oh also how do i take screenshots of the game lol,i was tryna show it to my friends and it simply just showed the script thing not the actual game
Is it running full screen, or in a window? And what OS are you running it on?
In any case, the problem may be that the default resolution, 640x480, does not work well on a modern system. To change it you have to edit the file settings.txt. Comment out (with a #) the "resolution 640x480 fullscreen line" and uncomment, say, the 800x600 one.
I mean open the file "settings.txt" in notepad or similar. There are some lines #resolution 640 400 fullscreen resolution 640 480 fullscreen #resolution 800 500 fullscreen #resolution 800 600 fullscreen #resolution 1680 1050 fullscreen #resolution 640 400 windowed change this to #resolution 640 400 fullscreen #resolution 640 480 fullscreen #resolution 800 500 fullscreen resolution 800 600 fullscreen #resolution 1680 1050 fullscreen #resolution 640 400 windowed and save it. See if it works any better. What I hope will happen is that your monitor will recognize this as a valid fullscreen resolution and will rescale it to fill the whole screen (the game is supposed to be a bit pixelated). If it doesn't, there may be some monitor setting you can change in windows. Otherwise just try your monitor's native resolution (so you will lose the pixelation). You don't really need to mess with the commenting and uncommenting; you can just delete "800 600" (or whichever line is uncommented) and write whatever numbers you want.
That's not exactly a bug. There are commands to reposition planes after spawning them. Look at the files in the scripts directory for what these look like.
You can also put your own scripts there, and run them by typing "run <script name>" in the command console. Try "run test".
There are no plans for updates - it's a ten year old game now.
Script commands look like e.g.: spawn meteor position (-4020 4000 40) direction (1 0 0) speed 125 power 1.0 rename "Meteor Red 2" pilot_name McKenzie handle red2 make_wingman_to red1
That's creating it; positioning it etc. ... the last two lines are giving it a name red2 to use in later commands, and then making it a wingman to red1 (assuming we an earlier plane the name red1) . There is also something about factions I don't remember - you'll have to look at the other files in the scripts directory.