umm how many days does it take for the casher to start showing weight? i've already did like 2 or so weeks of 1000 cal already.
1000 calories a day isn't much, so it's going to take a while at this rate.
Here's how things exactly work. Every character has a calories threshold they need to reach before they start gaining weight. For NPCs, this threshold is a bit lower than for playable characters, so assuming Emma is at her minimum weight, it shouldn't be any more than 500cal.
Then, once this threshold has been reached, any calories above the threshold will contribute to weight gain. The conversion rate is 3000cal = 1 kg.
So if you feed Emma 1000cal a day, she'll gain less than 200 grams every day, so 2.8kg in two weeks. That won't be noticeable.
Ah yes, that's what I understood, apologies. Well then that's pretty much the most you can do for now. The sprite changes every ~15kg, and in the first stages the changes are a bit subtle.
I'll implement other ways to fatten up NPCs. Once I release the next update, I'll start working on special events, where you can invite a NPC over and eventually do a stuffing / force-feeding session. This'll make the process a bit less of a grindfest.