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This Thread is no longer active! Will get back with a new one soon! Thank you all.

A topic by Indie Horror Games No Commentary created Feb 23, 2021 Views: 21,671 Replies: 639
Viewing posts 1 to 172
(23 edits) (+18)

Updated: (OCTOBER update) 

Hello fellow gamers & developers, you can call me Zaki or Zack (Zakaria Ghorfati):

I am here to review your game and test it for you, giving feedbacks and some ideas for improvements. I will be also posting a Gameplay Walkthrough video on my YouTube channel that has 836 people on it, and a total of 226K+ views.

My main focus will be on testing your game and giving constructive feedbacks & yes, this is all for FREE. I am here in order to help the developers of the lovely community of and make an impact on the gaming world!

I have also been doing TOP Best games after I play them each month. NOW, I have been checking and reviewing hundreds of games EVERY SINGLE DAY in order to give a chance for indie games and developers to be spotted and give them some support and motviation to keep going.

TOP Best Games on Playlist:

This all could have not lasted for this long without your support! So thank you so much! The more of you subscribing and joining my YouTube channel, the more I am motivated and supported to keep doing this. You do not have to join the channel at all, as long as some of you are supporting from the goodness of their hearts, that is good enough for me.

My channel:

Although I would love to playtest and include every game on the channel, there are limits to that and here are the reasons below;

IMPORTANT NOTE:  We had to refuse some games here and these are the reasons:

1- Games include registering.

2- Online games. (The servers takes ages to run, which they do not anyways when only me is on the server to play it)

3- Games that force you to buy it before you playtest it.

4- Mobile games. (I do not have what it takes to record on Android/Mobile games)

5- Games that include viruses or malwares or files that try to change the logs of my PC files.

6- Games that include a lot of nudity or sexuality themes.

7- Games with huge amount of color saturation or falshing images.

(2 edits) (+1)

This is awesommee!!

Just made a little update for my first ever game!!

A review of it would make me very happy no matter the rating!!

Check the game's description for more info!!

btw i subbed xd


I will play your game tonight... will upload your gameplay video and inside of it the review soon :) thanks for the sub

Tysmm! Btw its only a simple game dont expect to make a long vid about this! XD


Do you have discord? I need to fix something on the game and inform you if its done.

Yes, I do have a Discord:  ZakariaGhorfati#3893

I already made a video for your game and there is much of the review inside the video itself but this might help as well:

- If you go to minute 4:22 in the video you will find that those fragments after the astroids being destroyed takes a long time to disapear and it can be distracting.

- In minute 6:42 you will find that I already destroyed the big ship boss but he attacked me anyways... his health bar was already gone... that is not fair :)

- You should make some kind of checkpoint system and I want to know how does the score is being counted? I have many other ideas and questions to help out with the game... you will find other ideas I gave you espacially at the end of the game. And thank you for the sub ;)

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey wow!! Thank youuu sooo much!!!

The boss will finish his last attack before leaving.. I might change it in the future!

Also, the fragments of the meteor can really be distracting xd and I really planned it to be like that xd

but maybe im gonna make it much fewer soon..

Again, thanks for the video!! 

I added you on discord!!

btw the score is just how long you survive xd

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi this is an awesome thing you are doing would you like to check out my game Thanks in advance. Also i subbed to your channel!

Hi Ellis, sure I will check your game tomorrow and will post it the next day in my Youtube channel... you will hear from me soon once i am done and thanks for the sub ♥ 

Thanks are you able to link vid on game page?

Sure thing... tomorrow I will post it here and in your game page too, I already played your game and I have some ideas to share it too


Here below you will find the video attached, I made my review with the full gameplay there but also I got some other words to say here:

- First of all, I love the entire style of the game... and having a checkpoint system is lovely, you made that by not repeating the entire game when we die, so thank you for that... I like the idea of levels with certain colours and got another idea for that you will find it below too.

-  There is some delay when you press anything, if you go to minute 00:40 in the video you will see that I pressed Credits and it clearly made some delay to get isnide (Same thing was happening each time I die in the game and I was pressing Retry).

- In minute 00:44 you will notice that there is an issue with the full Display resolution (1366 x 768).

- In minute 05:52 you will notice that the hitbox for the spikes is a liiiitle bit larger cause there are times I do not even touch the spikes and I just die (in the video you will notice that a lot... I think I did not touch them XD).

- In minute 07:13 there is an easy way to finish that level, I want you to review that if you have done that level on purpose or not ;) 

- In minute 08:50 I really liked that idea of having too options to go through, you should really include that more in the future if you are making more levels.

- In 11:20 watch from there and you will see something strange, at first I thought there is fall damage... but I think that there is a bug there, cause I keep dying hitting the platform in time and in other times I dont die, which makes no sense at all (it happened again clearly at 12:18 and again at 12:38).

- At 12:27 minute I hit the platform of the spikes by the side and I died doing that so take a look on that too plz.

- I loved the idea of White part levels and then Blue part levels... maybe in the future when you add new levels make each 5 levels with a colour... You already have 5 in white and 5 in blue.

- There should be an option to retry the level without the need to use mouse, hitting a key should make us retry the level too.

- Adding a score system and the level number up in the screen might make the game better.


Thanks for doing this for us!  :)

Could you check out Cat-Powered UFO?


Sure sir, I would love to help and my Youtube channel needs more subs anyways ;) once I check your game I will replay here again ♥ by the look of it, your game looks fun and interesting to play 

Show post...


regarding this review thing that sounds awesome! im always looking for people to try out "Survival of the Fittest" on my profile.

no pressure if your busy!

Here you will find the gameplay video with the review for your game... I played as long as I could, giving my review as well, I will write as well here and guide you with the video so you can take a closer visual look. I do need your support though, so subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

  • I like the fact there is a voice actor in the game and the starting music or soundtrack is great with the horror atmosphere, however it is a little bit loud, it can help if there is a sound and graphics settings in the future.
  • The food and thirst bars in the game are a cool idea but chicken coming from the sky and the random spawn of food and battle of waters are too much... adding animals where you can hunt them is much better to get food, maybe try to add real chickens walking around... and for water you can add rivers or ponds inside the forest.
  • As I was walking up the stairs, my character could not go up until I jump (see minute 03:02 and keep watching from there for this issue).
  • There is a problem with minute 03:12 where you can see that the tree is implemented inside the building.
  • Collecting those chickens is not accurate because you have to be in a specific angle to have them even if you are too close to them; it only becomes possible when it is 90 degrees.
  • Inventory is a little bit raw, you might want to work on that... it will be great if there is a way to eat food and drink water by pressing certain buttons... plus, when you eat or drink you will see a delay for the hunger and thirst bars to go up (see minute 05:14 and 06:36).
  • The game looks broken when you go closer to the fence of the building in minute 06:53, I went through the fence.
  • Collecting woods should have a mechanic like chopping trees down instead of having logs just spawn like that. Do not forget that there is no usage of the wood now and you should make that in the game.
  • The night camera looks like a good addition. However, you might want to make the night darker so you will have the best advantage of the night camera, because right now I can see without using the camera. (By the way, when you look to the ground the camera becomes all black but you can still see some lights on the ground... see minute 07:58 for an example of that).
  • The night and day cycle is a great idea but there is a clear cut between them (see minute 08:56) there should be a decreasing in the dark shades so there will be a smooth shift.
  • The way the player holds the gun is strange (see in minute 10:59). And after that directly the trade room came suddenly and there I died, I was super confused how it happened here.
  • At minute 11:35 I started talking about the texture of the buildings; from one side it is too dark.
  • You should really take a look to the edge of your game XD (start watching from 12:55).
  • In minute 13:33 there is an example about the character gets stuck when I first start the game.
  • When you buy anything in the game it stays there even if you start over again (see minute 15:16).
  • The first enemy I saw had a level over his head at it does look like it is unfinished work (see minute 15:34). Plus, there is no fire or bullets when you shoot using the gun, I only hear the sound of it. After that you should really take care of that trade room thing you implemented in the game because it keeps coming up and it does annoy the entire experience... and the game does not pause like that, they keep chasing you and I can shoot them even if I can not see anything. Here you can also see that the combat system is broken. The game should include a crafting system, a collecting resource system, a main story with some objectives in the game like building a house and looking for food and water as a starter... I do have many other ideas, so do let me know if you guys need help.

Here you will find the video and also I will give you  my review too... I would really need your support so if you can, subscribe to the channel.

- First of all, I played your game for almost 2 hours but because the game load in a window at the start, when I changed it to fullscreen the rest of the recording got corrupted, plus changing between the two (window - fullscreen) corrupts the video, you will notice that around 08:58.

- The game is lovely, I like the style of it, the funny NPCs as well when you react with them... I truly admire your work here ♥

- There was a glitch at the arriving point inside the ship when you go all the way up you will be stuck behind that half cricle thing and I could even go beyong the ship borders to the dark sky (I could  not save the file to show you that, it got corrupted).

Now, I will be in the future playing the entire game again  and give my full review and record as well a full gameplay in one video... I will do my best to do that soon.


You may want to give a try to our game Chuhou Joutai.

Sure I will give it a try and give you my thoughts about the game... once I am ready I will post it here

Here you will find the entire gameplay video with some review and ideas inside the video itself... I would love your support to me too, so it would be great if you subscribe to my YouTube channel.

You should know I only played the demo here.

  • I talked at the start of the video about the problem coming with the window loading when starting the game and that it does corrupt the video. (So I did not record it from the beginning but I explained it)
  • There was a black screen happening around the minute 02:46 (It might be my recording though, not sure).
  • You will notice in the video that the starting of the game where there is loading screens talking about the story... Here, it is skipping too fast for me to read it, maybe slow it down in the future.
  • The game is not optimized to go full screen resolution. It does not support this (1366 x 768).
  • In the game there is no Keyboard setting, which to be honest with you; most gamers are using PC to play games, so you might want to add that in the future as an option.
  • The music and soundtracks are really good.
  • The story is perfectly good here, I truly liked it.
  • The graphics are good enough although there are some who seemed like unfinished, some examples from the video (for the background behind the characters mostly), in minute 04:36 and also starting from minute 07:30 and in minute 11:38 it looks like they are pictures from real life and being edited. Also the map in minute 05:36 is unclear.
  • The battle system is great and I can see that this game has potential.
  • Around minute 23:43 I wanted to activate a bomb but I did not how to use it on the keyboard, there is no clear way to show the control setting, it is a little confusing showing it with the Xbox controls.
  • The game shooting and movement slowed down around minute 26:18, you might want to check on that.
  • Around minute 30:25 I noticed when I went to one side using both characters at the same time, that both of them stood under each others. I think you should make a limit to moving to one side when we play with both characters at the same time.

That should be it and the video contains more review as well and I really enjoyed playing the game 


Howdy ZakariaGhorfati! I worked har on my game Our Republic.

Here's the link:

It's a historical city builder based on a soviet era, I would like it if you'd check it out. :)

You can check out my other games too, but this one is the best I made. :)

I am a Master 2 University student majoring in Civilization and Literature so History is my thing, I  do have other games to play so your turn will take time... I will post it here once I am done


Oh, nice. :)

I guess I'm gonna be patient, thank you. 

Have fun playing other games!

Hey comrade, here you will find the entire gameplay video for your game with some ideas and my review inside of it... with my review written here as well, plus some ideas I have them. I do need support though, so subscribe to my YouTube channel. I recommend watching the entire video for your game, this way you can follow my written review easily and effectively.

  • Around minute 03:39 the movement of the camera is so slow, better to increase the default base speed.
  • I tested the limit of zooming in, and it seems you go through the ground which is annoying, it is better to have a limit of zooming in (see minute 04:02).
  • There is something that looks like towers in minute 04:15, I have no idea what is that and what does it do... maybe you should give an explanation about it in the game.
  • The cycle of day/night is so impressing and I truly love the sky texture that you made (see minute 04:22).
  • The rotation control for me is hard using the middle mouse button; I was expecting it to be E or Q.
  • There was a grammatical mistake in the Tutorial... go to minute 08:22 to see it.
  • There was no way to show how we should start the game and which building should be put first, I think you should include some kind of story or a purpose so the players can be guided a little bit.
  • The Power Plant is huge, maybe reconsider its size.
  • When you put a building next to the trees they disappear (see minute 11:14), which make no value for the trees and I have other ideas about this.
  • Just few seconds when I put down the Parliament building and it suddenly being caught on fire, there is no logic in that (see minute 11:21 for that)... So I have an idea for what causes the fire: make some kind of world events and they should be so rare not to ruin the game experience (causes like: people not happy so they will make crimes and cause fire, a meteor falling down, enemies attacking buildings, storms and lightning, shortage in power or electricity... but all of these events should be rare to happen so the players can actually build buildings).
  • Zooming into the buildings is annoying too cause you can go inside of it and this should have a limit for (see minute 11:33).
  • You should include some hints in the game when the player put down any building, these hints should be making the relationship between compatible buildings... for example: when players put a building that requires energy or electric power, there should be a hint saying that you need a power plant to power the building. Another thing is you should give an overview for each building like some kind of information so the players have an idea what a certain building does.
  • As I was exploring the map, I saw a plane (see minute 13:02) that is amazing but it should come up from a place, let us say another land where it includes a certain civilization or nation, this makes the game more interesting to play. Also, you should really limit the borders of the game.
  • The game needs a resource collecting system; like taking down tress for wood, mines for iron and gold and rocks... maybe a fuel pump too, food can be collected by hunting animals as well as an addition to the crops fields. Buildings should require resources to be built.
  • The money or currency system is kind of slow so I let my game play by itself in order to collect enough for building other buildings, but something strange happened I managed to record at minute 19:05 and this happened again at minute 22:28 (This might have been asteroids lol). And also at minute 19:14 the building was on fire and it was fixed then suddenly it was destroyed.
  • Maybe add a mini map and roads that be built in the game, rivers and maybe even some small ponds in the middle of the land.

Hello comrade! This is really good information for government, will try to implement! xD

But seriously talking, it's really good feedback, thanks!

Would you mind playing my game called Fruity Collection?  It's a dual atmosphere game where in the first part you're collecting apples or ants and the second part you're suddenly in a maze collecting keys to escape.  There's also a bit of a story too.

If you're interested, you can find it at

Soon I will be posting your video here, it is ready and there is lots I gotta say about your game (clearly the game needs more works :))

Here you will find my video with the review inside of it, I also wrote some words about your game and some ideas... I truly need support here, so subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • First of all, the game should be in a full screen resolution.
  • Try to make a main menu for the game, especially at the start.
  • The story that the game starts with is interesting, you should put it inside the gameplay itself... and the background blue screen is not enough, if possible add some background hand drawn scenes according to the story.
  • The game start directly after the story but it does not give us any hint what to do, you should add that as well.
  • The ants in the first part of the game are larger than the apples which should be taken into considerations; the scale here plays a really big role.
  •  When the first part of the game is done, it cut directly but there was a black flash... you might want to take a look at it in minute 04:32. After that, the writing is so unclear; you can barely see what it is.
  • When the second part of the game starts you will hear a loud noise which is extremely bad to be honest (see minute 05:08).
  • For the second part of the game there is little to do, it almost seems broken, sometime I can not even take control of my character and find myself in a corner surrounded by ants.
  • Sometimes ants come from nowhere, from the walls as well (see minute 06:25 for that) plus you have put so many ants from the start of that maze... reduce the spawn rate here.
  • I gave more review in the video but I want to repeat here again saying: what is the relationship between the first part and the second one? If you want my ideas, maybe for this one you should make the first part as an overview of the maze itself where in the second part you are going to solve the same puzzles in first person shooter... keep in mind the story you first started with and try to include it in the game and focus on collecting fruits instead of keys.

In case you have difficulties developing the game or lack of ideas, just check with me and I might find enough time to help you out with your project here.


Hello ZakariaGhorfati,

Thank you for the video and your thoughts and suggestions in regards to my game.  In response, first off, I'm not sure what you mean when you say it should be in a full screen resolution.  

Second, there is a main menu for the game, so I'm a little confused by that too.  

Third, I'm glad you like the story and I can understand why you said what you did.  

Fourth, I'm sorry you were confused about what to do in the first part of the game.  I'll have to add a prompt so people know what to do.  

Fifth, thank you for mentioning about the scale of the ants.  I can definately shrink them down. 

 Sixth, in regards to the black flash, that was purposelly done.  In regards to the writing, though, I'm sorry about that.  I was wondering how easy it would be to read.  I can always lighten the background, though. 

 Seventh, sorry about the loud noise.  I had been playing around with the volume, but apparently it's still too loud.  And, from what I'm understanding, the noises themselves aren't good?  If that's the case, it's fine.  I have something else I can replace it with.  

Eigth, apparently, I should add some kind of prompt to the second part as well.  I added a game information section, which you would find by pressing enter in the main menu, but it sounds like I should add something in the maze too.  WASD is how you move in the maze and  Z is the fps element.  As far as the ants, I can see how much longer I can have them wait to seek you out, after the spider is there, without it being too long.  Also, the ants and spider coming from nowhere and through the walls was intentional.

As far as the relationship between the first and second part, there isn't necessarilly any in the traditional sense.  Insects are there and you're collecting things, but that's about it.  This game is a dual atmosphere game with a bit of a "haunted" game vibe.  That's why it starts out one way, there's the black flash, there's suddenly someone talking to you, the game changes and you're suddenly in it.  

I do respect your style in making your own game Danielle's games... if there is updates or changes in the game in the future feel free to ask me to review it again or cover those changes in another video. Looking forward to see this game takes off, best of luck.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Zakaria,

Thank you for saying that.  I appreciate it.  Also, I wanted to let you know that I made some changes to the game.  I shrunk the size of the ants in the first part of the game and added a key prompt, I lightened the background so the text that was difficult to read is now easier to read, I changed the sound in the second part and also lengthened the Seek delay for the ants and spiders in the maze area as well as added a key prompt for that area.

Oh and, I'm not sure if you like maze games or not, but I just recently added one  to my itchio page.  You can find it at, if you're interested.

Hey there,

I did checked the updated version of Fruity Collection, did not notice that much changes but here is the video review for it anyways... there is a clear cut when the game switch from part 1 to part 2, the video will help you to spot it... plus there is a problem with part 2, it is not working.

I will soon check out Icy Maze, hope these reviews helps you updating your games and keep it up, I know sometimes critial reviews like this makes devs feel bad but without someone playtesting your game you would not know what to change, add or delete in your games, I am here to provide help.


Hello Zakaria,

Thank you for the video.  If you hadn't made it, I wouldn't have known that there was an issue with the clicking dynamic in the first area where you have an option in the story.  After testing that out and playing around with it, I went and changed it so you need to push either the 1 or 2 button to continue the story as well as added prompts.  Sorry about the issue.  

Hey there Danielle,

I am actually really glad that this video helped out. And more glad that the issue has been solved easily. I will be checking on your Icy Maze game soon.


Ok, thank you for letting me know.

Hey again!! So here is your video about Icy Maze, such a fun game, I really liked the entire puzzles inside the game, I have some points like usual to mention them here below, and in the video I had more to say about your game and my experience with real live thoughts are being captured there if you want to take a look ;)

  • The idea is really great; I can see that this game is so much better than the other one I played from your games.
  • In level 2 (You will see in the video) I noticed that the character or the box we are using, we can move it as we like but for the distance travelled and even if I just pressed the buttons so slightly (just a small tiny tap) we can’t control how low or short we can move the box... check the minimum distance a box can cover when moving.
  • I didn’t know that the enemies (Red boxes) can go through the walls of the maze! That is unfair L lol it is a very cool feature in the game and I like that you made variation in their movements and even speed.
  • In every level there is a straight line visible only from one side. That line is in the middle of the maze from up to down! It does not affect the gameplay or anything (I can send you screenshots if you want to see)

At the end of the video I gave you some ideas to prove the game, hope this kind of feedbacks is going to help you in the future.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Zakaria,

Thank you for the video and I'm glad you had fun playing my game.  The game started out as one level, using Godot tutorials on how to make a maze level, and I went and expanded on it.

I apologize for the line that was showing up in several of the levels.  It was there because there's more than one piece to the level floor.  I went and extended the width of the first map floor section for the levels that needed it, though, and now that's fixed.  Also, the enemy in level 2 that wasn't moving, wasn't supposed to be like that.  I didn't even realize that, though, until your video, so thank you for that.   I went and fixed it, though.  Sorry about that.  

