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Having seen MMZ8's comment before playing the game, and thus knowing to check the menu when I was lost, I found I didn't struggle at all with figuring out where to go. 

So I think really, all that needs to be changed in regards to that is to just slap something in near the beginning that says something like, "check the menu (X) for guidance if you ever get lost" or something like that, instead of editing every dialogue and whatnot.

Other than that, I think the game is pretty decent. I think some things could do with improvement - the scenes are a bit funky looking, and the overworld sprites are definitely iffy, not that I blame you, lmao. I do like the core concept of the game, as well as smaller details, such as the different ways the Plane mirrors things. I think the last(?) spell you get, Delusion Digestion(?? digestion delusion? something like that) might be a bit too powerful, considering I was able to win the "boss fight"(????) very quickly, with just three De-whatever Di-whatevers. Also, this just personally irks me, but I wish you weren't forced to "prank" whats-her-name, when she's streaming. Would have appreciated an option to just wait.

I'm also curious as to how the(?) puzzle worked - I don't want to spoil it too much, but the one with the "seven". I somehow came out with a completely wrong solution, and the correct solution seemed wrong to me, so I'm curious how that all is intended to work out.

I'm very interested in seeing where this goes in the future. The writing is pretty good for what it is, and I think it has some good potential. 

Keep at it, dude!


Thanks for the huge reply! I love reading those!

You are correct. I should add the fact that you can use the menu in the beginning and I'll do it in day 6 update (coming out soon)

About the scenes and sprites looking funky... well... I got no defense here. I started drawing this year and I am not very good at it. I'd LOVE to hire a nice artist to draw and redraw the scenes, but I am not very popular, so for now, it's just me :)

The last spell was the latest addition and I didn't test it properly. The point of it is, that it does damage to you as well, so if you are not careful, you can die. I suppose I should increase the self-damage by some amount to make it high-risk high-reward. I'll work with the fights closer once I am near the endings.

The puzzle is about finding out about which offences the warden doesn't care about. This is a special type of jail, obviously and there is one guy who the warden shouldn't have caught in the first place. You are supposed to 'cross-examine' what the prisoners tell you and arrive at an answer.

Thank you a lot in the end. I love the criticism and praise equally. I'll keep at it and finish the project :)


Ah, okay - I guess I got tripped up too much with all the "lying" stuff - how one person accuses another of lying, and that just results in a big chain that completely changes the outcome of who's innocent.