Fantastic and fun
Great voice lines and innovative gameplay. I also enjoyed the ode to box surfing later on. Also Great touch to have the game become more dilapidated as you continue to "break" it. Overall a well rounded experience. The gallery theme was great and the sense of humour throughout was refreshing. I also enjoyed the level design, with creative placements of the goal and the use of camera angles and shadows in later levels that pose a bit of a challanging almost physics puzzle.
You guys obviously had a blast making this and it shows in its presentation and screenshots. My only cretiques really are on presentation. Small stuff mainly. For instance, the (Unless you Cheat) portion of the title is giving it away. Hinting to the player that they can "cheat" the game could have been done more creatively. I'm not sure exactly how one could go about doing that in game but I imagine through some context clues or dialogue to hint that the game is maybe "incomplete" or "buggy" would have done the trick? This is done well in later levels though.
The highlight for me is that ending (</3)