Yes, I did had playing this one! And no need to apologize for anything, games are intended to have issues and I am so glad that I can be one of the reason for you to be able to fix them!

As always, if you have anything in the future, just let me know! I am here.

Hello ZakariaGhorfati,

I have a horror demo I'd like you to play, if you're interested.  It's called Of Shifting Images and you can find it at

If you want a key for this just holla :) great thread. good luck.

The RGB lights hurts my eyes, so I gotta turn this down... The green and red lights used in the game are too much, instead I can try another game if you have sir

yeah its extremely bright, only other thing i really have is this:

its really simple, im kinda shy about it lol


I did have played your game little bit, and could not record it (it is on browser not downloadable) most important thing is you are using too much bright colours, noticed that in both of your games... I can't judge your style but I am being so honest with you, as a Gamer I would not play games that have a risk on my eyes (Green and Red are too bright in your games)... overall, I liked the style of the second game, you can actually make it better (just plz... no bright colours XD)

fair point, im mad for the color saturation. its a bad habit.

thanks for taking the time to play :)


Hi, are you into visual novel? We made an immersive one here! ^^

DOWNLOAD : Memories of East Coast



Yes, why not :) It will take some time though, I am making each gameplay video per day, once your turn is here I will inform you 


Awesome! Take your time ^^

Hey there! Without a doubt, this game is so amazing, well done here ♥ I truly admire the entire story, I only faced little few issues but overall I am rating this game 5/5... You have delivered an amazing well done.

So I decided to help out here since your game made me really enjoy recording your gameplay... Here you will find the entire demo gameplay video with my thoughts, opinions, and reviews. All I am asking is a little bit of support, so subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Here is what I am going to do: I am going to run an ad campaign... Your game will be in my YouTube channel as a start (only 305 subscribers now but with 7K+ Minutes watch time and 3.8K+ Views this last month... and a total of 52K+ views on the channel) The most important is a Facebook ads for your game... First, a gamers group with over 126K+ members...Second, an English study group with 50K member (They might want to read a novel in this fun way for their projects)... Plus, another local gamers group with 58K+ members... Aaand another gamers group with 30K+ gamers inside... And finally, a bookworm group with 17K+ readers... this should help you out a little bit.

Now, I will give you my small critics and my review about your game:

  • I recorded your game in two sessions, in the start of the video you will notice that the volume of music does not change no matter what I did… in the second session of the recording (it starts at minute 25:18) the volume finally works and it is able to go down.
  • I loved the fun interaction with the narrator in the game, it is amazing!!
  • The music and soundtracks are picked with great carful, I am so satisfied with the entire sound design, and even the sound effects are brilliant.
  • The art style is very pretty.
  • There was a moment where I truly got a jump scare (it was when there was the first sound effect for the crashing car) well done in making that (Start to watch from minute 45:18 if you want to see my reaction) I loved that and enjoyed the horror you gave me for that moment ;)
  • Overall, this game is pretty and I had strong emotions during certain parts, plus I like the lovely fun atmosphere that Lisa as a character is making with Sam… You might want to add some images of characters in the future if you still work on the game; this will give even huge impact on the players and will make them relate to Lisa and Sam more. 

Hey! Thank you for trying our game and thank you so much for the review! We had fun watching your video on youtube and we have subbed to you!

About the ad campaign, we should talk in private for the charge and stuffs; do email us at 

We appreciate for all the points shared with us. We apologize for the bug you faced. If you still remember, can you describe how the bug occurs and can it be reproduced? We have yet to received any reports regarding that. Perhaps a simple relaunch of the game would fixed it. We are happy to know you had a great experience playing Memories of East Coast, indeed we have carefully crafted the story and carefully picked suitable music so it fits with the story and boosts up the immersion. We thank you once again for the review, we hope your channel will grow bigger and faster! InshaAllah!

Hey there, indeed the game was so immersive and fun... for the bug that happened, it was fixed directly after -as you have put it- a simple relaunch to the game. Thank you for taking time to replay here and helping with your sub.

I am going to send you an emial right now



Would you like to check out my game? 

It's still a demo, so it would be a great help if you could share your thoughts! 

It's a nonlinear escape-room game with point-and-click puzzles, visual novel elements, and some non-explicit horror themes. The demo has 5 different endings.


Link to game:


Yep, I will check it next week, lots of games before you, I gotta respect the turns here... and I love puzzle games, once I am ready I will post it here


Thank you for the interest! 

And no worries. Next week is totally fine.


Here you will find my gameplay video for your demo, I will also write my review about your game below… I do need support for me to keep doing these kind of reviews, so do subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • First of all, the game style is really nice, I loved the art that you have in the game. Especially the butterflies and the fact when you scroll the mouse over them in the menu, the entire screen change. Love it.
  • The soundtrack is chilling and it has some horror vibes from time to time, so well done on that.
  • However, there is one major issue I faced in this demo, sometimes when I click to continue reading the conversations of the characters, there is a small delay after I click and it does not change directly (This does not happen all the time but it was enough to corrupt the rest of the video... starting from minute 10:36 in the video) The rest is out of synchronization between my commentary and the gameplay. I also had another 20 min corrupted because of that, but this time I just deleted the file and only kept this first one so you see the problem up close. (I deleted the rest of the video since it was corrupted)
  • Other than that problem above I did not have any issues, except the fact that I could enter the cave the first time and went too deep until I found myself in another room, this did not happen again no matter how much I replayed the game and went into the cave… I always died after my very first time (thought to mention this to you here).
  • I truly love puzzles but these that you had are more complicated and it is hard to know how to solve them without any kind of hints (I think you might have that in the full game since this is a demo but in case you don’t have it in the full game, you might consider adding that).


I will definitely subscribe! I've just created my YouTube account today.

Thank you for doing this! Also, great video! 

I'll try to address all the major points:

  • I'm glad that you like the art/music! Out of curiosity, did you find them too girly?
  • I also noticed the corruption in your video. It's a strange issue. I've reviewed the game code but can't find any problem yet. My guess is that it has to do with the game being live streamed... maybe some hardware-related issue? For debugging purposes, would you mind telling me what OS you are using and approximately how much memory your drive had? Also, what did you use for recording?
  • The cave part actually leads to the harder-to-get endings. There is a trick to successfully get through it every time. Otherwise, the probability to successfully get through the cave is extremely small (under 5%). Just to be sure that this isn't a bug, did you 'use' anything to get through the cave?
  • As for the puzzles, I've been collecting various player feedback and might add more hints for some specific parts in later versions. I'll definitely take your review into consideration! I've also been writing hint posts under my devlogs, so feel free to check those out if you ever decide to continue that game!

Wish you success with your channel!


Hi there,

I do take time to replay to most devs here, my appology to you.

- And  yes, I really like the art and the music too, and to answer your question, yep lol it is little bit girly there (for the art and the use of pink, but dont worry, my entire house is being painted with pink)

- For the issue I had, this might be only because of recording it, espacially if you had no other players complain from this issue while recording it... I am using Wondershare Filmora and my OS is good (have the latest Win 10 updated and 64x bit system). This should be my recording software.

- The first try to get into the cave I got to the other side, by going in deeper and sometimes stopping and wait, I dont remember exactly how I used the sequence there to get through it in my first try (after that I just kept dying lol).

I am really glad for your replay here and if you had more updates for the game and you want me to cover it up for you, feel free to ask me here at any time. 

Good luck for making more games in the future.


Hi Zakaria,

if you like puzzle games, maybe you could check out my game Latal.




Hey there, for sure I like puzzle games, I do have to make other videos before I reach yours though... I am following the turn of when being posted, each day will be a video and a review for a game, so wait up torftorf1 


Thanks for your reply, Zakaria. No need to hurry :)


Here you will find my humble review about your game, hope this will help you… I do need support, so subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • The mouse sensitivity is too high and you can notice that in the start of the video, better to add a setting option for that.
  • In the start of the game, there is no explanation about moving in reverse and the ghost moving back with you, it took me time to figure out that... my opinion here is to add a small introduction for the mechanics of the gameplay, it will be better. And also add more hints to what each power ups does (or better, a visual small tutorial video popping up each time you hit a power up for the first time).
  • There is an issue with the camera vision, and it happens when you fall down the path (look to minute 03:13).
  • The jump sometimes faces some issues with the higher platforms, In minute 05:16 you can see that I tried that twice and did not go up (this struggle of jumping may affect the player when playing your game).
  • Around minute 10:13 there is something you should take a look into, maybe add a failure effect like dying over there.
  • Overall, I adore puzzles, and the way you made levels harder made the game even better, keep it up.
  • I did not play the entire levels and that was cause of an issue of understanding what to do in the last one on the video, which is why I am highly recommending some hints or explanation or even a tutorial about the new aspects whenever you introduce them with each level.
  • There is a bug starting from minute 10:47 you will notice that I passed the level without even getting the star, and I think it is so hard to jump over the edge, I pretty sure that I passed the level without collecting the star, any explanation for this?
  • The last level in the video confused for long time, I would love to play the other levels or to cover the next updates of the game, just let me know.

Hey there!
do you want to take a look at mine?

For sure I wil take a look, although it will take time before I reach your turn.. hope you will be patient ;)

yes no worries :)

Hey there, just found the time to get back to reviewing games here and here is your gameplay video with its review… I do need support though, so do subscribe to my YouTube channel, it will keep me motivated to do more reviews like this.

  • Without a doubt, the game is too fun and can be extremely addictive with the competition to who will survive longer.
  • I have an idea to make other types of microbes, viruses, and other cells and add these as levels with a max timing when reached by the players, the level changes.
  • The sound effects of slicing the cells is really cool, I really like it so well done on that.
  • I truly liked the design of those moving cells, you did great there.
  • I like the music too that changes when the player close to lose, it is really intense, well done in selecting the sound tracks.
  • I am not sure but can you check this please? I think you can’t slice them unless you slice them perfectly in the middle, in minute 06:45 you can check that I could not slice there in the first few tries, I might be wrong so second perspectives are needed before judging here.
  • I think you should make the countdown more clear, cause sometimes when players are focused on the intense last moments they intend not to notice the countdown, plus it white fainted colour comparing to its surrounding background.
  • The video contains some reviews scattered, adding to that I have an idea about making a leaderboard system inside the game for top players. This game has real good potential if you keep working on it in the future.

Hey there again, I made a review gameplay video for your game a while ago and since you updated the game I made a follow up one to talk about the changes that you made, here is what I found:

  • The gameplay is much smoother now and the sound effects seem more improved, I loved the new skins and color that you gave to the cells, all is greatly done.
  • I want to talk about the new feature you added as a controller in the game, the mouse is a great addition but bear in mind that when I wanted to slice some cells at the edge and since you added that feature the map moves even that I am just trying to stay still and slice cells at the edge, so I want to recommend a game options regarding controls; to either use keyboard to move or mouse.
  • There is in minute 03:58 a cell that went over the edges of the game map inside, which I imagine that is the limits (the wall) so you might consider letting the cells bounce off the wall or limit their interaction over it.

Hope that my small ideas and humble review is going to help here… Looking forward to see this game takes off, best of luck.


Hi, I'm John, and I make games, music and art!  I have two games, the first is called Universal Wars and is a JRPG-styled game with battles, story, and lots of humor.  It takes about six hours to complete.

If you want a shorter game, I also have a demo of a platformer game that only features Kanji characters.  It only takes about a minute to finish, maybe longer depending on how skilled you are with jumping over the death characters.


If I could I will do both of them... each game in one video but it will take time before I reach your turn sir


Great, thanks!

Here you will find my review with the gameplay video as well, hope this review and ideas that I am going to provide next will be great help for you if you want to work on this game… if you did updated this game, feel free to contact me so I will do a follow up video for it, I do need support though, so anyone who is seeing my reviews do subscribe to my YouTube channel, it will help me keep going.

  • As a starter, I noticed that there is no main menu and if you are going to work on this game, you might want to add one.
  • The game have no soundtracks or background music or even sound effects, which makes the game feel weird (at least sound effects of jumping)
  • I know you already explained your game in the page, but you should add that as well inside the game itself, it helps out to grasp and understand the basics.
  • Maybe in the future you add more platforms and levels. And it can be fun to introduce more concepts like Kanji with a learning/teaching purpose. Overall, I enjoyed the obstacles being made even it is extremely short game, and good luck in making more games.

The other gameplay video is ready as well, will upload it soon too 

Hey there JCO, here you will find your gameplay with the review as well, played as long as I could and checked all that could be checked, and therefore I get some to say… But first, I really do need support to keep doing these reviews, so subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep me motivated.

  • First thing that grabbed my attention to your game is that it is being loaded on window screen; it will really help and be better to run the game in full screen resolution.
  • I do like the fact that the player can name the characters of the game that we start with, and even some towns and places, that was a really cool feature.
  • Another thing I want to mention for the combat system is the lack of the enemies health bar, I already talked about this in the video, it is only fair to add enemy health bars so the players have an idea when the combat will be finished (especially for the boss fights).
  • Fighting the Chubby Bull at the very first 5 minute of the video, you will notice that my third character health went to zero which means she died, but I was able to play with that character normally after the battle ended, is there any impact upon characters dying during battles?! Also check minute 10:21 you will see that the health is at 0% but I could move her.
  • Around minute 08:37 I talked in the video about the road and the grass next to it, I had the idea to make characters travel only on the road instead of making it open to all terrain. (my expectations were like that when I first saw the road)
  • I liked the sound effects used in the game, even when you exist the main menu there is sound effects for that, the battles, the music in the back, all the sounds are greatly being used here, truly like it when there is a focus on the sound trucks, most devs ignore that. So well done there JCO.
  • The most great interesting part about the entire game is the story, which greatly being introduced and makes the player wants to know more and see what is causing the mad cows and the source of all of this, the story is really well done here, LOVE IT.
  • The most annoying part of the game is that battles keeps according too fast too much, it was really annoying when looking for Moolar inside the barn for example (starting from minute 20 I think) and then it started to happen a lot when travelling the Lake Path from minute 39 to 47 in the video (seriously it was annoying, you might want to reduce the frequency of the occurring battles) it made exhausted L

Overall, I truly liked the story, I can see that you put efforts into this game, especially when I arrived to the pirates part, it was so fun… I might do more videos or this might be it until you make changes or updates where I will be glad to cover them up. All together, I wish you all the best in making more games and well done with this one. 


Self-promotion here I come.

- A 2.5D puzzle game controlled by typing with a surreal horror theme and lots of sarcasm :

-A top-down horror game where you use an invincible Mr. X-esque pursuer to defeat all the enemies in each level:

-A real-time game of (sort of) chess with a weird monster:


Like the funny personality you are having... For sure I will check all of your game, but gotta wait up for the turn to catch up to you...  I am doing each game in each day.

Hey there ApeHardware, most of the reviews has been postponed due the many requests, but I finally have done yours regarding Until it’s Undone: Ungraded game… Here you will find the gameplay video with some critics in order for you to highlight them and help you to make some updates for it in the future if you are intending to. I do need support though, and this will help me making more of these reviews, so subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • The game surly have that horror creepy vibes, I loved that aspect about the story with the unseen force.
  • At the start of the game in the text of separating the food into its ingredients and in other parts of the game like the cake that has ice cream, I could not tell some items like sausages until I looked for this online… it is better to have hints in the game about this part. Also the fact that sometimes the player can make some grammatical mistakes when typing in this part of the game, and the word is not being accepted –knowing that there is some grammatical mistakes in the game as well-
  • The background of the game is so dark, most of the time you can’t even see the objects in front of you but still I think this was intended to fit the style here… (The gameplay video has more reviews by the way).
  • There is that part of the game where you can control and move the character, this game me the idea of wanting the entire game to be open world and having the freedom to move like those sections.
  • Writing the words backwards is a really fun experience.
  • Interacting and controlling the game by typing is a really nice touch that I never seen it before. Well done with this one.
  • Without a doubt the game does need a hint or guide how to play certain parts in the game, like the one around 20 minutes inside the video.
  • In the spelling words backwards section, mainly around 30 minutes inside the video you will find the word time being repeated twice.
  • Those grammatical mistakes should be taken into considerations since you focus on the correct form inside your mini games, for example in minute 45:50 you will see it clearly.

This game is creepy and that suits the game so good, the only big issue is the dark colours that block the vision of most objects and the weird stop at the end of this gameplay video. Hope this have helped in a way or another.


Hello Zakaria can you try my game too? It's an adventure puzzle horror "dream" game. If you want to try it press on this link: BerceaGame


I downloaded the game, your game will be reviewed soon... I am following the turn of date of posting games here

Here you will find the full gameplay review for your game. The entire video is filled with reviews, so you might want to watch the full video with focus... I will write some notes here as well in case you can’t watch the whole video. I do need support though, so subscribe to my YouTube channel, this will ensure me to stay motivated and keep doing these reviews of

  • I noticed that this game is good from the terms of story and time being spent on it, and for a game this size, there should be a setting system that can change the resolutions and graphics. (I had an issue with my resolution which is 1440x900).
  • The first level was dark to the point I was just guessing while moving.
  • That jump was really scary!!! But why?!!! NOT FAIR lol... But seriously! Why the jump scare at that point (not from the start and I think it is better to put in the last parts of the game in that town of houses).
  • In the first five to ten minute of the video you will find lots of review about one specific level (Level 4)
  • Level 5 is also so unclear, could not find any way to advance with it even that I checked the bath and all.
  • Some levels are so small and short, also random... like level 6.
  • The level of the police car is so fun but there is many issues with it and you will notice that on the gameplay video (the buildings and handling of the car is hard).
  • The level inside the house (level 11) is so confusing, didn’t get what to do at all (around 20 minutes inside the video).
  • In level 12 there is so many issues with the van as an example (the video explain them better).
  • The music and soundtracks are so good and they suit the game atmosphere.
  • The last part of the game is the most interesting of the entire game... I saw an alien space ship too... I truly like those last parts of your game.

If you have any updates for the game in the future, feel free to let me know and I will make sure to cover it up for you. I am really looking forward for this game.

Deleted 129 days ago

Sure I will check it... however It might two weeks to reach your turn sir.. hope you will be patient with me here

Hey there! I have checked out your game and made a video about it here below, you will find most of my review and impressions inside the gameplay video, but I will also write some issues and critics here. I do need support in order to motivate me keep making these reviews here so do subscribe to my YouTube channel. And if you have any updates let me know and I will make sure to cover them out.

  • From the start I noticed an issue with flying the plane! It is whenever I accelerate and stop pressing the acceleration button, the plane goes down too fast and there is a huge down force of gravity, this should be done smoothly where it goes forward and at the same time down (The video explains it better).
  • The controls are little bit disturbing, especially that you made the movement (navigation) and the turns of the plane using the mouse instead of the keyboard.
  • The rings are a very cool idea and it is a great challenge to have to go through them, however, this made another problem of being destroyed too easy by touching the edges of those rings (mainly it is hard because many times those rings respawn in weird places like in the middle of the mountain, see the video for this too).
  • Having the sky as a limit is making the game linear and making the entire purpose of flying worthless.
  • Hitting trees does not affect the plane at all.
  • The speed of the plane is high and it does affect controlling it.
  • I noticed another moment with the rings in minute 06:33 the plane seemed to hit the ring but it did not break it.

This was my first time with a flight game style so my review might not be as best when it comes to giving ideas or inspirations… Hope this will help you.


Hi you tried out my game gravity swap i made a new game robo runner in 4 days i would appreciate it if you took a look. Thanks in advance. 

Hey again!! I can say that I had extreme fun and I highly recommend you watching the video, it has a lot of feedback and reviews. This time I focused on giving my ideas and critics and all in the video. I am rating this 5 out of 5... WELL DONE! Waiting for more updates for this one and Gravity Swap too.

  • The Gameplay is perfectly well done.
  • The music is veryyyyy intense! I am loving it.
  • The soundtracks are so cool.
  • There is an issue of the character being disappeared in the corners (See the video for more feedback).
  • It would be great if you add a pause option inside the game.


I'd love to see a play through if you're fancy Third Person Shooter!



