Thanks very much for the kind words and for all of the feedback! :DDDD
As for the writing in the game, I'm very much an amateur and still have a ton to learn, and I owe so much to my cowriter and editor Sooz, who took a lot of my dialog and made it 100% more readable and snappier. Tone is hard to nail down and this whole game was an experiment in contrasts, so I understand that it's pretty rough, but I'm very glad it gelled with you in the end!
*SPOILERS below for anyone who hasn't beaten the game yet, but...*
As for the post game ending stuff, perhaps I explained it badly in a previous post. Rather than "whatever you think the answer was," I feel like the mystery of what's going on is more compelling than a straight answer. The Outer Evocations now have a brand new dimension as their playground and that may or may not be such a good thing, cosmologically or otherwise. I feel like going into any details beyond that defeats the purpose. Not to mention that keeping it vague leaves open doors if I do sequels or spinoffs. Perhaps it's not satisfying to have the ultimate future of what the Outers will do absent in-game and perhaps that's a mistake on my part, but that's ultimately what I came up with for the ending.
As for the diegetic and meta talk, the person who asks you if you are satisfied is very much a character in the narrative, someone who finds the temptation of exploring more of the forbidden infernal regions too tempting to leave alone. Did the rewind actually happen in the narrative? I doubt any of the characters would make that choice, but they weren't the ones being asked. As you said, I don't consider anything from Makyo to be canon within the ending going forward (as it could conflict with possible sequel ideas) but I still agree that exploring more of the Firstborn Child in some other game could be a lot of fun, I'll definitely keep that in mind :D
Congrats on the pro translating! The organic translation machine exists because, when I released a version of the game with about half the content (up to the end of the school) I noticed no one had been attempting to translate the ciphers. On top of that, a few people had requested a way to do it automatically, so the organic machine was put in there for them. Since then, however, I've been delighted to see a small handful of people take up the ciphering quest and mastering it. That was super fulfilling! You have my respect for that as well! And yeah, it would have been fun to combine the languages to really throw people for a loop, but I didn't think of it XD;
Thanks again for all of your comments and I'm so happy you liked the game! :DDD