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You two won me over with your charming personalities, so I couldn't just let this game sit here without at least one comment, especially when I had so much fun playing it.

The prompt for the jam you joined was a good one. I wished I could have participated as well, but I totally missed out. With that being said, I think you two did a really good job with this. At first, I wasn't sure how I would feel going into this, but it turned out to be quite a nice little surprise.

The concept, although simple, was very well executed. I felt like there was a good balance in the difficulty. Sure, at the beginning I just couldn't stop flinging my ship into the endless abyss, but by the end, I started getting the hang of it. I actually won a few rounds. I also appreciated that you remembered not to make the ship get destroyed by an asteroid while orbiting. I nearly had a heart attack when I realized I was on a crash course with one on a winning round.

I also want to thank you for introducing me to the song "Change" by AGST. I am currently hooked. I've been playing it on loop the entire time I have been writing this review, haha!

Overall, for the restrictions you had making this game, this turned out to be quite fun to play. That makes two games that I like from you. I look forward to seeing what else you have in store for the future. I will definitely be keeping my eyes on you two. :)

Thank you for playing our first game as well. We really take every aspect that you mention in your comments into account. You made us smile when we woke up to the surprise of having a new Mr. Hobbyist review. 

Regarding the song "Change", it was love at first sight (well, at first hearing) for us, and we can't deny that we are also kinda obsessed with it.

We just released our brand new game, titled "Blindfolded Chef", a game thought for visually-impaired gamers. We would appreciate your opinion on it, as well.

Once again, thank you. Let's keep in touch and support each others projects.

- Frog&Panda

Yeah... I'm still listening to that song on loop even now... I think something could be wrong with me...

A new game already? Wow! That's impressive. I will check it out as soon as I finish writing this response. I'm glad I could make you smile. I certainly want to remain in touch too, so don't be strangers now.  :) If you all have an Instagram account, I tend to be quite active on there as well. If you do, just send me your tag and I'll be sure to follow you on there too.