Hey there SillikOne, I truly loved your game here, find it so creative and engaging. There are some issues here and there of course, and the gameplay video here covers it all, but I will add some notes just in case you can’t find the time to watch the video. Your game generally speaking is so much fun, it took me a while before I get used to the shooting and moving systems, it is so good once you get the basics. Although, I ask this from every developer here, in order for me to keep doing these reviews I really need some support, would appreciate it if you subscribed to my YouTube channel. (All issues had been captured and left purposely in the gameplay video in order to help you spot the bugs with your game; this should help you in making updates and changes)

  • I had an issue when I first started the game and customized the controls, also from some reason I could not pause the game.
  • When you are in the tutorial at the beginning where you should grab the gun and ammo, I couldn’t even see the gun on the floor (so you might want to put a highlighted icon next to it or give it a different colour from the floor) Also I “touched” that orange person and he died before I was tasked to shoot him.
  • The loading screens for the story after the tutorial had some issues too, you might want to check the video for that.
  • Picking up weapons to get ready for the mission didn’t work at first for me, so I started the mission without weapons thinking I am having them lol (I had to restart the game so many times to fix many other issues too).
  • Other than this I did found the game so fun to play and challenging at the same time. The soundtracks and music are great and suit the shooting game you have.

The gameplay video is long but at least the first half has many reviews, and if you need a fellow up video after you make update let me know.


Thanks a lot! I truly appreciate your effort to overcome the glitches you went through!

Your review will definetly help me bring a better experience for all! I'll address every flow you found for the next build.

Glad that helps, you were weolcome anytime.


Hi friend can you please review my game Pixel Crisis

Hey there! I have made a gameplay review video for your game as asked before, the game is really fun, and it gives me a sense of nostalgia, such great times. I do have notes here and there, most of them you will find them on the video but I will write some here too. I do need support though with these reviews, by you subscribing to my YouTube channel, you will really help to motivate me to do more of these in the future.

  • Great scoring system you have there! I like it.
  • I didn’t find any problems or issues with your game. All I can say is that I prefer if you can reload using a button like R rather than hiding using Space.

The game reminded me of old golden gaming times, so well done with this one and I wish all the best in your upcoming games! I am going to rate this one higher than I first had in mind :)


Thanks for doing this for us!

Could you check out : Batu


Hey there MIM!! I finally made a gameplay review video for your game BATU! I generally found it very interesting open world game and you rarely see those open world game on! So, well done on this one! The gameplay video is filled with thoughts, opinions and some critical reviews in order to help you updating your game here! However, I will put more efforts and write some notes below as well! I would appreciate it if you subscribed to my YouTube channel, it will motivate more to keep doing these reviews like this one.

  • From the start I noticed two main issues, one of the is the mouse sensitivity, and the other one is the game view that you can even go under the ground, all has been left purposely on the gameplay video in order to help with the visual explanation.
  • I really loved the atmosphere of BATU, it gives a sense of calmness and relief.
  • There are no hints and objectives guide, which makes the game harder to explore... most players would want to have a tutorial or an objective goal at top corner so they can avoid being lost in such a big open world game.
  • The animals in the game are a very nice touch but I have noticed that they don’t even move from their places, I have talked about this in the video! Still, I find it so cool that there is deer in the game.
  • I am impressed by how much this game is big and the sound effects and the music of the game is accurate with the style of BATU.

Overall, I would love to play the game again, hope you make some change to make it better!! I really see this game is a big game! It is a very nice and chill open world game! Well done!

(1 edit) (+1)


Me and my buddies have just released the first prototype of our mobile game, which is a runner with an unique shooting mechanic. We plan to add levels, upgrades and improve the visuals in the future, but we would love to hear what you think about the game so far, so any kind of feedback or suggestions about the game are welcome!


Hey there guys! I have taken almost an hour to play your game and try to go as farther as I can, but your game is so hard and challenging! Nice job with this one! Here is the gameplay review video and I hope this can help you out with your game updates. I would appreciate the help since with my YouTube channel. Subscribing to mine will give me a motivational boos to keep up with these reviews over here on… and here is some notes as well.

  • From the start I liked the game, especially the music and background sound effects. It does put you on the mood for the game.
  • I didn’t like the fact that there is no option to pause the game, it just keeps going and going (sometimes players will need to pause it for many reasons).
  • I loved that the splash stays even after you die; it is a very cool feature. Maybe add another feature for a checkpoint system at certain points, the game is so hard to master it, or just leave it like it is as a challenging game ;)

The gameplay video contains some more ideas and review. I would love to take a look on what you can do more for this interesting game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! I just released a new update for Hack FPS! Hack FPS is a shooter where your only objective is to get to the end of the stage by hacking enemies. I've added a hardcore mode and a map creator to the game. I hope you enjoy it!

Hi there! I have made the gameplay review video for Hack FPS; I hope this will help you. The video contains much reviews and impressions but in case you can’t watch the entire video I will provide some notes here as well. I would love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, because this will motivate me to keep doing these gameplay reviews. In case you have an update and you need me to cover them, feel free to contact me again.

  • The most occurring issue with the game is the aiming system, it is definitely not accurate and the plus symbol in the middle does not help with aiming, it actually a blind spot.
  • I like the challenge of this shooting game! And the boss fights are the most challenging parts.
  • The enemies can shoot you through the walls and floors; in the video you can go to minute 9:57 to see that.

Such an interesting shooting game! The video has more than I already mentioned here. I am looking forward to see what can be there next!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello ZakariaGhorfati

This is a JRPG I have been pouring my heart in to. It has a massive mix of Adventure, Story and Travel. The music should have no copywrite issues as it's full of great songs I made up.

Hey there Alexanda, I have finally found the time to make a gameplay review for your game! And I might do more of videos in the future since you are working on the game with no stop! Most of the review is on the video here and it has everything that I captured from your game, but in case you can’t watch the entire video, I will write some notes here that might help you to update your game (this has been recorded before your last update). I do need support though on my journey on YouTube, by you subscribing to channel you will make me more motivated to do more of these gameplay review videos in the future.

  • With my first impressions is that the full screen option does not exist which is hard for me to focus with a small window (you might have already added that option by now, but in case you didn’t, I am sharing that).
  • In the begging of the game when talking to the sister Elsee there is a line of her saying “...allot of work sine Father and Mother died...” which I believe that you wanted to use the word “A lot” in this context rather than “Allot” which is not suitable.
  • From the side of the story I must say it is a well rich story and adventure! You have done great with this important part of the game.
  • Also from a positive review, the music and the sound effects are greatly being used to the game advantage.
  • For the quests, they are not really that clear, in the video you will notice that it took me a long time to know exactly what to do! Also, I think it is better to show the name of a given quest but keeping the quest pinned in either left side of right side of the screen! And maybe adding way point systems for directions or a small mini map shows where to go to explore! Because this game is massive and at first I only thought that this is the entire map for the game until by the end of the video I accidentally discovered that I was supposed to travel to another different map completely.
  • The battle system is cool, however I see it is so difficult to win battles in this part of the game shown on gameplay video. The battles are repeated as well, they tend to occur a lot once closer to an enemy and the escape button did not work for me! I might be wrong holding the wrong button though! One thing for sure, the battles are so hard to win them at the start and it does not show which slimes are easy to fight and which are harder.

Overall, I am interested in the game a lot, especially after discovering that there is more maps and places to go, I might do more video in the future for your game! Depending on how much this can be useful to you and on my schedule since there is lots of games waiting to be covered as well.


Thanks for the opportunity!

I just released the demo for CIPHERCELL, a minimalist logic puzzle game where you slide cells together to perform arithmetic, with the objective of getting the last cell to zero.

Play it here:


The game will be released on both Itch and Steam!

Here is the gameplay review video for your game! I really enjoyed this game and I love puzzle games on general speaking! I used to be a scientific student so I really missed calculations fun puzzles and games like this one. I will also write down some notes alongside the video below. It can help me so much if you subscribe to my YouTube channel, as a motivation for me to keep doing these reviews over here.

  • There should be a guide inside the game, or a hint system to show how moving cells affect calculations, also add that without a cell in front of another cell, you can’t move it.
  • I really love this puzzle game and it is so fun to go through each levels! Maybe add a score system as a reward to the players.

There is another thing in the gameplay video review which is; in one of the levels I managed to get two zeros!! It does not count as clearing the level (So it must be only one cell left saying zero!) Overall, your game is great and I will for sure make any follow up video for this game in case you have more. Well done!


hey. If you want to review my game


Your game has been downloaded but it does not open nor install, I believe this is purely mobile game and it is not supported for windows!!


it only plays on android systems if you download  it. Sorry!

No! that is alright, I was not clear on my thread either, I am only able to do PC games (Windows)


oh allright. Well you are still free to download it on your phone and enjoy the game. Greetz


I would love if you reviewed my 3d platformer!

(note : some spelling/ grammatical errors in the story, also final level is a bit tough but beatable)

By the screenshots on your game page, I can say the game looks awesome to play, but I can't make any transaction in order to get your game!

Huh thats odd, maybe refresh?



Your style goes directly against my health and my eyes can't handle that kind of colour grading!


Hi, thank you for doing this for the community!

Could you check out my game Nowhere To Go?


Hey! I have made a gameplay review video about your game. I hope this will help you. The video contains a lot of idea, reviews and opinions and since the video is short I am sure it will be easier for you to watch the entire video! I would ask from you to subscribe to my YouTube channel though, this will help to motivate me to do more of these gameplay reviews.


Thank you so much for reviewing my game!

I will take your opinions into consideration for the next update and I will definitely fix the controls system. I really appreciate your review.

I am glad for hearing that! If you want for me to cover it up with the future update that you are going to make just let me know.


Salam, hello brother Zakaria! We meet again!
I have a new project for you! This time, I write a visual novel about a pencil (for NaNoRenO 2021 Jam).
If you're interested to try it, it's free to play for everyone.

I welcome any review you may have, especially an honest one! ^^


Hey there my friend! I played your game here and as usual there is a written form review below as well as a gameplay video attached. Do not mind my stupid characters voicing, I tried my best hahaha

  • Without a doubt, the game is perfectly done since the very start with that creative fast intro to the lovely intense music and background sound effects.
  • The art suits the game so much, I really loved it.
  • The game is so funny which what made this visual novel so good, better than the last one I played for your game. I had more fun with Pencil than I was first expecting (the video will show that lol).
  • I like even the serious part of life is shorter with the pencil being shorter. The game is amazing and for that I will rate the game 5/5… WELL DONE!!!
Deleted 3 years ago

I played your game and it started to crash a lot, it forces to shut  down itself plus I had windows warnings about this game... check out with your game here sir!


Hi there! i plan to release my game later this year, it’s a tower defense:


The game looks really good and I would love to play it!! the gameplay video is nice, is there a link to play the game or a demo? I didn't find it on your profile on


hello , if you want play this game , its here :

ZombiEat :

Its Gore The Game :

Zombeach And Sun :


Hey! I have finally made a gameplay review video for your game here! The video is filled with all what you need to know about your game from opinions to ideas! But just in case you can’t take notes, here are some below! Thank for subscribing to my YouTube channel, this will motivate me to keep doing more of these reviews! I might even check the other two games that you listed for me!

  • Without a doubt! And as many gamers out there! I LOVE zombie games! They are my favourites of all genres of games!
  • The game starts directly without any main menu! And that is when it comes to video games is a bad thing! Better to use a starter main menu than entering directly!
  • The settings are great but maybe adding a volume option might make it even better.
  • The recoil of the weapons is too high! You can see that on the video.
  • The zombies sometimes seems to spawn from nowhere which makes the game more harder were you can’t even know where they are coming from!
  • I loved the night and day cycle! Even though I didn’t make it that far (I saw that on your YouTube videos).
  • The system is so good! I tested a game called EveryOne Dies and it has the same aspects you have them on your game! I like it.
  • There is something really important you need to see about me switching between the weapons to the pistol! It is by the end of the video.

The game is really nice and I have got an idea that you might try it in your game! Which is adding waves! First waves should be easier though then things get harder which each waves! I adore Zombie games!



 looking for feedback or critique :) 

Hey there DP, I have made a gameplay review video for your game you might want to check it up and watch it! I honestly enjoy play testing the game! Overall the game is so good that I will rate it high! There are some notes that I talked about them inside the video but I will share below some of them here as well! Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to see more gameplay review videos and maybe even making more for your own game in the future! It will also help me and motivate me more!

  • This game is so good! The atmosphere, the style, the music and soundtracks! Everything is well done and polished. Amazing graphics and it works smoothly!
  • I love how much this game is realistic, with the flashlight as well! The light looks so real when pointing down and forward!
  • I know it is just a demo but make sure that the game starts with the main menu and not directly!
  • Maybe in the future add the sound settings option.
  • The key is nearly impossible to spot! You really have to think about highlighting it or giving hints where to find it! (You will notice in the video how much I suffered to find it).
  • Picking the camera at the start seems to do nothing after you arrive to the train station!
  • I understand it is only a demo but I must ask anyways; is there a saving system or checkpoints in the game?
  • Sometimes picking stuff does not work directly! Best example for that is the key card.
  • The framrate is a little bit unstable as the game loads for the starting point.

The game is so good and I want to see more of this game in the future. Make sure to contact me in case you want more YouTubers to cover up your game! All the best for you.

Deleted 3 years ago

The game looks so interesting and fun to play! However, and I do say sorry for this, I have to refuse any online game that requires from me registering! I hope you understand this!

You may ask why... this is why: In the past, I used to try any game (like any) but with online games I had my account being hacked and even my social media personal accounts so I made it as one of my principales not to play online "unkown" games!

Also, I just have issues with Internet flaw (Weak Net here).

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks! I tried your game and it looks good from the inside, it seems that you have put a lot of work on this project! But you got me half right, the other half is that I don't play test online games! One more thing important: I can never use games or any topics that includes politics in my YouTube channel, things are crazy here on YouTube regulations and the people will be offended in one way or another, I am sure you understand this!

I truly wish all the best for your game! I am not the worst person when it comes to political affairs ;) 

Deleted 3 years ago

You are most welcome and wish you the same too!

Deleted 2 years ago

Hey there Bukmand, I have tried your game and here is a gameplay review video for your game! I must say, it takes a while before you get used to the controls and how the main menu works! Probably because part of it is due to the fact it was intended to go online as well!? Well, in case it goes to online multiplayer or even local multiplayer let me know because my little brother actually loved your game and he wants to try it against me lol. Here are some notes, all I am asking is a subscription to my YouTube channel, it will help and motivate me to keep doing these reviews!

  • I want to ask about the items inside the shop, after you buy them do you use them in the next battle by any character. And how do we use them?
  • The music lovely and so exciting! Well done with that.
  • After you get used to the controls and the game, it actually starts to be so fun to play and interesting to see how long can you make it.

The video have more to say, you might want to watch the entire gameplay review video! I know that you are from Egypt by the way! All the best in your game brother! RAMADAN KARIIM.


Hello! If you're still looking for games we just published thePath of Kami Demo, its a relaxing puzzle adventure following a spirit of a Japanese wolf thats on a journey.


Hey Captilight Games, I have made a gameplay review video for your game, I hope this will help you to update your game even more! There are some points I will try to mention them here below! It will be great for you guys to subscribe to my YouTube channel, it will for sure helps me and motivate me more to keep doing this.

  • Sometimes clicking in the main menu is not working that smooth; you will notice that in the video.
  • There is a point where the game exited by pressing escape button on the key board.
  • The puzzles are really good and I love the atmosphere.
  • It will be amazing if there are graphical settings.
  • There are some bugs in the game; one of them is next to the first fountain! I have purposely left these bugs inside the gameplay review video so you have a better view of what went wrong and helping you fixing it.
  • The mechanism of jumping is a little bit strange just before landing! Best way to understand it is by watching the entire video where it will show you when I was jumping!
  • Some stuff when collecting them says nothing and it does not add anything (no inventory or anything like that) Best example for this is that tree in the middle of the lake across the first village area. Most of the important points in the video I already mentioned, but I advise you to watch the entire video to get the most of it! And contact me if you need a fellow up video in case you made an update!

Hy and thanks for the opportunity!

I had made a short game for WOWIE jam 3.0 called "Suicide Explorer" which is themed on Failure is Progress.

Hope you enjoy it...

Play it here:



Hey there Variable, I have tried your game and made a gameplay review video, make sure to watch it since I included a lot of ideas and reviews to your game there! I really hope that my words would help you, and it will be great for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, it will help me and motivate me to make more of these reviews.


Hy,  and thanks for playing. I will definitely try to address the issues (the game definitely needs new levels 😅😅😅) the main theme of the gamejam was "Failure is progress" so i had to make something that fits the theme 😅

I understand now why the game is made like that explosive way lol, it is the theme. Let me know once you have new levels added ;) 

All the best in making more game Variable.


Redaxium. 3D game, CRPG-lite.

I have downloaded your game and this is the only thing I get one I open your game! Can't control or do anything!

(1 edit) (+1)

That's not good! in preconf.txt maybe set OS=1, else OS=0  . OS=1 is usually only required for linux. 

edit: If it doesn't work it could help a lot if you could share the game_debug.txt and log.txt.  they should be paste binnable. 

I could not get the game_debug.txt nor the log.txt. I wish all the best for your game.

My OS is Win 10 Pro /64x Bit/ 8 GB RAM... I hope this helps.

(2 edits) (+1)

Your specs definitely seem good enough. 

I wonder if Window 10 Pro is more strict with file system perms than basic. You could probably try Run as Administator. Maybe you have already. The screen you showed often happens when files could not be found or loaded. e.g. from the misc subfolder. 

Now the fact the log files aren't even produced may also be a clue, for example creation would be something a strict policy would be limiting. 

This could also be a locale issue somehow affecting how os paths are interpreted symbolwise.

I highly doubt it's an AntiVirus isssue because the game did run. Without log.txt there's no way for me to know.

Coincidentally I swapped my mobo and processor recently and this resulted in my windows key being totally invalidated for some reason. Maybe later  i'll pickup Win10 Pro and experiment.

Thanks for trying!

If there is something coming up in the future, feel free to let me know.

It might be related to Windows 10 Pro, you can always ask people to let you know which OS they are using so you can test it from different sources.


Hi Zakaria,

I can't believe your commitment to this thread! If you haven't got sick of itch games by now, I'd love to know your thoughts on Bunny Hill Horror: Bunny Boiler, which is a darkly humorous visual novel with exploration and puzzle elements- a bit like the old 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books. It's the sequel to our previous game, Bunny Hill Horror, but can be played as a standalone game. I'll check out your channel :)


I had all being ready and after 48 hours of uploading the video on YouTube it didn't process! 

It is for your first part game by the way! I will try to find a solution for this.


Oh no! Well, even if it doesn't upload, thanks a lot for playing and I hope you had fun :)


I am going to make a gameplay series for your game, and the letter being written below the video has been written for the original full video.

Hi Krunchy Fried Games, I have decided to play your first game; Bunny Hill Horror and here is the gameplay review video. I have enjoyed the story and the puzzles are really good and being made in a smart way! For sure I am less a fan of sexual scenes and I prefer if there were no naked women in the game but it is what it is! Here are some notes guys for your game! Also It will be great if you guys gave me a sub on my YouTube channel, I could really need all the help I can get to grow my channel.

  • For sure I love the game with the funny moments you guys introduced in the game; it is really good quality visual novel.
  • From a gamer point of view, you guys might want to add the option of turning off/on for activating hints in the game. I am sure you had many players saying to you how much the puzzles are hard to solve. So adding that option will make people more interested to finish the story.
  • The atmosphere is really creepy and there is much jump scares! Well done on the horror theme.
  • I love the sound effects and the background noise, from bird songs to random coughing.
  • This is more a personal opinion! Some texts in the game have nothing to do with the story like those newspapers articles and random books! I get it that it has to do with giving backgrounds to the story, but I felt some of them gave nothing and it was waste of time to read them. Therefore, I would recommend focusing on texts and dialogues that they are not that long and that has to do something either with the story or to solve a puzzle later in the game (Which is much better and if those newspapers articles were used in the puzzles would have been great!).
  •  I found a bug in the game (you might find it around 1 hour inside the gameplay video).

The video contains a lot more than I can write here! I will try my best to play your next Part 2 game soon. 


Glad you got it sorted! I enjoyed the first part- and look forward to more.

Thanks for your comments- you're certainly right about getting comments about the difficulty. I had a bunch of people on Newgrounds PM me for a hint about that painting puzzle! Sometimes over several days. At least there are some playthru's now so people can find the answers if they need them.

Yeah, there's a lot of reading (especially in the library), some of the articles are useful for back story and give you hints about what Oswald Mandias is up to, other text- like the poetry, I just threw in for a bit of culture. Have learned this lesson and the sequel is a lot more focused.  And, yes, we toned down the sexual elements from the Newgrounds/ Gamejolt version, but it's still an underlying theme.

