“… Get.. out..”
…Jeez.. where did he get the to-
“Get. OUT!”
.. oh boy.. now he’s yelling…
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-time for Star-star-
Star was by no means a good eavesdropper. Sure, most of his information came from listening in but mostly his eavesdropping was accidental. He just heard pieces of gossip from the servants and just picked it up. Which meant he knew almost everything about every servant's life but next to nothing about his own.
He knew that two weeks ago, the scullery maid's sweetheart had proposed to her.
He knew that the under-gardener's boyfriend had just left them for another.
He knew that the cook's daughter had just changed her name.
He knew the head gardener's father had just died.
He knew everything apart from what was going on in his own life.
Now, he was trying to eavesdrop. Sitting on the stairs by the drawing room, watching the unimaginatively coloured wall across from him. Though all he could really see was the unimaginative colour.
"Are we really sure this is a good idea?" Star's ears perked up at his mother's question. He hadn't realized he'd zoned out and stopped listening. "I mean, Star's never even been outside. Don't you think this might be a bit... much for him?"
“Of course not, my love.. this is only for the right, if our son is to be king over these lands.. he will have to learn that land itself. At some point in his life, he will need to go out on his own, you know this just as good as I.. do you not?”
His father spoke out.. just what are they talking about? I mean.. sure, the point is right there.. but for “him” to become king, his father must pass, leaving only his mother and himself as the next “throne users”..-
not only that, but he was the younger son-of course him and Lunar had been born really close together, he was only a year younger than him. But by all accounts, Lu was supposed to be king not him-despite the fact that it had always been somewhat up for debate, he always assumed Lunar would just grow into the role.
"I know, Phillip." There was a slight snap to the edge of his mother's voice. "But we've never let him into the kingdom, like we've done with Lunar. I'm worried all this might be too much for him."
Why were they discussing Star's future without him? If he wasn't meant to listen in on their conversation, how was he meant to find out what they were planning for him?