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It was really cool to see a take on the top down action game that was melee based. I've played a lot of these where you shoot projectiles, and it was a new and challenging experience to get up close and personal with the enemies. It was a nice touch to signpost the enemies attacks which i felt made the combat fair while still retaining the challenge.

I know in these game jams we are probably already aware of all the bugs and just didn't have time to fix them, but when i died and kept getting stabbed my health meter just kept increasing with empty health segments. I could also keep stabbing but could not move. I'm certain you are aware but just mentioning it in the very small chance you hadn't seen it happen.

I like the unique character design.

I had a great time burninating the peasants in their thatch-roof cottages! 


Thanks for the feedback! Yes we found this bug just after the deadline. I'd hotfix it but I know that may be against the rules so we'll just have to leave it warts and all haha.