Glad you enjoyed the atmosphere and dribbles of humour. I also think mixing sound effects is the most fun part of game development, so it's good that that didn't go to waste!

And good luck with your channel and bringing people all these indie games. Don't worry, we're already subbed :)


I did enjoyed as well playing your game! And I will make sure to update you once I drop another part of your game.

Thank you so much for the explanations! You didn't have to but you did it anyways which make me happy and I would want to see more of your games for sure!

The sound effects are the most important part of any visual novel game! I have tested up to 4 ones before yours and was about to make one myself but got into lack of time and some other personal issues! Now the focus will be on finishing your Second game (I am almost done: stuck at the grandfather clock puzzle).


I'm guessing you've worked it out by now? If not, here's a quick hint:

A note that helped you with a previous puzzle might give something else away. I assume you've spoken to Dave about it too?


Hey there again Krunchy Fried Games,

I have finally found the time to finish your game (Was dealing with other stuff outside of gaming and YouTube).

I do intend to make a small interview with you guys if you are interested (via voice calls on Discord)

Here is an example for that:


Sweet! Yeah, don't worry about not getting around to it immediately- everyone's got their own lives.

And I'd be happy to chat, hopefully Mike will be too. It's getting a bit late here so I'll send you an email tomorrow, if that's ok. Look forward to checking out the video :)

Great to here you are down for that! I hope Mike does as well... I will check the approperiate time for you guys to be able to participate in this small interview.


Hi Zakaria!

I made my first commercial game. "Road To Adventure!" 

It's a 2D Adventure-Platformer game. I would be honored if you can make a review of it.

Best regards!

I found the steam page for your game using the link, and from the look of it, it looks great (like Super Mario).

I can't play the game by buying any game being asked for a gameplay review (maybe you forgot to send me a key).


Hi Zakaria,

I'd like to hear your thoughts on my game, it's a 3D puzzle platformer crafted in Unreal Engine 4 featuring a 8h story. This is my solo project that started as a joke but turned into a full game with (deliberately questionable) voice acting, quality cinematics and animations, as well as full controller support. If you are interested I'll be happy to provide you with a review copy.

Hi there FunkyzeitGames,

Yes! sure I am down for the task.

To be honest, I normally go down the list and that is in order to be fair with everyone (I can't play all games in one day, I try my best to make one each day and this takes long to go through all the list) but I am willing to make an exception here! So let's do this!


Hi Zakaria,

Thank you for your reply, I have emailed you the Steam key couple of minutes ago. :)


Hi Zakaria


Since you like challenges I also invite you to try to finish the prologue on the demo of GrandMa Badass ...

and if you get there and want to play the sequel, well I'll give you a key for the episode 1 :)

GrandMa Badass is a 2D cartoon Point and Click

Hi there Adipson, I played your game and I must say I am impressed! Here is the gameplay review video, I managed to end the demo. Here are some notes too, it will be amazing if you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, I keep doing these reviews on regularly.

  • Most obvious issue is the resolution, but I am sure you guys will change that and add others in the future!
  • The game for sure is so good! I like that style and the story starts in a interesting way for a grandma.
  • I love the music background and all sound effects, especially the way the characters talks.
  • You might add hints from time to time (Switching the lights for example, it was so hard for me to discover it).

I found your game very fun to play and you were right! It is challenging, and I love challenges! I hope all the best for your game. If anything and there is more you want me to cover it up for you, just let me know.

Hey there FunkyzeitGames, I have recorded a gameplay review video that contains reviews, opinions, thoughts, first impressions and I have also kept some of the issues and problems that I faced purposely in order to help with the visual explanation. All together and I am sure you already know this about your game, the game is interesting and so good. This can with high chances lead to a part two. If possible from I could really need another subscription on my YouTube channel, it will help to motivate me to keep doing these gameplay reviews -it sure takes a lot of time and energy to make them ;)

  • As I starter, I would like to say that your game gave me a really good impression from the start and your voice acting is not bad at all. Well done! It is really fun to listen to it lol
  • From a gamer point of view, the game really needs an option of settings when pausing the game! This option of settings is to help change graphical settings and audio as well without going back to the main menu.
  • Inside the gameplay video you will notice that I complained a lot about the motion blur, I tried different graphical settings and it seemed it stayed the same, maybe add an option to deactivate it. Also mouse sensitivity option is required in such games.
  • I congratulate you for your work on the hints system and pausing the game in order to show new implantations of objects and items. It does help smooth the game a lot.
  • I have noticed in some occasions that the player slide inside the hitbox of some rocks, in case you can’t watch the entire video here is an example (minute 20:10 in the video).

Hi Zakaria,

Thank you for covering Converter on your Youtube channel and thank you for good overall impression. :) I am currently watching it right now as it came out in my subscription feed and I'm glad that you are planning a gameplay series. Regarding your comments:

-In game pause menu needs options: Absolutely correct. This is on my list to add along with the motion blur reduction. As much as I love cinematic feel the motion blur gives, I understand a lot of people aren't fans of it. Mouse sensitivity option is in the controls option though, I believe it's now called Mouse/Gamepad look sensitivity, at the bottom of the controls options menu.

-I have updated the hints system couple of days ago because some people complained that it's distracting and it suddenly pops up, so in recent update I relegated it to the optional hint circles you can walk into if you'd like more info. I am glad that you like it the way it was and I believe the current solution is the best of both worlds

-Sliding into the rocks is a framerate issue. I have tried to make the animation transitions as smooth as possible but at lower end PCs the smoothing of character's position can lag behind a bit, causing the character to sometimes clip into fast moving platforms. I will work on it to adjust it for lower end machines. In the meantime, please try lowering some of the graphical settings so your experience is as smooth as possible. I'd suggest lowering the draw distance to almost minimum and keeping the rest on high. Just to add, Chad settings are above Ultra and they are the most demanding.

Your feedback means a lot to me as it gives me clear directions how to update the game, so thank you very much again for it. I'll continue watching your video now for additional comments you might have had while recording it. Please enjoy the game, it is quite big for a solo project, but there is a lot of puzzles, interesting areas and other content as well. :)

Hi there FunkyzeitGames,

Without a doubt, your game is a massive project for only one person behind the scenes, I am really impressed of how much this game is good. And thank you so much for joining me through my journey of YouTube! I didn't know you are already in with us.

I have already managed to solve smoothing the gameplay and minimizing the motion blur by lowering the graphical settings, it has to be my PC because I am having 8 GB RAM installed but only 6 GB usable.

For the updates that you made, you must know that I already prepared some content for your game before your update, so you might see some stuff not change. I will make sure to focus on this upcoming video to help you make the game better.

One of my good traits is that I love to help, and this game seems great more than enough to be gaining help from all directions! All the best for Converter.

PS: I will post on your game page for the next upcoming gameplay reviews.


Hey Zakaria,

would you also feature physical games?

If so i would love to see you play any of my projects if any peeks your interest @

I wish you best of luck climbing the youtube algorithm ! :)


I have tried to download your game but it only gives me some PDF files (rules...) or it takes me to a Steam page discussion! I am so confused and honestly I don't think these physical games are my type anyways! I have to refuse your projects and I am sorry for that!


hi Zakaria, yes the PDF files are files to print out, then you have a boardgame ;)

The steam link is a digital version but you need to have a 20$ software called Tabletop simulator.

I also included links to a web platform where you can play it directly, you'll find these in the project description @ .

But I totally understand that you reject it, I looked at your channel, and this would become a very different video from the rest.

Thanks for checking it out :)


Hi Nini, Thank you for understanding and thank you for explaining further about your physical games. I hope some people see these comments here and check your projects.


Purple Eyes Killers

This is dark fantasy space invaders clone. It has story. With text screens. And gameplay has some efects. It has simple purple black colors visual, and arthouse style. 


Hi there DimaLink, I have played your game but I had to stop at one point! The reason is that I am one of those people who have a problem with flashing images and your game contains that sometimes! I will be happy if you can hit me with a subscription to my YouTube channel, it really motivates more to do these reviews seeing you developers joining in. Here are some small notes.

  • I am beyond impressed to the fact that your game has auto generated levels each time you press a new game! It is so good to see how much different the start of each new game.
  • I was hoping for the music to be lowered down a little bit as an option better than turning it off (it was loud to be honest).
  • Your gameplay is so good and it has that element of challenging.
  • I love the score system and all related to the gameplay. However, I see that the loading screen takes time and it seems that it is made of chunks! Not sure how to explain it better.
  • There is an issue with the going to the full screen when recording only! It is only related to recording results (it works perfectly normal on the PC).

If I could handle the pain in my eyes because of the flashing images, I would for sure try to finish the game! Hope this video and these notes can help you out sir.


Thanks for playing! I subscribed to you on YT! You cool!!

Thank you so much DimaLink! I wish I could handle the flashing images so I can play your game longer!


Hey, I just finished uploading my game to itch! 

Would you mind checking it out?

I played your game and it looks good! However, I prefer to play offline using a downloadable version in order to record a gameplay review video. 


Just finished our game for a jam:
would love for you to give it a try.


Hi there, I made a gameplay review video for Soul Crisis and I must say this game is so hard, like too much hard. I have some notes here and there but the video sums it all. It will be great if you guys can subscribe to my YouTube channel; It will really keep me going and do more of these reviews.

  • As a starter, the resolution is not set up for a good appropriate experience, but maybe this is the style you prefer and you want it! So I will not judge that :p
  • I like the style of the game! I do like this new concept of fighting.
  • However, the battle seems almost impossible, you get hit too easy and it seems that you are being targeted no matter where you go (I thought there is fixed aimed places but it looks like it follows your movements).
  • Maybe add how to play guide in the game, because as an example I figured out that charging weapon after you get hit can be resumed!

Surely it is a challenging game, but this is a very hard one to be honest. Can we have lowering difficulties in the future? I hope this review helps in making your games better. I really do!


Hi! Thank you for doing such a useful job!

it's really important for many developers! could you take a look at our project too?

we would be happy to.


You are most welcome! However, these kind of games is not going to be on my list due to the theme of your game! It is with respect that I will refuse to cover up your project, I wish you will understand my choice here!

(5 edits) (+1)

Hi ZakariaGhorfati,

Would you mind playing the demo for my Visual Novel?  There's now 7 chapters available.  Also, just to let you know, this is the kind of Visual Novel that has one linear story.  Also, the main character is shown along with other characters.  

Also, this is available for Windows and Mac, as well as web browser.  Also, I went and added some depth to the character art and broke the longer paragraphs into smaller ones.

You can find it at

Hi there again Danielle! Here is the gameplay review video you asked! I hope this helps you out. I see that you are doing well with making more new games! All the best.

  • In case you didn’t notice in the video, the text is almost been cut at bottom in some areas on the game! I couldn’t read it all the way down sometimes.
  • The graphics are so simple and that is probably your style here but I am not a fan of those unfortunately!
  • These kinds of games require some sound effects while playing or at least background music. Otherwise, it will be just reading a book literally!
  • I was hoping for a save system so I can resume the game if I ever needed to go for any personal reason! I see that there are chapters to choose from, which is nice.

Overall, the story is interesting but you really might take a look at some points above! It will help you make better visual novel games in the future.


Hi Zakaria, 

the amount of new games to play here surely is already enough yet I still would like to share my high-scpre game "Zombrero" with you. It only takes a few minutes to try it out. Thank you for the opportunity!


Hi there Gerhard Atze! I have played your game and here is the gameplay review video for it! Make sure to let me know in case you update your game and want me to cover it up for you. For now here are some notes with the video as well! I would be happier if you could join me in my YouTube channel! That is something that helps me to keep doing more of these reviews.

  • Just some small things to take care of, but they don’t affect your game badly anyways (Full screen resolution + sounds or music options to change it).
  • I like that side country song! It does draw the atmosphere for the game.
  • So simple and yet so addictive! You will notice in the video I kept saying “One last time” lol.
  • As an additional: You can explain how to play the game inside the game (like how to kick and what does activate the special ability) I had to learn about these from your game page.

Hope this will be to a good help to your game! All the best in killing more zombies ;)


Hi Zakaria, thank you so so much for playing and actually trying to get a highscore! Had a lot of fun watching it. I see now that I have to explain the game better. The Special Timer and Kills count for every zombie you kill with gunshots. If you manage to get 6 Kills in 3 Seconds you will be rewarded with the special gun for some seconds (you had it at 9:31), which is the most important mechanic to get a very high score. I think I have to tweak the game somehow, because it makes a lot of fun when you just splatter dozens of zombies but most people don't get this far. So this was really helpful. Thank you a lot!

EDIT: There is actually a fullscreen option to toggle on or off on the title screen!


Thank you for replaying here as well! I enjoyed your game and hoping it will get more much attention!


Hello Zakaria,

I'm sure you have a lot of games to try already but if you get time please check out my game Solar Blaster: Challenge Stage

Solar Blaster: Challenge Stage

Solar Blaster: Challenge Stage is an action packed space shooter where you’ve got 2 minutes to get the high score. Destroy as many enemy waves as you can within the time limit, collect power ups like rapid fire and spread shot and cause massive destruction with your 3 super bombs.

Play the game for free in your browser or download the zip folder containing stand alone versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and Raspberry Pi. The stand alone versions support high score save and can also be played with controllers.

Please take a look at this video of the game in action (not my video, credit for this goes to nonkabejima on youtube):


Hi there GS.Games! I have finally made it up and played your game and here is below the gameplay review video for Solar Blaster! I hope this can boost your game page as well gives you some positives motives. It will be great if you subscribed to my YouTube channel, as it really helps me and motivate me to do more of these reviews. Here are some notes as well!

  • The starting of the game shows some important notes about power-ups and enemies! But it goes away so fast! I was hoping to be able to get back to it to take a look at it, as it might help to let the player focus on certain enemies to get the best score.
  • The game is so engaging and good! I had a fun time to try to get the high score!
  • I like how much simple and energetic this game is! I would want to see more levels for sure!

I managed to get 14480 as my highest score in the game! I hope to see this game does well in the future.


Hi Zakaria, thanks so much for choosing my game for your latest video! I thought it was really great and it was a lot of fun to watch! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and it was great that you showed both game modes too. I enjoyed seeing you improve on each attempt at the game, and I'm glad you got to try all the different power ups. 

The text intro screens explaining the power ups and controls do kind of go by a bit quickly, but they will cycle around again if you don't press any keys. If I do any more updates to the game I'd probably adjust the speed of this but otherwise I'm happy with the game as it is at the moment. The Endless Attack mode was added in the version 1.1 update because people enjoyed the game and wanted to be able to play it for longer than 2 minutes, I've been really pleased and surprised by the positive reaction the game has had so far - and it's great seeing people like you finding the game now and enjoying it!

I hope your video gets a lot of views and that it helps to boost your channel as well. I gave you a like and a comment on the video and subscribed too!


Thank you so much for the help with the YouTube channel, it really means a lot to me! Same as I said before, your game is great and it has great challenging vibes! Really enjoyed playing your game.

I wish you all the best in making more games like this.


Hey guys! A friend and I developed a game for a subject at college, and we are happy with the result. 

It is a metroidvania in which the player gains new characters, to apply combos changing characters mid-game.

We are thinking about continuing to develop the game for Steam. Any feedback would help a lot.

I recommend downloading the Windows version.

Anyway, thanks. Here is the game link:

Short gameplay:

I have finally played your game and here is below the gameplay review video for your game. Hope this will help out and I will post some notes as well, however the video contains more than I can write, so make sure to watch it for more details. Also, it will be great if you joined me up on my YouTube channel, it keeps me going and doing these reviews over here.

  • The game is really cool to play and it has adventure and a story inside, which what impressed me the most.
  • I gotta be honest about the jump section! It feels like it goes down by gravity too fast, I have suffered a lot to get used to it but still got me by the end and could not finish the entire game.
  • There are certain hints that take time even after clicking to take it off-screen.

The original video was about an hour long but I had to edit it a lot to take off the death runs! I hope this helps out for real.


Hey there do you mind to check out my games too ? THX :D

Hi there Krisz’Games! I have made a gameplay review video for your game Haunted Knight! Hope this will help out with development. There are some notes below too but the video contains more ideas and reviews. It will be great if you join me to my YouTube journey, adding new subs motivate me to do more reviews here.

  • The game sounds and music is extremely loud! Adding a sound option would be great.
  • Game mechanics are good.
  • The game surely needs some introductions like a guide of certain items in the game!
  • The area is so limited but it can be a start of a bigger map if you intend to.
  • Sometime the character gets stuck by the terrain while in other times it does not for the same terrain! (Even the enemies).
  • Not sure if you want to the game to be like this as a challenge to get a high score in an endless battles with enemies or it is a play for a bigger game! But for real, it is too much for any PC. The amount of NPCs enemies that respawn is insanely huge! And the rate is extremely fast too.

I hope to see this game as a part of a bigger version because it really has good vibes. With a story and objectives and bigger map, it will be great.  

Deleted 29 days ago

Hi there Amir! I have played your game a while back and now finished uploading the gameplay review video for your PARASIGHT. I am really impressed, GREAT GAME ♥. I would be grateful for you if you joined my YouTube channel... I ask every developer who I make a video for, and it does really help me out to see you guys join in. Here are some notes as well to the video.

  • The game is fantastic from storyline to gameplay mechanics.
  • I loved the smart humour that you have put inside the game.
  • The sound effects and the music are great! I even like when you kill the enemies at the tutorial part and their sound effects lol.
  • Tutorials in games are generally boring that is why most gamers just skip them but yours was interestingly fun to go through.
  • It will be great to know the reason and the purpose of the black blood (I will assume it is black blood since it comes from slicing enemies or hurting the character). But maybe you have that planned to be in the full game and not in the demo.

The game is amazing and I love each bit of it! Hope to see and be able to play the full game to be honest! This is a great game and I wish all the best in making this project comes to life.

Deleted 29 days ago
Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, this game of mine is still under development, but if you pick the first character and achive a perfect score,  it looks as if it was complete.


I am not sure if it is safe or not but each time my Windows blocks the download after a while saying there is files that might harm my PC!

Is this game an online game? I also watched your YouTube videos about your game! could not get if it is a showcase of characters in a zoomed way or a gameplay video!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Hi! I am really glad to share with you the serious game we just published. Humanity: First Woman in Space is a VR application that allows you to live the story of the first woman to go to space and see the world through her eyes. VR allows us to become someone that doesn't look like us and have a different background. It is a great example that VR can be used to experience empathy. The goal is to reduce unconscious bias that most of us have!

We love the message of our game, but we would like to know how to improve the experience. We are wondering if we should spend more time to polish the experience or if we should continue the story to the moment we go to space. We are trying to understand what people like and dislike about it and what are the most important things to change or add! 

What is your feeling about it, is it appealing to you, does it lack something? 

Thanks a lot for your help!


After reading about your game I am really interested to play it! However, I don't have VR.

I tried the game on PC without VR but it keeps saying I have to look to a camera in the centre of the screen! The game can't be played without VR sets.

I wish all the best for your game guys! Really creactive one!


Yes, the game cannot be played without VR headset. Sorry for this... 

But thanks for your interest anyway! 


Hello Zakaria, earlier this year I uploaded my game Tourmaline to, I've garnered a few views and downloads which is great but unfortunately I have yet to receive any feedback and was wondering if you would be willing to check out my game. Any attention your video could give my game would be fantastic but I am almost more interested to see your opinion of the game, either way it would be very helpful. Even if you don't decide to play my game or don't find the time I have to give you major credit for managing to keep up with this process so thank you for doing this for so many people. Anyways I am eager to see your response and hope to speak to you more later.

More info on my game can be found on the page.

The link to my game:


Hey there Duke, I have played your game ahead of the rest of the list because of the kind way you asked for it. I hope this gameplay review video will help you with your new game here! All I am asking is your subscription to my YouTube channel, it will surely help me, it is like a help for help ;) LOL. The video here contains a lot of information, opinions and reviews, so you might want to watch it fully. However, in case you don’t have time, here are some notes.

  • I love the style of the game; medieval era is my favorite of all times.
  • The soundtracks and music are greatly matching the game style! So well done on that one.
  • There is an issue with your tutorial instructions; the writings seem not that clear and they are not in a good position. Also adding to that, the descriptions of items like weapons for example is so small! In the video you will notice that better.
  • When the player dies, the game takes you to the main menu at the start. Maybe instead of that adding a restart option better.
  • I think there is a small bug: When there are those two big men, only one of them is trying to hit me, the other is standing next to him (around 20 minutes inside the video).

