Hi! the concept is great as I mentioned before. 4x games are usually too intimidating to me, but this was easily approachable and pretty fun. The art was also pretty good and the coding was slick! everything looks smooth and polished, no weird pops or music breaks or anything like that. It feels FINISHED.
Some thing we could work on:
- I think everything happens too fast and it's a little too spammy. When I play something like this I think of Starcraft. I send my worker to build something and I have time to look around the map, control my other units, or even just wait. This should feel like an army simluator, but in some cases it feels like a single character game because I have to babysit the same dude until he's done with all his dialogue options.
- I didn't even notice hunger or health, to the point where I never managed them and was able to finish the game easily. Maybe more notifications on what is going on with those effects or more serious consequences would be nice.
- There is very little tension overall... for example, why would I say "no" to any of my recruits? there is no tradeoff and I didn't navigate through dialogue options to feel like I earned it. Going back to RTS games, there's always a trade off if you want more stuff: you have to build another base to have enough resources, you have to keep your population low or they start eating too much food, things like that. I'd like to feel like I'm making a choice when presented with a recruit.
- The game can get a little droning towards the end... I'd add little "mobile game" flair like a sound effect when your dudes make money, and a big, long sound effect or text popup when you finish a night. I didn't even notice nights half the time! "oh, I guess I've been here for 12 nights" :P
- I found some typos, don't remember exactly where but I did write down the characters: Typos in conversations with Abdulah, Ina, Hendrik, lone girl smoking, and Makawee.
The game is really good, and shows great potential! for the me the biggest issue was the lack of tension. At no point did I feel like I could lose, even with vampire hunters running all over the place. Also, I'd love to know more about Portland through the dialogue.