Hey Makanzie. Thank you so much for all the explanations! I hope people read these here when they see your gameplay walkthrough video!
And thank you for wishing me a nice day, I was having tough times lately! It means a lot to me. I wish you a great day and better days to come, espacially with making games! Practice makes improvement, that is what I learned from doing YouTube and each time I look back I see how much I was bad XD. I hope you take this same approach with making more games in the future: There is always room for improvements.
I did a gameplay video for your remake game, the same time you posted your explanations here. Just took me time to upload it.
You don't need to watch it because there is nothing new from what I mentioned before except that in your texts, the letter " i " looks a bit like the letter " l "
Again, thank you for all and have a good day Makanzie.