Of course the video contains more than these notes, so feel free to watch it. If you decided to update the game and solve the magic feature, let me know by contacting me and I might give it a shot and play the game and finish it, or maybe to show the new updates.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for your time, I will watch the entirety of your video later today and let you know more once I have done so.  I have also subscribed to your channel partially cause you asked but also because I enjoyed what I watched of your other videos.


I have watched your video and enjoyed it, it was very useful as it showed me a lot of things that could be improved or made clearer to the player.  It is unfortunate that you were unable to finish it but this is understandable as there were many things (like the magic feature) that I now realize were not sufficiently explained to the player.

While watching I took some notes about different parts where you had been confused and would like to clarify some of them, I've also included time stamps so you can see what I am referring to.

Time In Video, 3:37 - For some reason the tutorial text boxes were not displaying correctly for you, there should have been a box behind the text to make it easier to read.

Here's how it looked for you:

Here's How it should have looked

I am not sure why it displayed incorrectly, and I will try to fix it for future versions.

Time Stamp, 6:46 - To clarify, the reason for why touching enemies hurts you is to make sure you can't run past them when you shouldn't, at least, not without getting hit

Time Stamp, 10:00 - I agree, you should not be booted to the menu after dying, I will fix this in the future, thanks for the suggestion.

Time Stamp, 12:16  - This is a health orb, it heals you when you hit it (but you had max health), the tutorial mentions this but sadly due to the bug mentioned earlier you may not have been able to read this (I may have also forgot to include that tutorial, I will check)

Time Stamp. 12:36 - You can change the size of text under Options -> Accessibility -> Text Size. Making it bigger may help you to read the item descriptions and the name of items when you pick them up

Time Stamp. 36:00 - I think the hitboxes may be broken here, you should have been able to hit this enemy easier with the lance, I will fix this for the next version

Most Importantly:

To use magic you have to hold the spell toggle button (By default W) and press the attack button (By Default E), you can cast the spells as many times as you like so long as you have enough mana (The blue bar at the top)

Another thing I realized is that the second half of the demo (where it goes dark) is not easy to understand at first. A big part of why you had difficulty with that second boss is because there were new weapons and spells in the dark version of the level (Two weapons in the tower area, and a spell where you first unlocked the dash ability), I can see why it would not be clear that you should explore this area fully, sorry for not making it more clear. If you ever decide to revisit the demo hopefully with this new information you would be able to complete it. 

Thank you for checking it out though, your feedback is helpful, I've had two other people test out the game but they've been playing it since the first demo, so its useful to see someone who had never played that demo try this new one, so thanks for your time.

Whether or not you decide to go back to the demo, I hope to speak with you again in the future, and I will inform you whenever I make any new releases or major updates. Again thanks for your time.


I am so glad that this has been a useful way to test your game and happy to help! And I am more surprsied by the efforts and time you took to replay and explain your game further here.

Now I understand more why the second boss was that hard, It seems there is two parts of that boss anyways lol I wanted to say that I was close to beat him.

It makes more sense now how to use magic after you explained! I was not able to get it (I was just spamming keys). 

Now for the most important part that you want to know: Will I do more for your game? Well an easy answer would be yes! But... and I am sure you will understand me... I am having too much requests here, so I can't go back and finish the game now, however, I can surely take a look at it again after you update. Looking forward to see the end of that demo to be honest!

(2 edits) (+1)

I completely understand you, you've already given me priority so I thank you for that anyways, If I fix the demo I will let you know but will understand if you don't have time to re visit it. Thanks for your time. 


I've been looking into the issue with the tutorial text boxes and cannot seem to recreate it. I was wondering if you would be willing to tell me a few things that could help me figure out what happened.

- What recording software where you using?

- Where you playing the game on a multi monitor setup?

- I saw in the video the resolution was set to 1440 : 900, is that the resolution of your monitor; and, is that the resolution windows is set to use?

Thanks for your patience, I'm hoping to solve these issues so they do not affect other players in the future.

Hey! No problem, as long as I can help easily I would do it! 

I am using Wondershare Filmora to record my videos. The games are played on one moniter that is set to 1440 : 900, and I think it is related to the resolution because I noticed once uploaded to YouTube they are not on full screen (there is a little of black sceen in both sides, left and right) unlike when I was recording in older Laptop that has 1366 : 768. It might be the resolution of 1440 : 900.

Hope this helps out!


It very well may have something to do with the resolution of your monitor, I will look into it, thanks for the information.


Thanks for the offer!  Your reviews seem really useful.  I really don't get a lot of feedback on my game, so I'd appreciate it if you reviewed it.

Hello uncleAlias, I played your Bird Panic game and I have made a gameplay review video about it! Here are also some notes as well. I would appreciate for you to join my YouTube channel. The more people join in, the more I am motivated to do these reviews.

  • The game is really lovely to play and the sound effects suit your game so well.
  • I enjoyed most of the time with the challenges.
  • I think sometimes the bird does not go down (You might see it clearly in the video) I am not sure but I think sometimes it get stuck on the floors.
  • There are green gems in the game that you win them! Do they have any value? Can they be used for future upgrades?

The video has more to show than these notes over here! I would love also to see this game hit the multiplayer option. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for playing it!  Because of COVID, I rarely get to actually see someone play it for the first time and give commentary, so it was really useful.  A few notes/questions:

- The HUD at the top of the screen isn't supposed to look like that....  Can I ask what resolution you're desktop was on or if you use any screen scaling?

- There are 2 types of platforms - the loose dirt ones can be dropped down/jumped through, but the rocky ones can't.  I'm currently working on making them look more different from each other.  Seeing the things you missed will really help me focus on what to make clearer!

- When you tried Classic mode and the game suddenly ended, is it possible you pressed "U" and then "G" for some reason?  Those are cheats keys that trigger "Unlimited Hearts" and "Game Over", which seems to be what happened by looking at the screen.  The game doesn't normally end like that!  BTW, It says "P2 Press (A) to join" so that a second (or third or fourth) player can join with gamepads.

- the message after level 5 wasn't meant to signify the end of the game.  There are 11 levels in total.  I think I will make it so that message is displayed on game over instead.

- right now the gems are just used as an overall score, but I hope to add a system where you can buy things with them, or you need a certain number to get past certain points.

I'll be replying to the post you made on my game page as well, but it won't contain any information that isn't here. (Edit: and thank you for posting there too, I feel like it might encourage more engagement)

Thanks again for making the video!  I got a really big bump in traffic from it.  I'll try to send some your way in return.

Hi uncleAlias, I am happy to see all of this notes from you, it makes me feel good that the gameplay reviews that I am doing are actually helping devs here.

- The issue you saw with the HUD is probably due to my resolution, you are right! I am using 1440 : 900 and that is because I changed my setup and settings 2 months ago! (Some devs had similar to different issues when I play test their game and they never had it before, I blame my resolution lol).

- I didn't even notice that there is 2 types of platforms, It will be nice if you add some texts about it to explain it too.

- Those cheats keys might affect your game in a negative way! I mean think about it, one slip from the player on his keyboard and the game changes ;) or get over!

For one more explanation! I tend to post here to replay to your post and copy paste the same to your game page in order to help devs to notice that I finally made the video for them and also for other devs that might be interested in your game!

If you made enough changes and updates make sure to contact me (there is email adress, instagram...etc) I noticed that doing fellow up videos showing updates or making a gameplay series gives more traffic to you developers! I had some acknowledge that. ALL THE BEST!

(2 edits) (+1)
The issue you saw with the HUD is probably due to my resolution, you are right! I am using 1440 : 900...

Yup!  Changed it to that and it messed it right up!  Have to look into that.

I didn't even notice that there is 2 types of platforms, It will be nice if you add some texts about it to explain it too.

Thanks!  Yeah, I'm really gonna work on making the random tips at the beginning/end of the levels more noticeable.

 Those cheats keys might affect your game in a negative way! I mean think about it, one slip from the player on his keyboard and the game changes ;) or get over!

Okay but, just to be clear, is that what you think happened?  You pressed some odd keys and the game ended?  I just want to know in case something else is triggering the cheats for some reason.

If you made enough changes and updates make sure to contact me (there is email adress, instagram...etc) I noticed that doing fellow up videos showing updates or making a gameplay series gives more traffic to you developers! I had some acknowledge that. ALL THE BEST!

Will do!  And again, thank you for giving my traffic a boost!  Since you posted your video I've gotten over 100 views and 40 plays and they are definitely almost all from this thread!  Cheers!

Happy to hear from you again! And really surprised you got 40 plays! That is a good amount of boost!

I have noticed that your gameplay video on my YouTube did good too for the last 10 games I have played on  (at least 10 last games, it might be more) and your 16 minutes video has been watched for 1.5 hours (which is good comparing to typical watch time this week) All of this is honestly to your game being good and interesting to play! So if you are satisfied by the your boost you should know it is all due to your game being good ;) 

For the cheat codes! it is really up to you! It is just a personal opinion here lol (you should get more feedback on that before doing anything I would say).


Yeah, I'm not arguing with you about the cheat codes, I'm just trying to get clarification about what happened that triggered them.

Sure, I didn't take it that (Arguing I mean). Here to help as well.


That's quite a nice offer. I'd like you to check out a few games of mine. Choose which one of these two you like best. I'm happy about any review. :)

Hi there TwoFaceGames, I have finally been able to play your game Succubus Shop! I hope this gameplay video review would help you out. Also, it would be nice if you subscribed to my YouTube channel. Here is your video: 

Deleted 3 years ago

I did actually saw your post before and had some issues (Malwate issues) I really want to try your game but this is dangerous to my PC!

I keep having the same results with different Antiviruses. I will be forced to turn off your request because of this.

Deleted 3 years ago

No problem! I am running a Deep Scan to the entire PC and it stayed for 4 hours and all is fine now on my PC!

I am not lucky from all of those 91 players I guess :( 

Deleted 3 years ago

I wouldn't expect it ;)

For the files, I can't show you as I already deleted the download.

Deleted 3 years ago

Kill Corona viruses with your finger tips.

This is my first game I ever released so comments and ratings would really appreciate me.

Visit game page to rate this game :

Looks like an interesting game! But I have refused to play mobile games as a gameplay reviews videos over here! It is shown on the thread, only PC games!

please review this game plz i worked hard on this game but its not getting views please do a review


Is it on PlayStore for android? I do understand the hard work you have put on that! Therefore I will check with a friend of mine who play Mobile games! For me I can't do something out of the style of my YouTube channel! I am sure you understand that! 


no it's not on play store. And I understand that 


Deleted 2 years ago

Hi there GameChef! I have made a gameplay review video for your Black Cato! Such an interesting new concept! I really like the style. I hope you can also join our YouTube channel, it does help a lot to see new ppl and devs join in.

The gameplay concept is new to me and it is really interesting! I truly like the idea. WELL DONE!

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hi i created my first own game for android mobile.  Game is still in development/alpha version.

Game is free with ads. If you will try it and you will give me some feedback it helps me alot. Thank you


Hi there friend! Plz copy past this post to our new thread about Mobile/Android games! We created a new one for that since this is only for PC games.

A lot of ppl here kept asking about mobile games so we went with a new thread and a new project with mobile games.


Ok i did thank you.

You are most welcome! We will get to you back as soon as possible as a replay on the other post.


Hey! I made this game in about a week for the GoGodot jam. I would love to hear your feedback if you have time to play it.

Hey  there! I had some issues so I was away from making reviews here, but I am back somehow now! I tried your game but couldn't get footage for you in a YouTube video (The recording keeps failing) The reason of this is the resolution inside the game which I had this with some other games before, so I solve this by opening the game on windows display mode instead of fullscreen... However, your game does not have that option.

Here are some notes anyways:

- I loved the concept of the slightly open world style!

- The battle system is good! Well done with that.

- There is a noticable delay when loading between the different areas.

- Jumping on those moving platforms is easy but once you are there you can see the player flickering a little bit (It is normal though, doesn't affect your game).

I would love to play your game again and make a video about it. In case you added option of changing settings let me know.


Salam, Zakaria!
We meet again! I have a new visual novel for you hahahah. This time it was done under 48 hours - made for GameMaker's Toolkit jam (GMTK game jam). As always, I'd like to see your take on my game and your reviews will help us a lot in improving the game!

Pandora Project

Submission link:


Salam Alikom Roomah Gaming,

I finally found the time to make a gameplay review video about it. Like usual... Your games are great. For the time you had to make this game you really did good. All the best in your future games (I want to make a small interview with you if you are interested).


I'm too shy for an interview HAHAHA.
I'm sorry! Thank you for your support, brother!


Smiling here while reading your comment Hahaha.

Just to be clear: It is via Discord and only voice! But I do understand it, even me I am shy :p 


Let me think about it! Haha.
I don't really use Discord but what's yours?

Here is mine ZakariaGhorfati(hashtag symbol)3893


Hey there, Zakaria. Hope you're doing well. If and when you return to this thread, maybe you'd like to give our new game a try:

It's a physics puzzler with cute geometrical shapes. Cheers!

Hey there Mechanical Ink, I have here below your gameplay review YouTube video! I hope this will give some boost to your game page and helps with updating it as well. I would be glad if you could help me out by subscribing to my YouTube channel! It does help out to keep me doing these reviews here. Here are some notes as well:

  • The game is simple and engaging and it even got leaderboards! Awesome!
  • There has been a side issue from using the power-ups where in the video after 5 minutes you will see that one of the pieces went out and that caused me to lose! This might be a common side issue for using those power-ups! (I was doing great and this might seem unfair to some players too when using power-ups).
  • It will be great if you add other music, especially the dramatic ones while playing.

The video contains more info and more reviews! I hope my reaction to your Reaction was good ;) I wish all the best for your game.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, many thanks for the review, I enjoyed it and laughed out loud at a few times watching it. Wrote down all of your observations and (I know this will sound like such a cheap excuse, but honestly) I was amazed by the amount of luck (bad luck in this case) you had with that piece and how all of the conditions aligned for it to be launched at such a speed and cause a game over. I will definitely have to look into this :). Anyway, thanks again, I've liked and subscribed to your channel and will share it soon.

I am really glad that you enjoyed... Espacially by my bad luck lol.

Thanks for joining the channel! I will make sure to keep an eye on your game ;)


L O S T   I N   D R E A M S 

A #Short #Horror #Game #Experience for you all

Play as Alex, a boy trapped in the dream world where his mom guides him to return back to the world. The choice is yours... Will you save him, or let him be in his dream world?

The Game is AVAILABLE FOR FREE for the #Windows Platform Only.  Experience the #horrorgame in less than 10 minutes. Lost In Dreams - Download Link


  • Follow the voice. 
  • Follow the Light. 
  • Survive.
  • Experience the dream.
  • Dual Endings Available in this Game. 

Hope you love the experience.


I have replayed to you in the post below.


L O S T   I N   D R E A M S A #Short #Horror #Game #Experience for you all

Play as Alex, a boy trapped in the dream world where his mom guides him to return back to the world. The choice is yours... Will you save him, or let him be in his dream world?

The Game is AVAILABLE FOR FREE for the #Windows Platform Only.  Experience the #horrorgame in less than 10 minutes. Lost In Dreams - Download Link


  • Follow the voice. 
  • Follow the Light. 
  • Survive.
  • Experience the dream.
  • Dual Endings Available in this Game. 

Hope you love the experience.


Hey there Stars Studio, I have finally taken enough time to manage and deliver the gameplay review YouTube video. I hope this will help you with your game! Also, it will be great if you joined to my YouTube channel, it does support me a lot to see developers who I make reviews like this for them to keep me doing more of these.

  • I do congratulate you for the sound effects and the atmosphere you made using the voices! Well done with that.
  • There is a small dot in the center of the screen when playing! For better experience for future players, it is better to get rid of it.

I would love to see more of this game in the future for sure ;)


Thank you so much for an amazing review! This was my first 3d game, and that too after a long time. The crosshair in the middle is supposed to help with aiming. That is why I intended to keep the dot. 

Also, I wanted the game to be short and crisp to give that true effect of a nightmare, and I'm glad it worked out well. I enjoyed watching your gameplay reaction :D Thank you once again!

Great! I am glad that this helps you... You have made a great horror 3d game!


Hey Zakaria, 
Would you be interested checking out The Struggle of Combat
Its 100% off for rest of the month. I can send you key if you read this later though.


I have given a gameplay review video as you asked on my channel. I hope this helps and I honestly enjoyed your game. Keep working on it, I see huge promises in this game. I checked your YouTube channel too! I am following so I don't miss any updates. Feel free to contact me again if you have anything for me to cover it up for you. It would be nice if you did subscribe to my YouTube channel. Here is the video:


Hello again! I recently added a new update to my game, Hack FPS. This update adds 10 more levels and fixes a ton of bugs. If you could play it, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

Hi again r3sgame,

I have finally found the time and energy to take a look on your update on Hack FPS. Here is the video for it. I really enjoyed these new 10 levels.


thanks for your video! If you had any problems with the game, they have likely been fixed with the 1.4 update.


No... The game is well done and great to play.

(3 edits) (+1)

Hello Zakaria, I'm glad you do these reviews for the developers because it really helps us out a lot to see mistakes as well as to see how engaging the games are. Anyways, I appreciate players and testers  like you. I do have a game that I would like for you to review if you can. It's not downloadable but it's free and you can play it in the browser on pc. Hopefully the game saturations isn't too much for you.  My game is a 2D retro shooting game inspired by old arcade games and I just released the demo a day ago. I would like to see your honest review or opinion if you can or have time.


Hello BlackClanStudios, I am going to be honest with you, ususally I don't playtest browser games since I used to have some technical issues while recording and sometimes so Net connection issues! So I didn't make a YouTube video for your game, but I did tried it and here are some notes that might help you out (I will focuse my notes on things that you can improve):

- The game looks great and the story is well formed (I know this is a demo so I am sure you will include that story written in your game page to the in-game system).

- I find it a little bit hard to control the ship so it doesn't hit the walls, but it is more difficult when facing enemies as I can't even slow down to get a clear shot on them.

- The walls sometimes vanish, I managed to take a screen of one of them (If you focus on the mini-map you will see there is a wall but in the game I see empty spavce, this confuses players).

- The shooting systems for enemies are much faster than the player! If more than 2 enemies are in attacking me at the same time,  it is a 100% loss.

I would love to review each game with a gameplay YouTube video, if your game or any other game you make is downloadable, feel free to contact me again. Hope this helps out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much. I appreciate you taking your time to do this.  I have not seen that happened at all with the walls sometimes disappearing. It could be something browser related maybe. I always use google chrome and when I tested another game I made a while back on Microsoft edge, it played horribly lol.  So I always have a better experience using chrome.  I will make the game downloadable soon, I have a brother who wants to try it, so I will give him time to play it while it's up. Maybe then you could do a video review of it if your still interested despite already giving a written review lol. Thank you tho, I appreciate it a lot.

(1 edit) (+1)

You are probably right about the Chrome and other browseres! For the video I will make it as soon as you make your game downloadable. Just let me know.


Hey, I hope your all settled from your recent moving. I just came back to let you know the game is downloadable for about 24hrs. So it should give you enough time to download when you get time to. Hopefully everything works right because this is the first time I ever just had my game for download and I don't know how it's going to look if theres no way to play it fullscreen. But anyways, it's ready for you😊


Hello! I released my game "A Dragon's Tale" one month ago on, you can play it :) You can find more details on the gamepage:

I appreciate all the feedback :)



Hi there Fabian, I have seen your post on my thread and I finally managed to upload a video about your game... The game is fantastic to play. I am really impressed without a doubt! I really had more than 15 GB of footage about your gameplay but I can't really upload them all (Due to very weak upload speed we have) It will take days and even weeks with the PC open and I had to try to re-upload the video again each time electricty goes off or the net falls down a little bit. I really enjoyed your game a lot. (I am also doing TOP 10 each month on my YouTube channel, so your game is 100% on the list for this month) Here the video:


Hello there! Would you like to experience some North African sandstorms in 1942, with Jerries everywhere?

This is a WW2 first-person-shooter we made as a tribute to old-school games, giving you an opportunity to fight against Rommel and his troops in Operation Torch, by storming the beaches of Morocco and heading straight into enemy territory along with your brothers in arms, for liberty!

