I was talking with the team about this thread, and I'm leaning on sharing here some thoughts touching on the flower crown mod Kentas is doing but mainly modding as a whole.
When we started Minotaur Hotel we went back and forth on whether having people mod the game would be a good or a bad thing. For a while we leaned on them being good, because modding is almost always a positive force in a game's community, then we weren't too keen on it because we realised it could have a chilling effect on other games being made.
Ever since we released Build 0.5, however, it's become abundantly clear just how mature, thoughtful, creative and smart this community has become. A little exploration of the forum should show that well enough.
So, for anyone coming here in doubt on what's our stance on modding, we're ok and happy with it. It means a lot that Minotaur Hotel has become the sort of game that motivates people to mod in neat ideas.
If you, unknown reader, would like to make a mod of your own but are worried about it being ok or not... Well, if you're adding cute stuff like Kentas' flower crown or hoodie, that should always be alright.
If you're going for something spicier or kinkier... That's mostly good too. Evidently we are connoisseurs of the adult content ourselves. At the same time we'd rather people not go too far. I'd rather not put any hard rules at this moment, but as a general rule of thumb we'd just like people to avoid extreme content. By that I mean scatological stuff, gore (what's already in the game is arguably too much already), that sort of stuff. If you're in doubt you can just ask in the forum and it shouldn't take long for us to give you an answer.
In case more people jump into modding I'll setup a pinned thread for it.