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This was a wonderful experience for me today. I was feeling a bit low energy and this matched perfectly. It actually carried great optimism which infected me, so thank you. I take perspective on the words themselves however, I am really curious about the meaning of it all versus actual interpretation. I loved the old music and style of this game which really fit the narrative. The exploration feature is flawless, especially considering it has a section designed for the player to loop around for a bit. Overall, I loved this experience and what it brought to my evening, Wonderful work! I hope all of your future developments yield equal success. 


Hi! Thanks for playing and for the video, I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't sure how would a player experience the game, so it was really nice to see you go through it blind. About the meaning of it, i'd rather leave it open to interpretation.

Thank you for the review and hope you have a nice day!