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Is there a reason why I'm not gaining XP? I'm searching for the orb of illusion and Still lvl 1 and have zero XP....  

XP and levels isn't actually a mechanic I use in the game; you grow in power by completing quests and story events or by getting equipment (that comes through quest and story events.) I didn't use XP because I didn't want to incentivize or require repetitive, boring combat (grinding.)

I removed the level indicator in 0.9 to help eliminate confusion about this, but it's not publicly released yet.

Cool Thanks. I do have to say that I'm really digging the game! And Thank you for adding in the name change option!!! The story is a hilarious twist from normal RPG games. I think you have done a great job. The imagery is fantastic, but have you thought about making those scenes animated? 

Glad you're enjoying it! I may do animation at some point in the future when I move the art over to Blender, but I haven't decided.