd stuff like showing you the pleasures of a woman sif teaching you being a girl isnt so bad.  I think it be some interesting events.  Well if you let her that is.  I felt  like stuff like in the changing room was in a good direction.   Maybe you dont want incest, but it be between girls, so pregnancy's isnt a issue. (slipped my mind its a new non-blood body, so its all fine)  Might actually be useful in the MCs training.   This is all under the assumption of the male origin.   Anyway thats what I think would be interesting with the sister, so take it with a grain of salt, I just see potential.  Like to think she'd continue to be pushy :)

-The first mission,  I felt you nailed it, well at least with my outcome.  and it was nice that the organization doest expect you to be any good (gives you time to to adjust and improve). It gives a relaxed feeling playing this story.  Anyway, the first mission. I went in there like a fish out of water, no idea what to do (from the male origin).. and it ended up with the MC stripping.  That was dam perfect.  We sucked, but we got the job done. Im interested in the future mission offers he gave, but I never saw him again. 

--Job Barmaid,  For me, storywise, I felt like this was the best training the MC could pick up, half of the motivation is for money, but the other half I felt like the MC could learn to be more social as a girl for his organization work. So I treated it more like the MCs training arc :p  interacting as a girl with the pubs.  Some good events in there that made me laugh, like selling socks.  I mean why not ?

--Pregnacy. I see its in the game, but im not usually into it unless its some unusual/monster preg.  It be nice if there was an option to turn pregnacy off, or being able to get on the pill and have it written off as a tax benefit for work :p.  I feel like it might disrupt our job.   But thats what I just feel.  just to have the option.

-- Still in favour of customization our girl from the start.  Then later letting us change for missions or whenever we feel like changing.  But thats just my opinion. 

Well leave it at that for now.  Dont want it too long.  But I enjoy the clothing system. Also loved the military barracks reacted to you walking in with a school uniform. That was great.   Also is there suppose to be roomies ?  I saw dialog asking how are my roomies, but as far as I know, they still on holidays ? or they just really good neets ? Feels like im the only one there.