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A member registered May 18, 2014 · View creator page →

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I've posted an updated version that directs players to the guild. When you enter the town map from the academy exterior, you'll trigger an event that will tell you where the guild is. You can trigger it every time you cross it until you actually find the guild, at which point, the event will switch off. The issues you mention are a bit much to redo. Especially for a jam game. And yes, the freezing bug was fixed last night. I could have probably found a better way to implement what was causing it, but I decided to just delete the event.

NOW, it's up!

I've uploaded a fixed version. Sorry about that!

Ah! A quality of life feature I put in the dungeons decided to suddenly not work. Simple matter to remove it. It's just a QoL feature.

- Okay, this is some interesting flavor for what is basically standard combat.

- So, what you were talking about in the first fight, it would probably better if the main character came with a set of skills that he could use instead of just lecturing them. Ordinarily button mashing risks getting old fast in normal combat, but after giving that intro to combat, it's a lot more disappointing because you don't have any skills to use to get the most out of what you're trying to accomplish with combat.

- I like this character portrait. The art has a lot of personality.

- Whoops! The character portrait doesn't erase if you interact with the book on the desk!

- Nia's character portrait is good too! Shame we only get to see it once and then you keep using the MC's character portrait for all of her conversation!

- Oh, there we go. In the second conversation, the portraits work normally.

- You're forgetting to close character portraits a lot. It's make navigating a little tricky. But now I've got two nice portraits on the screen, so it's got its pros. Should probably fix that, though, lol!

- Note to self: to get the portraits off the screen, check the calendar.

- HAVEN'T explained that you're more than just a scarecrow! Saying you're more than just a scarecrow isn't explaining; it's exclaiming!

- Oh, this section has some promise. Is the garden for crafting, perchance? If so, I am definitely interested in seeing a much less broken version of this.

- Oh, dear. Accessing the garden without inventory for it soft-locks the game, I'm afraid. Let's try this again.

- Back to the scarecrow now. Do NOT interact with the garden yet...

- Oh! He gives you seeds if you don't give him guff! I'll save anyway, just in case it soft-locks me again.

- Indeed, the fact that I have seeds in my inventory doesn't matter; it still soft-locks me. Oh well, at least I saved this time.

- What in the world? Does saving the game not take you to where you saved? Where am I? I thought I was...what? I've never even been there! I've only gone through the upper portion of the main hall! How did you...? How is this save system working??? CAN AN RPG MAKER SAVE SYSTEM EVEN WORK LIKE THIS??? Okay, so...the first playthrough. I didn't save and soft-locked when I interacted with the garden. Second play through, I saved in every room, just in case, and at the garden, it soft-locked even though I had inventory on the second go. So, I reloaded my most recent save...which was in the garden after I got the inventory from the scarecrow. I reloaded it, and for some reason it dropped me in the main hall so I figured that for some reason, it just hadn't read my garden save. So, I go back in the direction of the garden, but I'm in a completely different hall and I walk into a classroom, and so I go back, and I try to go up into the cafeteria, but the walk's way longer, and so, I'm really confused! Yes, I'm in the main hall, but I've never explored it! I've never been here before! Why did the save open here? How is this even working???

- Word of advice; set dash to "always on". It's just a quality of life thing I've learned over the years of let's players yelling at my MV games...

- Okay, navigation in general is screwy. Leaving Whydah's class drops you in the upper left of the main hall. Saving drops you in the lower middle ( But if you go back the way you came to get to Whydah's class, you end up at the library. To get back to Whydah's class, you go through the lower left, and find yourself in a hall that leads to the workshop, and then to Whydah's class, which is not where you come from when leaving.

- Different colored book cabinets, but interacting with them accomplishes nothing. The library is gaslighting me!

- Customizable quarters! No idea how to customize, though, or if it's even been implemented. Doesn't seem to be.

- The headmaster's office is by the cafeteria! Okay, this definitely needs a map, or a less confusing layout. One of the two!

- So, look. The art everyone's using is really good across this jam, but I got to level with you; you're using my favorite character portraits. I'm seriously loving this art. Are they yours or a pack?

- Well, this took a real dark turn. So, just to be clear, any "Dark wizards" in a society like this aren't the bad guys.

- Oh, now decorator mode is on! This is a good one!

- Divination seeing that students turn evil and deciding the best course of action is to kill them. This is a really awesome story-hook and has a ton of potential. My issue here is the decision makers. A teacher in the scenario is the guide for these students, and knowing their future, has the power to turn them onto a different course without killing them. A teacher would know this. Whydah, the soldier not understanding this is fine. "I'm no teacher" is a pretty consistent dialogue option. The headmaster, however, should absolutely understand this. In this scenario, he's either an incompetent headmaster, or he's an authoritarian, unqualified as a teacher, but asserting himself as a rulemaker. But this seems like an amazing idea to give this choice to the player. Kill the students, ruin your character's life, but save the world? Try turn the students down a better path and succeed? Or fail? Or join the students against a headmaster that by doctrine alone is just as bad of a dark wizard as any he's trying to destroy. Just because he's not twirling his mustache and clearly struggles with the evil he "has to" do, doesn't mean he's not evil.

