No, the legendary swords in the Challenge Floors of the Spire of Courage are infinetely superior than the eagle.
Also, you won't get the CG scene of her, if you hold onto it.
...I guess if that's the case i should just not submit the quest ever. xD since it's the better option compared to having 'triton's love'. here me out 1st why that is my reasoning;(note: this is just a personal opinion, and not to be taken seriously.. xD) going physical damage path (which is the other swords are good for since ryen only has access to physical skills other than that skill that deals phys+magic[good dmg but lacks the AOE] and that dark magic element AOE which doesn't really counter any raids atm).. yes you do much more damage with normal attacks(specially when dealing crits, but that is very unreliable since Ryen doesn't have max crit skills like Mirel and Elly), but the drawback is you need to accumulate a lot of TPs just to get to max potential in every fight (where the OP sword really matters like Raids or OP enemies) , you also need to have atleast 2(if you just use flame blade) - 3 different elemental swords against the raids. while having the Eagle(+ potentially Excalibro or Golden/Magic Sword if you don't have access to excalibro yet) and going max potential doesn't require you TPs at all or at least just need 60 if you also use 'dragonic' buff. Corrupt magic doesn't require TPs, casting the element skills doesn't cost TPs as well and that 1 debuff from ryen's magic tree route also doesn't require TPs and it mana burns the enemy too. also you literally can counter all 3 raids (with fire elem for nature, lightning elem for ice and water for fire) with just the eagle. you can literally start nuking on Ryen's turn 3 or 4... one of the cases where this magic strat is most useful is when doing the Nature raid's challenge run against all 3 managers at the 3rd round of the fight. since if when the battle is prolonged they have the chance of wiping out your party with their absurd instant kill skills and AOE spells (and casting flame blade if you don't have fire element sword or using triton's love for max stats.. also adds 1 turn before you can start dealing damage with Ryen). the sooner you deal damage the better chances of winning. it also frees the other members of the party from being a TP pot feeder. instead they can focus on support skills, dealing damage, heal hp/sp and resurrect fallen allies which increases the chance of survival/winning. Sorry for that long , boring and grammarless ramble. xD I just get all hyper when trying to explain something.
I mean I dont disagree with that I also used the sword as long as I needed it for those raids but once I hit the level and gear where you can just clean the raids without needing to max out your potential I turned in the quest just to get those last CGs that I needed to 100% the game. Also speaking about damage dealing options the "meteor stricke" skill is an AOE attack that does more dmg then those magic attacks from the eagle especially if you max out your physical dmg and all you need is to have 1 person in my case the tank Trey which doesnt really do any dmg anyway if used for tanking to give Ryen one of those 50 TP potions and then you can just swipe thru the raids aswell so both are good options its basically what suits your playstyle better. ;)