check out their personal twitter as have talked about it recently.
Latest post there is august 22 which is still roughly three months difference between today's date then the most recent post.
Patreon is the same situation - mostly recent post is august 22 but without being a subscriber it has some hints about what may have been been worked on.
What I'm requesting is a simple text update of whats being worked on at the moment.
That's concerning news to say the least.
Maybe a holiday of sorts might be enough to rekindle Jaguar's drive to continue early in the new year.
Given the roadblock of not being able to create content, hiring someone for a percentage of the profits / income and being clear about the situation may solve that problem.
I agree. I care about his health and I hope that he feels content and assured soon. I also care about the game which he has created as honestly, it has me hooked, it made me continue to come back to this forum multiple times. I think the game is something unique and deserves to be fulfilled. All we can do for now though is make sure he will be okay and not just because he's the dev but also because he deserve it for being a nice guy.