In case it's not obvious, despite all of the really serious problems this game has, I'm really enjoying this. Now, I've reached a point where nothing new is triggering, so I'll go ahead and call it done and give it a rating.

For anyone that has downloaded this game, the dev put a copy up without an executable. If you have MV, this is easy to deal with. Simply take one of your MV projects, copy the Game.rproject executable from that and drop it into his folder. It'll pull the game right up.

- The game screen is obscured in the app.

- You forgot to turn off the SHIFT fast-text feature for devs. I can't actually see the text because of the screen so it doesn't matter.

- Slimes glitched out of existence. I'm still fighting their shadows, though. Also a bunch of couple image errors in combat: NiaBattler, DorianBattler.

- Yeah, I got stuck on a loading screen after combat.

I'll try again later. I can't rate it like this.


- At the very least, make the combat tutorial playable. Once you get past the opening cutscene, if you keep going into cutscenes, it gets annoying. I really hate it when a game won't let me play.

- I do like the combat system. This is a really good one.

- Oh, you really were pressed for time, weren't you? Pencil sketches as character graphic placeholders. I do really like the sketch art, though. Have you considered making a game in a sketch art style? I'm assuming this is why there were no sound effects in combat.

- I do like these character sprites, though.

- You could definitely stand to do some shift+mapping.

- Found the customizable space, but I have no idea what to do at these lab stations or what they're for.

- I'm really enjoying your character art.

- This font is so big. Not a complaint, btw.

- You got this big red square--I'm assuming it's a carpet--set to star passability. It's huge, and unless it's a carpet, I see no reason for it to be where it is.

I'm sorry, though. I really have no idea what I'm actually supposed to be doing. I did the class lesson, and nothing happened. I'm wandering around and nothing's triggering. I wanted to score gameplay high for combat, but that's all I could really get out of this game, and I have to leave the building to even find combat, and I'm pretty sure that's not what I was supposed to do.

- A goblin protagonist! Why didn't I think of a monster girl protagonist!

- Yeah, cannibals are, indeed, less intimidating if they're not the same species as you.

- Can't be a school without a bully...

- OMG!!! Emotional Support Familiar! I can't even...I love it!

- Aww...Kica really is working through some trauma, huh?

- Encounter rate's a little on the annoying side, but it's not nearly as bad as it could be.

- Aargh! I just realized you rebound the keys for a gaming setup! I thought keyboard controls just weren't working for some reason.

- There are so many interesting and neat characters! I'm really loving this!

- I haven't been able to use any of Bugaboo's special abilities once since the Carnivore Gourd. His TP just doesn't go up enough in regular combat.

- Ah! Yes! Just immediately tell her all about it! Instead of saying, you know, literally anything else! "Yo, I'm in the sewer 'cause Cordelia cramps my style!" How hard is that? Villains too stupid to succeed...

- The sink and mirror is set to O passability.

- School windows are set to O passability.

- Finally got a chance to use Powered Claws.

- Oh...Gourd trauma! 

Well, I don't have time to finish this today, but I have to say, this is shaping up to be an easy favorite.

This is interesting. At first I thought that controlling a sprite this way was going to get old pretty fast, but it didn't. Instead, I got used to it. It's a pretty counterintuitive concept for a puzzle game that strangely works.


Thank you!

This one's really good! I like the gameplay but it's a little tricky. There's no good indication for when to hit or block, and even what seems like perfect timing often doesn't work. I feel like a system like this needs a lot of refinement, and controls need to be tight. Without clear indicators, it will probably be impossible for players to get it right. I thought there were blocking indicators, but timing with that ring power up often doesn't work for block either. I can usually get the first block to work, but the second block is completely unreliable.

Also, I would play a whole game about Gabbo and Gobbo, no joke.

This is neat! I like the pseudo-3D type games. I have nothing to complain about, so, good game!

So, I found a glitch. On the fourth puzzle, I discovered I could just walk around the orange gate to the next puzzle.

But I really enjoy this! It's really cute!

So, I found a glitch. On the fourth puzzle, I discovered I could just walk around the orange gate to the next puzzle.

So, there's really no point in forcing players to sit there for a painfully long wait time for every single text box, and every single sentence within the text box. It's really exhausting.

But, it was a really neat atmosphere, and these cutscenes were so well done! It just shouldn't have taken 22 minutes to get through it.

