Hi, I've loved this game so far but I'm having a bit of trouble with the save. I've had to restart twice now and maybe it's my fault for the first time? The first time when it would ask me if I wanted to save after a chapter I would click yes and I thought that would be fine but when I came back the next day to play it, it didn't give me the option to load to my last save so I just restarted which kinda sucked. So I instead tried to save through the setting button and closed out the game to see if that would work but when I reopened it, it just showed the screen where you first start and asked me if I've already played the beta version and I have to go through everything again. Thank you in advanced for your help!
When you downloaded the game, you downloaded a ZIP file. Right click it and select something that looks like 'extract' or 'unzip'. Then choose your destination folder and the game will be unzipped. Then you can finally save :)
You can also simply download the game through the Itch app and not have to worry about extracting it yourself!