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A member registered Jul 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Very polished project. The original art is phenomenal and the script is well written. The design of the clue board was really neat. Overall SOLID submission. 

Alot of neat mechanics put into an interesting demo. I really enjoyed the ability to add optional dev commentary. 

Definitely left me with an itch for a good text adventure.

(1 edit)

Someone recently found a bug in the game during the Labyrinth. PLEASE DO NOT PRESS C,V, OR B WHILE EXPLORING THE LABYRINTH. Doing so will allow the player to exploit the game and zoom out and see the whole labyrinth, also it consequentially reduces the movement speed drastically making searching the labyrinth a literal hell. Unfortunately I cannot fix this considering how Unity changes aren't able to be saved if going back to edit in SGB. 

Also: There are 5 stones to collect in the labyrinth. I highly recommend, if you plan to collect all 25, to find the 5 stones BEFORE entering the portal, the reason for this is due to another small bug where returning to the labyrinth post game keeps your movement speed at 2 rather than increasing it to 3 to allow for faster exploration as originally intended.

Lastly: Just FYI there is post credits content.

Yay thank you so much! I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

It's funny I'm also using Mz3D for my upcoming project. And its also cyberspace themed XD mines a nightclub  management sim though. 

You said MegaMan Battle Network and you got your first sale. Cant wait to try this out. Let me know if you need beta testers.

Doesn't seem to work at all with MZ3D

Perfect! I'll try this updated version tonight and let you know ASAP! TYSM!

(2 edits)

Good plugin! Seems to be the only pathfinding plugin for that actually works with MZ3D. However my events seem a lot more slow and 'clumsy' then yours in the video. Any idea of what could be causing it?

 I have npc's being spawned in and I tried setting the script command in their move route to:

  KoTCPathfindToTarget(this._eventId, 13)

 It works but the NPC's seem to get stuck in these back and forth movements before deciding on a path. Sometimes they slowly stop working all together. Unfortuntely my game requires the events to make it to their destination in a set time frame. At this point they're taking way too long for even a demo release. One thing I'm wondering is if you added an option in the drop down commands to have the target be not just 0 for player and 1 and above for events but also an option for this._event() ?

 If you need any more documentation let me know. I would really love to see this plugin running smoothly in my game. And I will definitely tip for the help! 

Thank you for the quick response! I’m using the BabylonJS provided by this plugin page. The duck example works also a couple others I’ve tried work but they don’t require textures. It’s seem though the vast majority don’t even load. I tried a flashlight model that worked one time and now doesn’t. If I knew what kind of objects CANT be used that would help in my search of new material. Last night I went through almost 20 objects before I found a flashlight that worked. Otherwise this plugin is great and is well worth the money. I would’ve paid more to be honest.

Great plugin! However I can't get any models to work that come with texture png images. I'm using gltf files as recommended. Any help would be appreciated!