We hope you enjoy this little piece of video game! :D


Hey there Warlines Studios, I had many thing to take care of and it has been slow for me working on these videos lately. I would love for a little bit of support like subscribing to my YouTube channel. I do say it is a good game and you will probably have some boost in the upcoming days for this one (I hope so). Some stuff need to be fixed here and there, but most important one is the loading and saving time (It lags and freezes the game for a bit each time). Here is the video for your game:


Hey there Zakaria!
That was a great video, thanks for playing Desert Front! We will also try our best to improve the games in the future :D

You got 2 fresh subscribers :>


You guys are so nice... with 2 subscribers? That is so helpful and I do appreciate that a lot.

And Yes, I did enjoyed Desert Front a lot.


Hey guys! We have just submited our entry to the Idie Tales Jam, a 48h Game Jam with the theme "One Room" ("One Room")! Our Game is basically a Tower Defense game mixed with Minigames.

We don't have much experience with art and sound, but we are satisfied with the result! 

It would be great to hear some feedback and suggestions. Any kind of comment helps a lot in our development!

Hi there mikomoares, I finally found the time to make a gameplay review video about your game Tito's Nightmare. It is really fun and exciting! I would love to see more. It will be great if you also join my YouTube channel, it does support me to do more of these reviews. Here is your video for the game:


Hey Zak, I hope I find you well. I've been working on Beneath the Mountain for 7 months now and would love to get some feedback. A review of the game with your thoughts would be awesome! Let me give you the short version: 

You play as the king of dwarves, building a new kingdom under the mountain. It plays like an RTS game where you mine through the mountain, breaking into caves, defeating enemies, and defending against orc invasions. 

I hope its your kind of game, and that you enjoy it, but I treasure your true feedback (don't be gentle!). Thank you!

Hey there Max, here is the gameplay review video you asked for. I normally give long written details like you can see on my thread. However, the support has been so low this last month, so you gotta watch the full video to konw what ideas and feedback I gave your game. I hope this is okay with you and wish it will help. It will be great if you subscribed to my YouTube channel, it helps a lot. Here is the video:


hi, do you want to review my game, its in Spanish but should be easy to play since it is  like any other RPG Maker. it shouldent be too hard for the English speakers to understand what to do but i dont know since no one has told me anything.

Hi there firecat, I just had some time to make a gameplay review video for your Spanish game. It would be amazing if you subscribed to my YouTube channel. I would highly recommend to add English, the story plays a huge role in video games. Here is my video about your game:


Hello amigo here’s my game if there is a problem with the pc version of pixelanto in

Play it on mobile version

I have replayed in the post down you made.


Hello my name is pixelanto here’s my game
if you have a problem with the pc version use the mobile version 😀

Here some screnshots

Hi there Pixelanto. It seems that your game file won't start to install and my Windows does not detect any file to open it anyways. You might wanna take a look at your game downloadable file.


I am so sorry for this problem cause i make games on my mobile sorry😭😭😭

It is totally okay! You can join me to my YouTube channel to see the other devs to get inspired more. Mobile games is not my thing (My phone can't even run my social media apps without lagging lol). My PC is good though.


Okay :)))

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey ZakariaGhorfati! I would love to make a review and try my new game(The House).

Hope you like it 

Be careful with this one. Can't be 100% certain but the game might not be his. Game looks exactly like evdeki lanet from steam and rar file got my suspicions up

Ok, I will check.

Is the gameplay the same?

The Game is ours. I have source code. Just because he took the same wall textures doesn't mean the game is the same.


False Flag. Emailed the other studio about this just to be sure and its all good.


Hey there Sd_Studios! I just finished your game and the video is up already now. Such a great horror game you have! I love all the jumpscares; they are perfectly well done! The House is a great game! Keep up, I want to see more. I did had a problem not being  able to watch the tape in the room where you find it. It keep disappearing each time, you might wanna check with that one. There is also a Discord server for devs that I just created so hit me up if you are interested. It will be great if you dropped a sub to my YouTube channel. It does motivate me to do more of these reviews. Here is your video:


We are working hard on this game. We are almost done with the 2nd update. We fixed the tape a long time ago.

Didn't know you guys have fixed the tape! I downloaded the game the moment you posted it here. However! I can see how much the game is great! Keep it up and you got my support.


We appreciate the support. We are working on the next update. It will be the biggest one so far.


If you are still doing it:

It's an JRPG with Puzzle/Action elements.

Hi there kimduy91, I had finally play tested your game recently, just had issues to upload the gameplay video. I must say I am not a fan of JRPG but your game seems cool enough to spend some time with it. I know the gameplay is long in your game but I decided to make the video short. Here is the video and I would be glad for your support as well by joining my YouTube channel:

I must also say to you that it is better to lower the amount of the info that you give to players at the start and better give them what they need when they need it, this can frustrate most players as I noticed a lot of my viewers hates me when I try to read a lot on my videos that I make.


Thanks for playing the game! You didn't seem to like the gameplay itself much and it does take a while to get into (applies to the story, too). I understand that you can't find the time do so.  At least you seem to enjoy the music ♪

True! I didn't take enough time with the game! JRPG games always take at least an hour before entering to the real intended gameplay, which at this point I really can not record 1h+ videos before getting to the main story! I do love the taste of music you, it is true. I am sure some other people would love to spend more than I did on your game.


HI! This is my new Game inspired by Call of Duty Zombie. If you want try it and thank you.


Hi there Gentleman10, your game Faceless sounds so good, I was looking to play-testing it. However, each time I open the game there is a big crash that affects my entire PC and everything is being frozed... I did tried your game in 2 different devices and in both cases it had the same crash.

If you are interested to join in with our server for devs, hit me up on my Discord.



It is a pity, i'm sorry.  I see in the first pitcure you can enter in the game but when you load the game's scene there is a crash. 

I don't know what is the problem beacuse in my pc and my friends's pc all is okay.. if i reload the file do you think that something can change?

Thank you :(

I do wish I can help, maybe ask another person to playtest your game and see.

I released an update, can you see now if it works on your device too? Thanks


Hello! I'm making a simple game called "Square". 

At the moment this game contains:

  • Level editor, where you can make your levels
  • 7 completed levels, in which you can play

I would be glad to hear your feedback, this is my first "serious" project

Thank you!!

Hi there CoolCat7, I have played your game and here a gameplay video about it. All you need to hear is on the video and I would for sure love for a support from by joining my YouTube channel, we have also a new Discord server for devs if you are intersted to join in.


Appreciate you doing this!

Whenever u make a video on my game! Pls do inform me! I will be patiently waiting!

Oskay's Adventure

A 2d chaotic platformer game!


Hi there Mellohyu, I have had a lot of fun playing your game and it is well done... I would love to see more levels for this game. Here is the YouTube video and I would love if you joined the channel:


Salam, Zakaria, about saturation, is this too much or not enough?

It's a prototype:

Salam Alikom Mohammed, I actually downloaded your game and tried this prototype but I really could not handle the saturation. I gotta refuse this one. I am glad that you are back to making new games this fast. Your visual novels are one of the best I have ever seen, espacially Pencil lol.


Aw, thank you brother, you're so sweet! Thank you for the info too. I will take note about that!


Thanks for your effort 

Could you review my game (+1000 Levels!)

Hey there Laila Omran, I really want to review each game being asked on me, but I have to refuse this one here (It is not for PC, it is a mobile game which I can not record any gameplay review for it).
may Allah help you and give your good intentions and wishes in life.


Hi Zakaria,

I recently released a new game: The Kolarian Trials. It's a top down boss rush. It's available to play for free as a windows download or directly from the browser. Let me know if you have a chance to give it a try. All feedback is appreciated :D

That was extremely fun to play, here the video you asked from me. I do hope you join my YouTube channel and our Discord server for devs:

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hey i have a platform game that is about halfway but id like to know if it plays right. There are some bugs but it is perfectly playable. 

If you like would you give me a review? It doesn't have to be all good points  i would like to know where i stand. The most important thing id like to know if it's fun playing or not.


Hi there Dries Van Gijsel, and what a name XD... First of all, I can not make a gameplay reivew video about your game as it is a browser game and I have it in my rules that I can't play online game (for my personal reasons). However, I see that you need help and I have did spent some time testing the game and I found that:

- The mechanics are good and music suits the game and it is synchronized with gameplay.

- The style is simple and very well done, I really liked it personally.

- There is three heart before you lose a life, but here what I do not get it! You lose a life, then all the apples you collected restart again, I really don't see the point of having more lives if everything is restarted. Just let all restart without having lives or give something to the player like leaving the apples he collected.

- Hitting the bombs takes a heart from you, even if they do not explode (it is a little bit unfair because you can not do anything about it once you are so close to the monster who shoots the bomb at you).

I hope these small points help you with your game. All the best.

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey ZakariaGhorfati,

Thanks for your reply. Yeah you did what I asked, and no of didn't need to make a video about it please's still a game in production so I don't want to show it to the public now. But it's great to have a reply altough my game is indeed a browser game and not your standard project to review.

I am glad you liked the game overall, that the mechanics are good and that you like the simplistic artstyle.. Just reading that gives a good indication that I am on the right track.

You pointed out a bug/glitch with the bombs. Haven't seen it but I'll check it out as soon as I can. Like I said there are some bugs and inefficiencies so that's totally fine.

About the restarting life and score/apples. Ok I can understand, maybe when you restart the apples you don't have to start from zero..but..

.when you say you don't understand the reason of having do know that there are some more levels after the level you played don't you? The lives are needed because you will go on a multi leveled adventure with some boss fights between it. Correct me but I don't think you have played them.

I mean that's ok, I already can't thank you enough for giving this unfinished project a go,  but that is the reason why I need lives.

So thanks for the help.

 I love all tiny bits of info and comment I can work it. I am now making the third level and it's going good so yeah i'll keep you guys updates.

I am really glad that I gave some help here. And thank you for the clarifications. Keep it up sir.


hello, can you play my Baldi,s basics mod

I kep trying your game but it does give me a luncher error message... I tried this in 2 different PC.

im sory, its an error, im gonnadelete them and make another mods

hey again, i re- created the mod, go there play

stay good, a mod primiere is gonna come TODAY

I recorded a gameplay video but later I noticed that you are not the creator of Baldi... I have to refuse this one buddy, I do not want to risk the troubles that might come from its original owner and I hate to give credits to someone else.


that,s ok, but, be sure to check out my mods


Try out my arcade Run n' Gun


Hi there Alex Kramer, I did played your game and I have given my review inside the video. Also, the melee attack is not working I guess, you should check that out. You can join our Discord server for devs and I would love it for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, because it will help me and motivate me to make more gameplay reviews in the future.


I would love some feedback for my game here.

Hi there lemonjuicedev, Your game was detected as a suspicous element and later on it was fixed but whenever I start it there is this window

I will try to fix this as soon as possible, thanks for letting me know.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi. I'm looking for reviewers for a while and I found your thread. 

If visual novels are your cup of tea, you could feature my VN’s demo. It shows the first chapter with two premature ends.

4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls by Mia Blais-Côté (


Hi there Mia, I will be posting this on your page game too in case you missed this! I want to say that your game is so good! I have played the demo and had about 40 minute of worth content for a great gameplay review video! However, it was corrupted and all is lost! The amount of joy and sadness I got from this game was so great and I captured the perfect reactions of me in a long time! Although is lost, I tried to re-record another one but there was a threat detected and it tried to change my log files! So I had to drope the recording idea!

I really loved your game and it has to be one of the greatest visual novels I have played! Great voice acting and I believe it is yours! I did checked your channel and been watching some videos and I am interested to see more of your contents. I had both endings by the way! The first one was so fast I thought that is it XD

(4 edits) (+1)

The "threat detected" are false postives by a couple of antivirus. Something to do with ren'py and the way it works. I posted a topic about it. 

"I made a full scan here:
Only Cylance and Jiangmin show "unsafe". If your antivirus show "unsafe", it's a false positive. The game is clean. No virus."  

It should not touch your log files. As for the voice acting, it's by Chloé Guerin. 

I'll still ask on the Ren'py discord 'cause the whole log file issue is strange.

Update: Get this awnser. "I think it [ren'py] writes to its own log file as it starts up, but what might aggravate anti-virus on Windows is using self-voicing because I think that tries to write a vbscript file and then execute it." My game don't use self-voicing by default but it does use the "voice" audio channel.

Update again (so sorry) : Maybe the Steam demo might not give you troubles, then again it's the same files.


It is alright Mia, stuff like this happens in the gaming community! I wish all the best for your 4 girls!


Hi there again Mia, I have changed my recording software and did so many tests to finally be able to record your gameplay walkthrough review! I know you have been through hard times in order to promote your game, and I know you are about to give up many times, espacially that you invested a lot of money on this project! Just keep going because you already invested a lot, promote the game with every single day! Sometimes a game does not do well at the start and after few weeks or months it blows up! I really hope all the best for you and your little 4 magical girls!

It is a very powerful game and I was able to relate to many topics!


Wow, thank you so much! While I will delist it from Steam, it will remain on and I might put there my old, delisted Steam releases too.


My game is called Jack Vs The Uberwaffe

Its a simple platformer/stealth game

Made it for a game jam

Here :



Hi there Nevada, I have played your game and gave my review on the gameplay video provided here! I must say sometimes the killing does not work as fast as you think it would happen XD. However, I did had fun playing your game! I would love for you to subscribe and join my YouTube channel, because it does help and motivate me to keep doing these gameplay reviews here!


Holy shit thank you
Btw working on a fix soon and what you played was most likely just the demo 
I reccomend buying the full game since it comes with the DLC that I am working on :DDDD

Thank you so much :DDDD


Thank you for this opportunity. I made a maths educational game called Maths Vs Robots

It’s a maths educational game where you fight evil robots in a post apocalyptic world by solving various maths problems. I hope you get the time to check it out.

Salam Alikom Ahmed, I have tried to start your game but it won't start at all, It freez directely and I hear clicks inside your game! At first, I thought it is my recording software so I tried to make some noises and it has been captured normally! I really gave it all so I can run your game!

Deleted 3 years ago

I’m terribly sorry for that. Have you tried running the old hardware version ? I did try to test it before uploading on computers with i5 processors and it did run but it didn’t run when I tested it on computers with i3 processors. Also I noticed when testing it on older computers that if it freezes it doesn’t freeze until the cutscene finishes and the screen changes. Here I can see in your video that the cutscene didn’t finish as it’s supposed to change screen after a few seconds. Have you tried waiting for a few seconds until the screen changes or did you wait for a while and the screen didn’t change ? I didn’t program that screen to be skipped so I would give the player a chance to read the custscene & since you can hear the clicks it means it’s not frozen yet so I don’t know if you waited and it didn’t change or not ? If you waited and the screen remained as I can see in the video please let me know if that’s the case since I haven’t encountered that behavior before & it would be helpful to know so I can attempt to fix it. Anyway thank you for taking the time for trying my game and I’m sorry it didn’t work. Regards.


These kind of issues happen when making games! No worries! So for you to know I am using Ryzen 5, I don't know if screen resolution affects that but just in case in the computer that I tried to test, it is 1440*900
And yes, I did waited longer than it shows on the video, and I did tried it multiple times and same results! I had to force it to end in order to exit from the game as anything I press does not lead to any! However, since you said you tried it on i3 and it didn't run, I believe it has to do with the game not being optimized for all CPUs! Not sure though! I hope these data helps out sir!


Hi ZakariaGhorfati. I would like to suggest you my game that I recently made. I hope it can give you fun and some experience.


Hi there, I have played your game and It was so damn good! I loved the atmoshpere!

- The sound effects are so cool! Music is lovely (Although here I would have wanted to adjust volume, so adding sound options would be great)

- This game is a MUST to play game! I had extreme jumpscares, was recording almost midnight XD

- I found some gramatical mistakes (Hice instead of Nice for example: I did mentioned that in the video, you will be able to see it easily)

- When entering into a room we see the doors! However, to exit I see no doors lol! It is just a wall!

- That ending of the demo was so damn cool! Makes anyone playing this game to want to see more! Well done with all

- The sounds when firing from the gun are not the best, I would recommend to change them (Espacially when you meet that S.W.A.T man)

I have talked a lot in the video about other stuff! I really love this game! Here is the gameplay review video and if you have not already joined in the channel I would really be glad for you to do, because it does keep me on going making these reviews for indie games on YouTube!


Thank you very much for the play and the feedback. It is very important for me!) I joined in the  your channel)


I am so glad to hear that the feedback is that important and even happier to know you joined my channel! Really wish all the best for your game!


Our game is called Boxkid's Adventure.

It is a rogue-like autobattler with bullet hell elements

We are a group of students who worked on it for 3 months.

Hi theree Wingedevil, It took me a long time to beat the game and I had to do it on the easiest mode! Playing on Normal is insane and super hard! I loved your game!

I am also a student who just finished his University, keep it up guys with studies and keep making games on the side! Studies and having a diploma would not be always working in today's world; talking from experience! Always have other projects and plans on the side! Good luck!

It is crazy that I read all what you have written on your game page but when playing the game I didn't know that I could upgrade and have different weapons XD

My little brother loved your game as well (He is a big fan of Isaac games) I do wish if the maps were more auto generated, because after playing this game for so long I could see a pattern with the enemies and maps! They do tend to repeat! The game is super great though! I really enjoyed it

I love the idea of doing your best to avoid enemy attacks and having your character auto fire at them!

Well done with the sound effects and music!

Really great game, keep it up! 

I would love for you to join my YouTube channel, because it really does keep me motivated to do more of these gameplay test videos, espacially long ones like this one!


Hey Zakaria! I made my first game ever: Cowardly Heroes!

But its a mobile game so I dont know if you will play it, but either way, heres the trailer I made and its Page!

Hi there IrisEdgeStudios, I have checked your game: Cowardly Heroes, and it does not even download when I hit that button of download! I see that you had some issues with "No supported devices"! I really want to help but I have no idea what is wrong here! Also, I can not play mobile games! I do not have a good phone for that, mine is only for work and can't run games properly; I playtest PC games, so in case you made one, feel free to contact me again!

Good luck with fixing the issue sir!

Hi! Hitting the download button simply opens this page:

It isnt working because you have pop-ups disabled in your browser most likely!

Yes! You are right, I do have pop-ups blocked; for protection of course!

Same! Thats why I knew it didnt work for you! Did you manage to download?


No, it didn't work

Visiting the direct Google play link doesnt work?

(3 edits) (+1)

Hello, I don't know if my game is suitable for your channel, but I'll post it here anyway:

I hope you enjoyed the game

Hi there Yegres, I have played your game FOTOGRAF DEMO and this is the gameplay review video! The music and sound effects are so good! I loved the story and how it has mystery.

And you are not, this is not the style of games that I play on my channel. However, I give chance to those who have different ideas and art style, espacially that it is safe and clean content! I was so focused with the story to be honest, deserves to be checked out!

I am only asking this because it is the only thing keeps me doing these reviews on! I hope you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep me motivated and doing more of these!

You have probably seen so many Friday Night Funkin' mods by this point, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could review my sort of spin-off mod of the game: "Friday Night Bumpin' "

Here is the link to my game. It's free to download, and the lighting should be acceptable:

You can also see gameplay of it on my YouTube channel:

Hi there Agent_K Productions, I have to pass on this one sir, I don't play Mods of any game, I honestly created this to help developers here with original games, Mods are not my thing overall! And also, YouTube has a strict policy towards musical games! If you had or have any game (away from mod) be free to contact me again!

NB: I did refused another game with a mod here, it has been recently as well and you can check the comments to find it and see yourself.

(1 edit) (+1)

You can try my challenging platformer called Soaring :) Just beware it is quite hard despite its cute looks :p


Hey there alexsollazzo, you were right, the game looks so cute and the graphics are on the top, you really did amazing with this platformer game!

I gave the game my best, for more than a week I have been trying to beat the game! I honestly could not make it XD! I enjoyed it a lot, espacially the dance moves! I hope this gameplay video helps a bit to showcase your game more.

I would appreciate for you to join my YouTube channel, because the more devs joining in the more I can make gameplay reviews here! I also joined your YouTube channel and I might check your other games too, I have see some videos there about others that you made before, really good art style you have. Best of luck:


Thanks so much for making the video, it turned out really good ! Always great seeing someone enjoying the game and maybe raging abit hehe :) I joined your youtube, looking forward to more videos of other indie games !

You are most welcome and thank you as well for joining to the YouTube channel, hope you see good indie games there! I will make a playlist to gather all the games I played from indie devs here

A claw machine game I made for my friends.

