Good plugin! Seems to be the only pathfinding plugin for that actually works with MZ3D. However my events seem a lot more slow and 'clumsy' then yours in the video. Any idea of what could be causing it?
I have npc's being spawned in and I tried setting the script command in their move route to:
KoTCPathfindToTarget(this._eventId, 13)
It works but the NPC's seem to get stuck in these back and forth movements before deciding on a path. Sometimes they slowly stop working all together. Unfortuntely my game requires the events to make it to their destination in a set time frame. At this point they're taking way too long for even a demo release. One thing I'm wondering is if you added an option in the drop down commands to have the target be not just 0 for player and 1 and above for events but also an option for this._event() ?
If you need any more documentation let me know. I would really love to see this plugin running smoothly in my game. And I will definitely tip for the help!