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Can you go into greater depth about how the theme of Redesigning Failure applies to this game? Also, you’re trying to destroy your own temples right?

So, if your mortals are within double movement distance of an enemy temple and you get a moment of Mortal Idiocy, then wouldn’t that push your opponent a 1/4 closer to victory as the first option?

I haven’t been able to playtest yet, but I’m excited!

Yes you're right, the idea of the game is you are fighting both against your opponent and you own army as your devoted fools unknowingly attempt to sabotage your divine plan. the idea is that though you cant control all of your followers the rest are predictable allowing you to strategise. For the redesigning failure aspect I didn't think to deeply on it as I was in a bit of a rush but the main idea is in this game, killing your own army and destroying your own objectives is the win condition rather than that being the normal failure condition.  Thanks for the feedback.