Hey NinNeko, I am not sure about your game and what you are asking here! Your game is so short and it is only about picking and letting go with simple buttons! I am unable to make a gameplay walkthrough review about your game Claw Machine, and I am sure you do understand!
I must also say that I am unable to put browser games on the channel! If this is your first game sir, do not worry! Just put on perspective that games need a story (context), a plot (something that is challenging if you made a game about puzzles or platformer). 


Hello, if you have a few seconds I would really appreciate it if you could check out my game  called Vivid Vivid - A First-Person Platformer by MarleyTho (

It is a first-person platformer game in a very abstract style. Wall run, speed boost, jump boost and avoid the dreaded red blocks as you weave your way across this challenging course. There are screenshots and a trailer on the page and if you do like the look of it, I would love it if you could give it a go and perhaps give me some feedback on it.

Thank you!


Hello MarleyTho, I have cleared some space for your platformer game! I gotta be honest with you, I suffered to get to make sense how the game works! At first (in the first recording session that got corrupted), At first, I really thought I was running and I am in control but later I noticed it is automatically! I did mentioned a lot of things on the video! If you are looking for some constructive feedback you will find it there and I can help further more. I really hope that this video helps out as I see it from  both: developer and gamer perspectives.

You don't have to but it will really help me if you subscribed to my YouTube channel, because this will motivate me to make more of these gameplway walkthrough reviews, here is the video about your game:

Deleted 309 days ago

You are most welcome! And thank you for comming  to  the video!


Find your missing grandmother, making the red flowers she loved so much bloom, in this narrative platformer.

Hi, I would be honored if you would test my game 💖 I spend several month on it, hope you'll enjoy it 🤯


Hey there LumbirBwut, it took me time to make a complete gameplay walkthrough review video for your game. I was aiming for the perfect score but your game is so challenging, which is really good.

I was super into the story, it was a really good one that has a realistic voice and makes an impact when you focus with it. Really loved it.

The controls are a little bit hard and I did faced some difficulties to get used to them (They are only hard when you don't know how the stick wall jump works, I thought at first I should be holding the button direction to the wall to stay there xD)

Sound effects and all realted to sound is good, although they are sometimes out of sync (I mentioned this with details in the end of the video)

I have mentined a lot of things by the end of the video and gave my first impressions at that start! Loved the challenge of the game. I wish all the best in your project and your next ones!


That is hell of a nice review 💖

It's so nice to see someone dedicated his time to the game and enjoyed it 😀

I definitly wanted to make a platformer and tell a story in parallel, listening to you I feel like I have succeeded, which is very nice.

I totally agree that the controls are a bit harsh sometime...

Nice to hear that you enjoyed the sound design of the game,  it was super hard for me to setup as am I not at all a musician.

Thanks a lot for this huge video test, it was a lot of work too, congratulations 🎉


One of the cool games and I do consider this as a platformer game XD... Very challenging, Awesome work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi you did rate my game with 2 stars I think half a year ago. Now I have version 3.6.1 if you check it and review your rating I will be happy about it. Its a android mobile free to play game. Download link is here:

Game is little bit easyer. Rocket movement is more smooth, graphic design is improved, some bugs are repaired. UI for user is more user friendly and much more. Thank you and have a nice day.

Hi Space Escape Obstacles,

We are sorry to say that our team has been devided, we are no longer doing mobile phones (I am just using "we" for formality, I am working by myself now and it is so hard to do everything by myself, I am doing only PC games now).

Also, I lost all data and most of our accounts on the phone, I had to format my cell-phone for legal and business issues with the team I had.


I don't remember if I posted here or on the other post, but I never got a response about My Dear Kitsune. Is it too high-saturation? Is it too gory? Is it obscure and getting mistaken for a virus? Are the glitches too frightening? Anyway, I would love a review so that I could see what to change when I make the sequel (I might make a DLC, I'm not sure) I was just making sure you see it. I hope that you enjoy the game. From:  Kawaii-Kowai Games

The remake to My Dear Kitsune is here now! It has new stories added too, so I recommend it! Play the game here.


Hey there Kawaii-Kowai Games, and no! You have never posted here, this is the first time we hear from you. We advice you in future posts like this (in our community page here or another one) to check first before you say such things, because it does sound like you are accusing us the way you put your words together! Always check first! And also, when we refuse a game for any reason of the reasons mentioned, we tend to notify any developer to post here with mentioning the reason to them again! It is from our work ethics because we are here honestly to help developers get thier game better and being heard more! You can check the posts above you to see examples of that.

With that being said, we have played tested your visual novel game and we saw a cool interesting story! I have personally put a lot of feedback into the gameplay video walkthrough! We appreciate you joining to our YouTube channel, because the more people join in the fastest and more this chance gets to others! Without us growing this could have not reached you and we would have probably stopped long ago if we didn't find support!

We see that you also posted a remake for this game, we will do our best to find time to play-test that too as soon as possible!

Note: This is a one man-band, meaning I am working by myself, only using "we" for formality! It is really hard for me since my teamate left me! I hope you will be patient with me to get back to you with your remake game!

Here is the video:


Thanks for letting me know, I will try to remember next time as I thought I posted somewhere else. I guess it was a different person. I didn't remember that I could check my community posts on my profile before (or maybe that post was before I knew how) as this was my first Ren'Py game and a start to developing games without Scratch. Thanks again for both replying and playing the game, and have a good day(:


Totally understood! No worries, thank you for being kind and nice! Thank you for wishing me a good day, that is nice to hear, I hope for you a better day.

Stay motivated, keep up the good work, you will get graditude and all what wish for with time, just give time some time!


Also, here are some explanations for things wrong with the game. If I forget to list one, I may have forgot (or fixed it in the sequel).

Background re-use: rooms often look similar or the same in video games, so it makes it more game-like and obvious.

Game closing when you ask Kitsune for help: just a jumpscare

Music fading out: I don't know how to make soundtracks for a game, so I use public domain music. I did, however, make some remixes in the remake/sequel (you don't have to play it because it was intended to be a paid DLC, chose to make it free but left the about page the same as an Easter egg).

Sudden horror elements: the reason why it's tagged as "horror" and has that warning. If you were to continue the game and not save everyone (you got the good ending first try, good job by the way!) you'd get the neutral ending or bad ending depending on what you do, but don't worry about making a part 2, as the good ending was replaced with a different good ending in the sequel, and those scenes are certain to happen.

No sound effects: there are sound effects, but not a lot. There are more in the sequel.

Thanks for reading and again, have a nice day, Makenzie.


Hey Makanzie. Thank you so much for all the explanations! I hope people read these here when they see your gameplay walkthrough video! 

And thank you for wishing me a nice day, I was having tough times lately! It means a lot to me. I wish you a great day and better days to come, espacially with making games! Practice makes improvement, that is what I learned from doing YouTube and each time I look back I see how much I was bad XD. I hope you take this same approach with making more games in the future: There is always room for improvements.

I did a gameplay video for your remake game, the same time you posted your explanations here. Just took me time to upload it.

You don't need to watch it because there is nothing new from what I mentioned before except that in your texts, the letter " i " looks a bit like the letter " l " 

Again, thank you for all and have a good day Makanzie.


Thanks for playing the sequel! The font I chose was a bit bold, but hopefully the context of each word helps with whether it's an l or i. If you look at the bottom of the screen, there's a skip button for parts you've passed, so if you want to get other endings, you can use that. If you pick anything except for asking Kitsune for help, you will get a much longer story. (unless you pick the wrong choice when you get to talk to Kitsune. So you can save there.) After that, there are 2 main stories depending on who you think the villain is. So you can save there, too. There's more of a fantasy/magic theme in the added parts, so I hope you enjoy it. (the original ended when you talked to Kitsune if you get the bad or neutral ending) You don't need to record these other endings, it's only if you want to look deeper into the story. Thanks for playing the game, thanks for reading this, and have an amazing day (and holidays!)


Oh, and I will be working on future projects more than Kitsune. Unless it really succeeds. If it gets popular, I might make a side story with the new characters(:


I wish for you all the best with your future projects. If you need someone to playtest your games (even during development where you have to keep it private) just contact me. I will be glad to help anyone who need help, as long as I am capable!

It has been a pleasure and reading your messages shows me that you are a good person! Keep up the good work and let us see your next game.


Thanks! Happy holidays!

(1 edit)

Hi! Can you review my new game GOD?

Here's the link:

Hi TEJASJAKKA27, We are unable to make gameplay walkthrough reviews for web browser games! We might do that if you can provide a downloadable link for any of your games!


ok! Now


Hey again, I tried your game many times, I really could not record a gameplay video for it.

By the way, the download file is an HTML which takes me back to my browser.

The game looks good, I like the crafting system you have there, it is fun to play also.

I am not a fan of being a "God" in any game, and you can imagine how much troubles I can get to put that on YouTube these days (if I could record it) You really have to be so carful when making a game or a video on YouTube, things have changed a lot and people judge directly and aggressively too.

I am a fan of building and crafting, as well as running a farm which what this game gave me as vibes.

It is a little bit hard to spot that there is a build button up the screen, I was clicking on the lands hoping for something to happen at first.

You can get money it seems even if you don't place anythinng.

The night takes so long to pass XD... It a nice game! I wish these point are to help to you sir!



Hey pixel_game_dev,

Your game looks from what I can see, very interesting to play. 

Too bad that we don't do mobile games! Only PC games for now sir!

I honestly wish I can add mobile games, but for equipments reasons, we can't at this moment.

Have a nice day, Zakaria.


Hey really cool idea and channel!

Could you please review the public alpha version of my PC game - Datura Time ? Would much appreciate it ;)


Hey there vladstoj, for sure I review your public alpha version Datura Time. I gotta be honest, I have not played retro games since a very long time... It is good to go back to the old times, very good nostalgia feelings. I would be very thankful for you to join in to my YouTube channel, because with every dev subscribing it give this moral support and boost to keep doing this, here is the video and below you will see some comments:

The element of mystery is so cool and present in the game! Although, I didn't know when the other characters would stop chatting to you (like the one painting the wall with pink)

Man! The camera movement, that got me dizzy XD and it took me a while to get used to that! I know it is part of the style of the game.

That larg area where you have to fight those men using Molotoves, that was a very cool part of the game... I like the fact you go from narrow hallways places to large areas, it made the game more playable (From a player experience point of you, didn't expect that)

The shooting system is so hard, and what makes it even harder is the fact once spotted by one enemy, all of them in that given area rushes you, which you are killed almost directly! (I could not finish this alpha version, I kept recording for hours to beat that open area military men)

The melee attacks takes so long to kill an enemy, at least this is how I felt (watching the video about it might give you an idea how long).

Having this retro style game made this way is really good! You did a good job and that's a plus when you had the horror and mysterious element being implemented in the game.


Thank you very much for your video and detailed review - really appreciate it! I will take into account the comments for the next version of the game and on what I can improve on gameplay wise.  I've subscribed to your youtube channel and will keep an eye out for any interesting videos ;) 


I am glad this feedback can help and have the possibility to help build the game better. Really thankfull for you, subscribing to my channel actually gives me that mental positive boost towards making more of these, espacially with a small channel, the impact of seeing your support is huge to me.

In case you made some decent updates to the game, don't hesitate to let me know, I would love to see more of your game.


I would love some feedback on my game Forgodden! :) It is a titan souls-like boss battle game I made in 7 days for the GMC Jam #43! :)

Link to page


Hey there Gizmo199, the fact that you made this game in 7 days that's awesome! For sure it is so fun to play Forgodden. I honestly tried my best with almost 3 to 4 days since you posted here, to try to beat the final boss (I assume that's the final boss XD) It is so hard.

Here is your gameplay walkthrough video for your game, I hope you can enjoy and perhaps join the YouTube channel, because it really does help me to support me morally, seeing people and espacially devs being in this commuinty gives me a boost to keep going with making such videos and reviews:

I would keep playing until I get it, but I am sure it will take me longer! I had to delete a lot of recorded failed attempts haha. Based on that, you might want to reduce the intesnity or give a hint to how to beat the bosses (in game I mean; in the help or how to play section! I know you posted a link for that in your game page).

The graphics are so good, even there is reflections of the character on the water! I was impressed to see that so accurate!

I loved the hype of the music and the intense sound tracks and sound effects! That helped a lot to put the fast-paced mood in the game.

I guess all is good about your game! I have so far only positive feedback except from the game being so difficult! And that suits your game a lot! So much challenging and engaging.


omg I am so thankful for you taking time to play and record your experience!! That means so much! Yeah it is a bit difficult without having some outside knowledge.haha. funny enough, I was so worried about making the bosses too hard that I completely made the puzzles to beat them even more difficult! Lol. Thanks so much! I will absolutely give you a follow and can't wait to watch this! Thank you so much!! :)


Outside knowledge is going to be missed by a lot of players, haha. I am really glad that this is of help to you, knowing what I am still doing here on the website is important and means at least something for you devs, really makes me happy. 

I love puzzle games, and your game has some where you have to beat the bosses in a certain way. I could figure that out, except the very last one that combin all of the other three powers, plus his powers. 

Most importantly, thank you for this lovely game, and huge thanks for the follow... Really means a lot to me, probably as the same feeling you had when you saw my respond on your post XD 


Absolutely! Can't wait to watch some of your other videos, just to find cool games! It means the world to a lot of us developers! Best of luck with your goals! :) 


Hi ZakariaGhorfati,

I was wondering if you'd like to play my Game Duo.  One of the games is a Platformer and the other is a Maze game.

Hi Danielle's games,

Welcome back, it has been a while since I played your last game! I hope you are doing good there!

As usual, here are some feedbacks about your Game Duo:

I honestly liked the first game with the tomato better than the second! I was hoping for some checkpoints along the levels though.

Second game, first thing I noticed is the high sensitivity, although the maze is well done.

I would love to see more of platformer games from you, there are more feedbacks on the video.

Best of luck for your next projects Danielle, pleasure to see you here again :) 


Can you please review my game?
Kingdom of Pixels - is 2D MOBA browser game! 
Link and full description here:

If it will interest you, please let me know your thoughts! Thanks in advice

Hey Saqirmdevx, your game Kingdom of Pixels looks so interesting, I have seen and read the game page of your game, but for the last few days I have been trying my best to start your game! This is why I refuse online games or browers games! The game is giving the vibes of Brawhala, which is great, but it didn't work!

I keep getting the same message:


Hello ZakariaGhorfati, please can you check console if there is something that kicks you out ? Please let me know what browser are you using and if you are in incognito mode. Are you using GMAIL account or GUEST? We will help you to resolve this issue thanks!

I am only replaying so I can be of a help to you guys! used 2 different browsers: MX5 / Mircrosoft Edge

Of course I use the normal mode with my GMAIL account! No incognito! 

However, I have been looking and found that your URL link has an invalid ssl certificate.

I would like to add, if this is an online game, I would kindly refuse to playtest online games, because I always face problems with that and it takes a lot of days and energy to find what issues are making the game not run! (Suggestion: it is better to add a downloadable files, browser games tend to have issues a lot).

Best of luck Saqirmdevx!


Hello ZakariGhorfati, there will be downloadable version, however it is not that simple coz we are using REST server to deliver data as it is online game. I have an issues with cert for MacOS for some reason. Seems like MacOS Does not support FreeSSLCert. Game should work even if it says that it is not safe. If you get disconnected then there is another issue, WebSocket refused connection. Try google chrome latest version also try guest mode if works. Feel free to contact me on our discord server to resolve your issue.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, would you be interested in playing my game Dawn Survivor? It's a short point and click adventure game that I created for game jam in 2 weeks.  It has around 10-15 min of gameplay.

Dawn Survivor


Hi there Tariri, it took me some time to upload your gameplay walkthrough review video, even though it was recorded a while back! Because I was a way for holidays! Happy Holidays by the way XD... Here is the link and here are some comments below too:

I would like to say I am a huge fan of zombie games and survival games on general, I was wishing for this game to be longer. I loved the style of the game and this have potential to be a full game with survival and maybe even crafting elements, just saying ;) 

Sometimes dowing these videos takes a lot of time from me and I would have stopped if not the support of the devs and this awesome community. You don't have to but I would ask you to join my YouTube channel, because it does help me morally to keep doing this! It really does.

In the video I talked about some stuff, but in case you don't have time to watch it, here are some important notes to be considered:

- The usage of items is the style of drag and use, which works nice, but as a player, I would love to use them by pressing certain buttons!

- The atmosphere is so damn good, I liked the fact you are walking and suddenly see a body being eaten by a zombie

- My favourite scenes was looking from the window inside the house, that was well made!

- That black space for items down gets in the way when trying to move the charracter down! Consider making the trigger that pulls the items up a little bit down further!

- With point and click you can also add holding down the mouse click button for moving around easily and freely!

- I loved the story and I felt it is unfinished, I would love to see what happened to .... (I don't want to spoil it for others, but you know what I mean)

- Sound effects and sound tracks are great! Love the zombie groans.

You might find on the video more than I can write here! I hope at least these notes are of help to you! And best of luck in your submission! I will copy past this there and on your game page too, so people and other devs can see your work.


Thank you for your kind comment! :D Your video is enjoyable to watch. :) 



Maybe because it's winter and maybe just because you are waiting for Santa.. or simply, because it's a nice game and you may want to try it:


Hello there SuperDoberDev, Your game looks so nice! But I must refuse games that I have to purchase them in order to playtest them (Which I am doing for free) + I am not fully sure, but if your game is only for Mobile, I can't play that and give reviews, this is only for PC games! I do not have what it takes to record via phone! 

Best of luck with your winter project and happy holidays to you!


Sorry Zakaria, maybe i haven't read the post very carefuly at first.I really appreciate your reply and i  wish you good luck further!Maybe you will be qble to help me in the future, with another game.

Happy holidays to you also!

No worries! And of course, you are welcome for your future games!

(1 edit) (+1)

👇 You Want Hunted Werewolf ? It's here 👇 

👇 La chasse au loup garou vous tente ? C'est ici que ca ce passe 👇


Hey again BiboufGame-Dev, long time since I saw you here! I hope you are doing great! I must say that your zombie games were so fun to play! I even stayed playing them after that first video I made about your game long ago!

For this one, the link is not allowing me to download your game, I would really love to test your games for sure, so it will be really nice if you can use another uploader rather than Mega. Because it does not allow me to download it, I have tried 2 different browseres for it, same result saying update your browser!


Hi I'm fine thank you.

It's nice to know that you have continued to play on the other games.

if i upload in to google drive, do you think you can get it ?


I will give it a try, currently downloading your game! I might take more time to record though, so many requests and very little free time.


no problem, you try when you have the time, very big thank you to you.


Link Google Drive OK ;)
Hunted (google drive)


I strated recording like usual, had some issues at the start! I did had a huge problem with the lags and this is why I ended up not making a YouTube video about it, but=== I am sending you this anyways if it can help! The video is NOT edited at all.

hello, i'm sorry it works like this with your pc, i am using an rtx 3060, i have tried to optimize by reducing the number of animals and other settings, i hope this will help.

Hi again, so I have been watching the gameplay video that you have put, and for you it runs good, espacially that you have RTX 3060 (Congrats by the way, that is a powerfull GPU)... But you really have to consider omptimizing your game, because you have to remember you are posting your game here on, which the marjoity of the player coming here to play are those who have a low end PC and I can't imagine ppl would get a powerful GPU like RTX 3060 and still take a look to this website unless they are making some prjoects or content based on the games here. Take a look to who are your audience first, I really wish I can actually help and at least play your game, it looks so well made and nice to play, honestly.

hello, thank you very much;), I improved a bit by reducing some graphics and other settings, 
hope that will help. I'm downloading the new version right now, will post the link, 
and I sincerely apologize if the game is asking a lot of graphics, I'll do my best to fix it.

lien et jeux mis a jour sur google drive et mega :
 Hunted (google drive) 
Hunted (Mega)


hello, you are try reduced resolution screen in the options for try ?


Yes, I will give it another try for sure! It will take time to record a video for it though.


I found my problem, it was my minimap on the display that caused the bug , tomorrow I post the version, thanks for the wait ;)


Oh! I already recorded a video using low graphical settings! It would be better to wait for the new version. I will delete the I recorded last night then!