Downloaded! I'll play it when I have the chance!

STAR FALL community · Created a new topic Community Rules
(1 edit)
  • Be courteous to one another.
  • Don't lewd the forum! This isn't the place for NSFW!
  • Just because we have political intrigue in the game doesn't mean we want it in the forum. The only politics you should be discussing is Star Fall politics.
  • No advertising. No spam. No scams. I'm just going to assume they're all a scam.
  • Don't do things that will make me make more rules.
  • Other than that, welcome to the forum! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Thanks for pointing out the glitch. I have fixed that and will upload it after the competition has ended. For people reading this in the future, on the current version of the game, instead of walking through, trigger the fight by interacting with the little cave to the right of the map.

Yes, I am considering making Harper a party member and giving her a helper on her way out of the Dark Realm. For narrative purposes, she'd be on her own against the initial kobolds. The only reason I didn't do it is because I decided to make my own feat and ability score increase system because the script didn't have feat functionality and the ability score increase definitely didn't work RAW.

Yeah, I think if I took more time with it, I could probably make the combat balance a lot better, and I definitely need to put more loot in the early section.

Thank you so much for playing and posting on it.

I wondered what I should say, because you're absolutely correct, and I need to address it, but RNG is the core of D&D combat. I think what I can try is making the items that are available at the beginning more apparent because there's a dagger that you can get in the ruins that make combat a lot easier. In the demo version, it's glitched in the player's favor. I forgot to assign a skill to it, so it's using VX Ace's basic attack skill. But even if it wasn't glitched, just the extra attack it gives demonstrably makes combat so much less frustrating (because at level four, one of the feats is Elven Finesse, and that also gives you an extra attack. So, even with a glitched dagger, I still have a feat that demonstrates what it would be to have a proper second attack.). But I know that if I'm not going to change the RNG (and I'm not), then I have to change something else. I had hoped that the no-death method I'm using would make the combat a little more tolerable, but it doesn't seem like it's helping as much as I hoped it would.

Thank you! Credit to Frogge, also! His account here is

Okay, I found the app, downloaded it and downloaded one of my games. I don't actually think I have control over that. 

I don't understand. I've checked them both and they appear to be downloading fine. has an app?

(2 edits)

Man, this is unplayable. Lust meter hitting 100 is like a damned stun lock. No way to reduce lust. When lust hits 100, you can only act a few times before you reach a point where you just don't get a turn and you just get to watch the goblins beat your characters to death.

Dungeon is a meandering hallway. Only one opportunity to heal in the entire dungeon and it doesn't reduce lust! Why don't you just have the statue say, "Haha! Fuck you!" I mean, it kind of already does!

You're not beating the goblins at the end of the dungeon, not a chance in hell.

I hope you're not expecting this demo to sell games. Sex can sell a lot of things, but I promise it won't sell this broken shit. It's amazing anyone would think it was a good idea to put a demo out in this state. The characters are supposed to fuck. The player isn't supposed to get raped. The fact that this game looks so good is only going to piss people off more. You might want to look into the history of successful games that had shit demos. I'm not sure any exist.

This is your marketing. You have to be out of your mind to release a demo in this state. It's like you WANT to fail.

Oh! You still can't heal in town!!! (Yeah, I read phyire's comment). Man, I'm trying to have fun. I just wasted an hour I can't get back! Screw this game.


Yeah, can't even kill six or seven. Enemies are bullet sponges and your health is terrible. I know balancing is hard, but it seems like you're not even trying.

Voting's already over?  That's a really short voting time for this many games!  Anyway, this was fantastic.  I wanted to give this five stars!  There was a weird glitch that after you got hit by an arrow, you'd turn around backwards every time you stopped, but that was the only issue!  This game was a lot of fun!  I'd keep playing more levels of this!

Yep.  Same here.  Title screen has no menu and it just loops.

Ah, it's okay!  You still had plenty of Monty Python Holy Grail references in there anyway.

Good to know!

Missed opportunity with the sword and the beggar!  "You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"

(2 edits)

Oh, my goodness!  I found a game that actually has an ending!  I'm loved by the people!  Is there a bad ending, I wonder?


This is a fun little game!

So...glitchy as all hell, but it was cute!  Loved the singing cats!  And boy, when you reset the multijump through the platforms, it was like a catapult!

Well done!  Very pretty game.  Love the models!

Okay, this game is beautiful.  It really is...but what is going on???  Is this a horror game pretending to be a game about a cool cat?  The cat's character controller not only starts falling apart but the animation blend tree also starts to fall apart as the cat begins to morph into this eldritch horror black blob with paws going in impossible directions!  I mean, seriously!  I should have screencapped this!  The cat becomes nightmare fuel!  Good effort, though!  And it looks really sharp!