Man, this is unplayable. Lust meter hitting 100 is like a damned stun lock. No way to reduce lust. When lust hits 100, you can only act a few times before you reach a point where you just don't get a turn and you just get to watch the goblins beat your characters to death.
Dungeon is a meandering hallway. Only one opportunity to heal in the entire dungeon and it doesn't reduce lust! Why don't you just have the statue say, "Haha! Fuck you!" I mean, it kind of already does!
You're not beating the goblins at the end of the dungeon, not a chance in hell.
I hope you're not expecting this demo to sell games. Sex can sell a lot of things, but I promise it won't sell this broken shit. It's amazing anyone would think it was a good idea to put a demo out in this state. The characters are supposed to fuck. The player isn't supposed to get raped. The fact that this game looks so good is only going to piss people off more. You might want to look into the history of successful games that had shit demos. I'm not sure any exist.
This is your marketing. You have to be out of your mind to release a demo in this state. It's like you WANT to fail.
Oh! You still can't heal in town!!! (Yeah, I read phyire's comment). Man, I'm trying to have fun. I just wasted an hour I can't get back! Screw this game.