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Hypersphere Studio

A member registered Oct 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yeah. At first I didn't give the player any crystals to use for those levels. But then a tester told me he had expected to at least have one to play around with at game start so I put them back in.

Thanks for trying it out!

It's actually assigned to physical keys. I know how to change it but can't change until after judging. Thanks for letting me know!

(1 edit)

Thank you. We talked quite a bit about the tradeoffs in the mechanics and I'm glad you found them to be compelling.  And thanks for not spoiling the ending in the comments!

Thanks! That's a great compliment.

Thanks! I'll be sure to reuse that one in future jams lol.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes we found this bug just after the deadline. I'd hotfix it but I know that may be against the rules so we'll just have to leave it warts and all haha.