I am here to resolve something. I need your help to do so. But this includes children's death so continue at your own risk.
5 children went out to play. They go play on train tracks like idiots. So 4 kids decide to go play on the open track closer to them and more fun looking while the other goes to play on the closed track as to not risk his life. So a train comes through the open track and the 4 children don't notice and now someone is at the lever controlling the track and they have the option to either leave it be and kill the 4 children or pull the lever and kill the one. So they pull the lever, 4 lives over 1 right? But you see the 4 children were stupid to play on the open track in the first place. It's 4 dumb lives and 1 smart one. The smart one went on the closed track to be safe. Is it really fair to punish him for being smart? Is it really fair to kill 4 children over 1? What do you think is the right choice?