I did read both of your comments. I also will relate to that.
Sometimes my words are harsh. That is not a favourable part of my character. I am sorry for that.
I appreciate that you discuss this issue and think about it. And don't get me wrong. It is not about my feelings. This topic is about you. Releasing a game is equal to publish a statement. Unknown people will see that, think and judge about that. The question you have to face is - do you want to be seen this way? You are the dev. You are responsible for any statement you make - even if it is not intentional. And it is not just a simple color choice. "Play as a Female" is pretty direct.
The game itself has real potential. It is worth polishing it and release it as a mobile game. Games in these genre have a good chance to get played very much on smart phones. That is my opinion about what you did develop. But a higher user range will lead to a higher responsibility. And unhappy things might strike back.
It is just an advice. Finally it is your choice. I wish you all the best.