Hi, I basically forgot about this game for several months and was pleasantly surprised to see how much new content there was! A few notes:
-Elena seems too powerful later in the game- Mana Siphon and most things dropping mana when you kill them means that you're almost always near or at full mana, and are therefore limited in stacking Magic Shield only in cooldown. If you avoid directly attacking most things you can't oneshot, don't step on Purifiers, and eliminate Toxic Mushrooms with Dynamite and spear traps whenever possible, you can generate and keep an obscene amount of Magic Shields. In addition, if you get your Attack up to the point where you can one-shot most things (entirely possible with a bit of luck) you can usually keep it that way, given your Attack will only decrease by one for each kill. Add my luck in getting this relic:
And you can get something like this:
(I think this is what having won looks like.)
At this point, I'm more likely to get bored and close out of the game than I am to die. Thoughts?