That's just it being written weird. It says end of the game version, but it actually means the mini-arc of the story.
I believe arc 1 is, get crystal and do experiments with science girl, break gamer's console, butter up scientist and gamer's affection in evening, break into leader's house at night for wifi and fail, then pay shady to get you an usb to hack it, talk to nurse for job, talk to nurse during day for almost fainting(? not sure if arc 1 or 2), teach classes during day.
There's at least 4 arcs. I've hit another dead end and have to restart once again. Luckily I kept the grinding save.
Before completing arc 1, just grind money. Because after arc 2, you have no way to earn money, but you need a ton of money. Dead end. Walkthough doesn't have the answer. I've talked to every NPC at morning, day, evening, and night to see if they'll offer an option. I've tried googling it. I'm even gone to multiple pirate sites to look through the comment sections to see if anyone mentioned an answer. Nothing.
Just grind the money, save it. Then move on with the storyline. Don't overwrite the save, in case you don't have enough money. Just load it and grind until you have enough to continue. Work, go home, spam time change, sleep, walk, work, repeat. Hold space or left click to skip dialogue. Takes 2 hour+ to grind. I just play youtube videos while grinding. Simply because I'm stubborn and want to know what's next. If you don't have the time and am fine with missing scenes, $50 is enough for crystals and usb. That'll give you quite a lot of scenes with scientist and gamer. Then you can just download and play Part 2 Futa Quest. Which they renamed to Futa Quest in the downloads. Currently it's at ver 1.05
At least $220
Crystal 1 and 2 - $30 ($15 each)
Usb - $20
Nurse drinking nights (confirmed 1 and 2, no idea of total) - $75+ ($15 each, guessing it's 5 nights total)
Book for Princess - $45
Gift for gamer? (avatar mentions getting a gift twice, I've hit a dead end with princess book, so no way to verify if gamer gift is real) - ??? putting it at $50 to be safe, since book was $45. Implied that player will buy gamer's favorite movie thing with the deleted scenes as a gift.
Maybe more stuff? If more gifts are needed in later arcs.