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art for the one scene I saw was very decent..


the gameplay is pretty annoying.

and the story doesnt help that fact.

thats what I have gotten out of 5+ hours of play.

your mileage may vary if you're a Potter fan, 

I've watched a couple movies, but not a fan by any means.

the game does alot of 'if you woulda did this, this woulda been open to ya but you didnt..' so not sure if thats the demo or by design, but truly annoying.

maybe the game wouldnt be so bad if it was better explained, dunno. but as is, its a very frustrating game, with no pay out. least I gave up trying.

games are supposed to be fun, and PLOT! games are supposed to have PLOT! not sure how this gets lost on so many.

nice art though.

We remade game for less grind and more smooth plot. Wait for updates