(1 edit) (+1)

i upload new version right now, i will send you the link, thank you so mush
and add success and personal statistics by character.


hello, I made a video for you to see : Hunted Gameplay
I don't understand why you lag so much
I don't have a big configuration : amd fx 6300, 24g ddr3 1866mhz and rtx 3060 12g ddr6


Hello, I'm new to Itch and to this thread, but here is my first offering:  Dormant Utility Service Technician (demo)

It's just a little atmospheric 2d platformer, mostly chill (no combat) I call it a "casualvania"

The demo is about getting hired to become a service technician in deep space, but the main game (WIP) is about what happens after you go in cryo for some years, waking up and doing the objectives, which are things like repairing automated equipment on remote parts of the galaxy.

The demo is free to play in browser, and can be completed in full in about 15 minutes


Hello mikeb10, I have tried your game for a little bit, it looks so nice and well done for your first time here on

You might not know this, but I am unable to make video for HTML or Browser games! Had multiple issues in the past with that so I had to stop it and limit that for downloadable PC games! 

I must say I had a horrible time to get over the first area XD didn't know I can just grab the wall and walk up hahaha.

In case you made a game for PC where I can download it, or for this game. I am here, be free to contact me! 


awesome!  thanks so much for giving it a try.  I will make a downloadable version for mac and pc soon and reach back out when i have it.  cheers!


Hello again, after holiday break I made it a priority to make free downloadable windows and mac builds for the Dormant Utility Service Technician demo/trailer, in addition to updating the web version.  I fixed the terrain in just a couple places to make it a little more fair when using keyboard instead of controller.  If you need it, there's a controls guide on the page.  Hope you get a chance to check it out and thanks for this thread.  :)

I know this took me a very long time to make a video about it, but it honestly came in a very busy time + holiday break + had some health issues! So, I tried your game, and your game is actually fun to play, however, it is a little bit hard and challenging. I have seen you made some updates recently just before I upload this one! That is a nice game you have! Keep it up.


I have made a small Co-op Christmas themed game if you want to give it a try it is completely free here on 

Quick introduction 

Santa and his helper are trying to deliver all his presents for Christmas eve but they are struggling because of fireplaces being turned on in multiple houses. You will have to work together to deliver all the presents.

The game is played in split-screen and 2 teams cooperate to deliver Christmas presents. 

Hi cubecrafter360, I really was not sure of what to do in the game! your game Santa's Helper needs more work for sure!*

This is me being confused as to what to do exactly! I know this is a co-op game and it is split-screen, but still don't get it.


The point is. 1 player controls the sleigh and drops gifts down all the highlighted houses. But if they are smoking he cant and player 2 has to get them turned off by going close to them and clinking left mouse button 

You might want to add that in the game page for further explanations to new players.


here there is online and downloadable versions

We are unable to playtest online games! In case you missed that in the first page, it is part of the rules! Because online games has so many issues for indie games here on and we have had our share of problems coming from the online indie games here!

I really wish I can playtest EVERY single game here! Honestly... I wish you all the best with your game Rwanda games.

(1 edit) (+1)

visit there is also a downloadable game (.Apk and .exe) on the page



Like I said! We are not playtesting Online games! I really wish we can play test every single games.


Would you be willing to try out my first game about robbing a house while a cute animu waifu chases you around the place?


Hey there, for sure I will be willing to try out your first game. I had a lot of fun running and screaming at Marina, there are few things that I mentioned on the video for you, but there is one more important bug that I found (It is more like a hack) It happened in the room she left for me upstairs and in that way I managed to take her keys XD... I really wish that this gameplay walkthrough to help you out. Really loved your game honestly! I wish there were more guide for the game inside instead of the game page, I had to go back there to read about the bag hints, but it didn't cause any problem... really so lovely fun game. I sense there is more in the story, I heard someone says "come here" CREEPY XD 

I would also ask you to join my YouTube channel, becuase this is what keeps me going and making more videos like this! It is your support.


Hey, thanks for the video. :D Watching you and any potential bugs you encountered was helpful. The small lag spots you had did bother me so I will have to look into that for next time. As for bugging Marina, a few people have managed to glitch her here and there although the location you did it in was new to me. lol 

As for the guide part, I actually did want to but I've had some build issues for a while so I was unable to directly fix and add more info in game. Adding tips to the game page was best I could do in the meantime. :/

And yes. While it's not super story driven, there is a lot of stuff here and there giving you an idea of what's happened in this house. Most are hidden in books, others in secrets find through out the house (you missed a rather spooky one when reading the girl's diary). Admittedly, it's not easy to find/notice them if Marina is busy chasing you. lol The voice in particular is related to two endings as well. If you ever decide to play again, look around that room more. Specifically the banner. ;3

Also, I'm already subscribed even before you made the video.  ;3


Glad this was helpful. For sure your Marina is annoying to me, I told her I just want to rob your house hahah... This is for sure adds up to the fun of the game, and for the guide part, looking back to those notes in the game and reading again what is being explained, I think it is actually good as it is right now, as this allows for some explorations left for the players to do.

In the meantime, there are a lot of requests on hold for the games to be played, but for sure I will take another look to the game, at least in my spare time to have fun with it out of recording XD Lovely game honestly.

And that's so damn wholesome that you already subscribed to the channel before I made your video! really glad for it and for trying out your game. Hope to see more projects from you soon.


Hello! Thank you for offering this opportunity to us on here! If you're interested, I have a game about creating cults you could try called "Red Ascension". Its mostly a clicker type game where you try to meet your end goal of ascending your cult (if you're worried about excessive violence or anything, there isn't too much graphically in that manner). Link:

Hi LDGamingExpress, thank you for the kind words. Your game Red Ascension covers some very interesting yet very sensitive topics, which as you already know, will be very upsetting for a lot of people if I ever made a video about it now on YouTube. The world today is a mess and having a game about creating cults on my channel will be so bad. Becuase all of these points, we have to refuse making a gameplay walkthrough about your game.

I did however play your game for a little bit to see what can I give you as feedbacks, but since your game is a clicker type game I truly dont have much to say to let you know as I usually do in order to double on or what to improve.


Hello, there i've assembled 2 games in total for now, and a new one is incoming.
Idk if there are problems with mobile games, anyway i'm posting here The Last Planets:, a Physics Based, Infinite  Run, Based on Planets Game for Android and Project Aethia: This is a Demo Parkour, Fantasy and Puzzle Game.

If you would try them, let me know how they are ^^ And happy new year :)


Hello there TronusGames, of course I am going to take a look to your games, for the first one, I have to refuse it because it is a mobile game and I do not have what it takes to play test and record for phone games right now. For your game Prjoect Aethia, a very good looking game, love the parkour style and movement of the character Sara.

Here I made a gameplay walkthrough video, where I showed some bugs, most of them are not that bad, howver, there is one fatal one at the very end of the video, I am not sure if you can regenarate that event. I did played your game off the recording and when I went up to where the water starts to appear the game started lagging a lot on the low settings, but I read you already updated the game from this point on your game page.

Fantastic feelings that your game gives to player, for sure this game has huge future if you played your cards right.

I would also say, take a look back to the puzzles, the first one that I have reached was so confusing even though I solved it many times, still do not know how I did that.

I gave some other ideas here and there on the video, but overall, THIS GAME IS AMAZING. Keep it up.

I hope the video is of help to you, and if you need another game test feel free to reach out, I can also do this without making a video about it, whatever that suits you TronusGames. I do ask you guys to join to the channel because this is the only support that actually makes keep going with what I am doing, seeing developers join in to my YouTube gives me this big boost to stay active.

Here is the video:


Hello Zakaria and thanks for the video you made ^^
I'm really sorry about the final part ahah... really unexpected.
Anyway i would like to underline that i am not the creator of this game demo, but i just helped to program it. I just took the consent
of the other participants of the project to publish the prototype for free for everyone, giving credits to every single member that built it.
So i think is better to change the title of the video removing that "by TronusGames", i would not like to take merits that i do not have.

Well after this, i've seen other things happening during the video that can be really interesting to debug of course. Like the infinite rotating of the Altars at the first Puzzle haaha...
As you said, another version of the game has been published. So now the game support a "lowered" Medium Graphic Setting and few other things.

I really appreciate you enthusiasm  and i thank you for all your kind words.
Atm i'm working on a new project, probably i will send to you the demo so, if you would, you could make a gameplay about it and let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for your time spent, Tronus...

Hey again, I am really glad that this can be of a help to you. And for the credits part, that should not be an issue, as I made sure to show the credits inside the game on the video, I always make sure to show credits inside any game. Also, I have to credit someone when making the gameplay walkthrough, as you might not know this, but there is a chance for this game to enter TOP BEST GAMES on that I do with each month, because of that, I must put credits for the list of Top Best Games. In case you really still want to take down TronusGames, at least give me another alternative name to put on hahaha, so if you guys have a team name I can use, that would be great. ALSO, thank you so much for your honesty sir, really, this is the first time someone being so honest about the credits this way.

Again, that should not be an issue since I already showed the credits on the video that are already inside the game.

That rotating puzzle of the Altras really confused me hahaha... about your new project, yeah, send me whenever you are able to, and just so you know, I can play test your game before you reach the point of releasing it, meaning I am able to work with you testing the game until it is ready (without making a video in case it is still in early developments and u don't want ppl to see that XD, of course this offer is for free, in case you are confused about it or anything) and then when all ready to go, I can make a video about it.

Good luck with your next project, and thank you for your honesty again about the credits.


Hello Zakaria, thanks for your message. Yes probably everything would be ok like you did, but it's only me that do not like taking credits of things by various reasons.
Anyway, of course i would send you this new project after i submit it to a jam that will end soon.
Thanks for your interest and have a good day ^^


Hola buenas! Soy un desarrollador Argentino y estoy haciendo un juego 3D RPG-RTS multijugador coop, como podras ver el juego esta muy verde pero tiene mucho potencial, lo quiero dejar aca para que me digan sus recomendaciones de que agregar o modificar para mejorarlo, muchas gracias!!

Hey KUSIY, I tried your game but did not understand how to play it, nor what to do, it looks like there was 3 Zombies but they do not die, their health grows back up... and I can not really understand what to do inside the game, nor I speak other languages, We have to refuse this for now. 

Good Luck with your games sir.


Hi, I'm Ofihombre. Can you try the game Damiux Ferrer Dream in his Bilingual Pack Version?


Hi Ofihombre, I am glad you have your game Damiux Ferrer Dream in Bilingual Pack version. I am going to post this as well on your game page, it will be the same feedback here

Here is a gameplay walkthrough video for your game, and I would really be glad to see you join to my YouTube channel, we do have a lot of interesting things coming up soon that might interest developers as well as gamers.

Let us start;

♦ First of all, what catched me the most is the music and the sound tracks used in the game, that is uniqe qnd so dramatic, makes you want to play the game even more just by the sound (I am also trying to study sound design on my own, I can actually see how much this suits the game and lift the spirit of players, really well done!)

♦ As a first issue, starting from the very beginning, the game is not that responsive at all, the character get stuck sometimes and I have to press the arrow keys mutiple times to make him move, that actually annoyed me a lot and made me lose a lot of hearts. I have watched Vlad video as well, he has the same issue too.

♦ The game offers a lot of enemies and weapon types which is extremely good, but it is a shame that it is not responsive quickly, this can actually make players stop the game when they can not move the character that easy.

♦ The adventure mode is really nice, and as a suggestion, I would say your game starts with 2 or 3 large open areas where it takes time to find out the whormhole so you can progress inside the game, I would suggest to start the game in those narrow guided places that later the game introduce. The first few minutes if players can not understand what to do because they can not find the wrap point that easy, they might stop the game and never be able to explore what has the game to offer.

I really wish this helps out. Good luck and good day.

The Blue Forrest OST is so good, I enjoyed that a lot, espacially the remix one.


Hi Zakaria, thanks to play Damiux Ferrer Dream. I have read your tips and problems reported in the game. Part of this is because it was created on an outdated Game Maker engine in its lite version (that's why it bears the watermark).

A remake in a modern engine could solve all these problems.

Nice to hear that, I kinda figured it out seeing the watermark of that game maker engine.

Best of luck in making more games Ofihombre.


Ra-shoot is a 2d game that you try to survive as long as possible while getting the highest score you can. I made it around august 2021 so pls try it


Hi Games, Your game ra-shoot looks nice, I have seen some comments about your game in your game page as well, well positive overview for this game. However, I tried this many times but your game launcher file just disappear whenever I run it, there would be a loading screan, as if your game is going to start, then again it does shutdown and simply disappear. Here I have to stop trying to run the game so it does not ruin anything on the PC. I was really hoping to play it, it looks nice to play it.


Ok, thanks. I will try to fix it


Hello! I'm making simple game called "Gravity Force". Your task: avoid enemies and spikes to finish the level! 

Now the game has 6 levels, but they are difficult...

Unfortunately, this is only a beta version, so there is not much content there.

Thank you!!

I like rage games

Hey there CoolCat7, recently had a lot of requests plus being sick had me take longer than usual to check your game! I had made a simple gameplay overview about your game! I would finish it all, but it is very difficult as you said already xD

Here is the video, and I posted on your game page just in case someone wanted to take a look to the gameplay:


Would you like to check our game out? 
We can guarantee it won't be boring. 

Hey there TotsPoli, you were not kidding when you said that it won't be boring! Finest Fable is actually a very fun game to play with a lot of comedy content. I had reached to a place where I could not figure out what I am supposed to do next! Although, I admmit, I normally do not have this fun in turn based RPG games, but this one was different, well done!


I'm glad you were enjoying yourself! It really makes us happy! 
We watched your video and we don't know if you solved it already, but you just need to buy a caving kit from the store and then head down the well!


Aaah yeah, the store. Why I didn't think about it! Thanks for the tip. Glad to try out your game.


We're glad!~


Hey friend! I hope you have been well! Loving the videos you have been posting! Glad you have been keeping up the great work! I got a new one for you if your up for it! :P Its a 2D rogue-like action RPG we just released for the 2022 global game jam! We are looking for feedback and people to play and check it out! 



"RYD or DIE" is a rogue-like action dungeon crawler with a fun Job System. Each job has 2 abilities that enhance 2 of the player's stats. Level up the player by defeating enemies and have your stats grow based on your job choice. Leveling up jobs not only increases how much they enhance your abilities but will eventually lead to mastery. Mastering a job permanently increases your stat growth for every level AND unlocks even more JOBS. Fight through increasingly stronger enemies in 3 different biomes. Experience all 16 jobs, from Thief to Janitor, in RYD OR DIE. The game includes:

  • 16 unlockable classes
  • 32 unique abilities (2 per class)
  • 3 unique procedurally generated job-sites
  • 25 Unique enemies
  • 25 Unique artifacts to collect
  • 7 stats
  • endless fun!

As always, keep up the great work!! :D


Welcome back Gizmo199, surely this has the same vibes of your game Forgodden. Had a lot of fun and the music and sountracks were great. It was challenging at some parts, I would say that the artifacts of the messages could need a little bit of variety and diversity. Overall, the game is really good for a rogue-like action game. Well done.


Thanks so much! Its always a blast to see you play games! I can't wait to watch!!! :D


Hi, I'm back. Can you also try to play my another game Randy & Manilla in the Early Beta version?


Hi and welcome back. I think you already saw the published video about your game by now. Just wanted to follow it up here and let you know about certain things that you might need to work on. Here is the video attatched as well:

The ship controls a little bit hard and confusing! I have yet to master it.

The usage of colors with the cubes is too much for me personally, you might want to reduce that just a little bit or only keep the ones that contains wolrds or will contain in the future so you do not confuse players where to go (Even though there is a map, it is extremely hard to navigate the ship with or without the map's help).

You made a great job with the all mini in-game games, that was extremely fun to play through.

A game idea: You might want to use the collected scores from each level to upgrade the ship maybe, as for now collecting those yellow lights and having the biggest score would be useless (You can already notice how long my video was about your game, most of the time I was exploring xD).

Keep it up Ofihombre. This game if updated and being shaped nicely might attract more attentions. I believe the video gave you already much feedbacks hahaha I know it is long, but this is mainly for the contents of your game, I wanted to showcase your game as much as possible.

Hope this helps, I will post on your game page as well to shed some lights on your game. Keep it up.


About Net-Cube colors & ship controls It is something that more than one has asked me before, and I will be looking into it to review it.
Regarding the score, actually it has a couple of purposes:

Rank level how much higher is the score:

Or extra skills or items by getting the maximum score of each level:

But it wouldn't be bad to give it the score for more purposes than the two already mentioned.
The problem is how to implement them correctly.

Regarding the score: I only knew that last night as I was reading the rest of your update logs. I think for now this is enough for the couple of purposes you have for it. I just did not realize while playing the game.

Hi Zakaria, I'm back with another update of the game Randy & Manilla.

Now it's in the 2nd Beta:


I subscribed to you, you seem pretty cool!

If you want an FPS with dumb/funny voice acting(courtesy of The Dictator), then check out Fun 2!

If you want to play a Strategy Game where you can't win set during the Bronze Age collapse, then check out Fall of Bronze!

If you like Evolution and want to guide/play around with it, then check out YAES/S!

Those are just some of my personal favourites. Feel free to look at my other games.

Choose whichever game interests you most, and I hope you enjoy!

Hey there MysteriousDeveloper, thank you for the subscribe on YouTube. 

You might not know this, but I can not actually playtest on browser. I checked your other games and found Fun 1 interesting enough to make a small video about it.

I would recommend finding away to increase the ammo or upgrade to new weapons. It is extremely hard after few levels as you are going to be without ammo. The texture of the floor and walls made me dizzy after a while, that is why I could not go further.

However, I made a good video about Fun 1. Hope this helps xD

Deleted 316 days ago

I would love to, but I have no idea where your game has so many issues to run. It even have some malwares and virus.

For security reasons I do have to turn this down and refuse it.

I tried my best and stayed with your game for couple of days to figure out solutions. I could not.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey Vahin Sharma, sure I can play your game Cyber Ball, I just uploaded the video and I will post it on your game page too. I hope this video can bring you some attention to your Cyber Ball game! All the best, keep it up.

Side note: I did felt dizzy when the speed started to catch up! Maybe you can try to add levels that reset the speed after clearing each level.


You could review "Another Bubble Girl 2" but it is adult themed!

Anyway. If you play on Normal difficulty or Easy you won't see any nudity but the time Bubble Girl loses a life! Just do not play it on hard if you desire to review it!

Hey Yai7, thank you for the way you have explained how this can be reduced throughout playing on easy or normal, BUT your game "Another Bubble Girl 2" is still adult themed, I can not put that up on the channel because my followeres which they contain some of my family members and friends, they can play your game in case they wanted to or felt your game is good, but I can not force them to play it on Easy, thus I will be so embarassed if they decided to try your game. 

I hope I have explained myself correctly here, adult themed games or content is out of my mind and I really can not review it out of the fear someone will be curious to play it on Hard.


Yeah. Sure! Explainable!

Here is my first game made in Unreal, I could definitely use some feedback.

Mini Wars by mutant_llama1 (

Hi there mutant_llama1, your game Mini Wars is not working. I am not sure what is going on, I downloaded and exe. file that literally did not do anything. You sure you have your game uploaded? And could you please do not use exe. files, these are dangerous to run, I would appreciate it if you upload your game like the others here. Please do take a look at their downloadable files to understand more since this is your first game made in Unreal.


I've fixed the executable issue, I think, but do not know how to not use an executable. Others from the thread seem to be using executables too.

Thanks for the fix! I had this pop us at the very first attempt... then after downloading the game and running it, the game won't launch or open, even though when using Task Manager I could see the game running on the background but no trace of it on Desktop nor anything happening! I tried it with 2 different PC and same thing happening! I recommend you to ask a friend of yours to download your game using the same link provided here on itch and try running the game and see if it is any different! Good Luck!

I am so sorry, I will have to look into that. Could you check and see if my other game, seastadt, runs on your computer?


Very cool! Great work! I think my game fits in here.

Thank you TheSmetter, great work for your game as well, I do believe your game fits in here but surely no one will beat your high scores hahaha! Fantastic job man!


Hi Zack,

Would you be interested in playing my newest game?  It's called The Creature's Game and can be found at

Hey Danielle, welcome back! 

I have downloaded your game and started recording and everything, got to the password part and got stuck there... the important thing is that the file get corrupted and only recorded the first 5 seconds, I tried it again but it seems my recording software crashes with your game... I have no idea to why this is happening, but I have seen this happen with some other few games! Too bad it didn't work!


Hi Zack,

I'm sorry to hear the recording software crashes with my game.  I'm not sure why that's happening either, but thank you anyway for trying to record a video.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Zack,

I saw your YouTube.Your activity is very good.

Please play my game.

Hi katakuriko, I am glad you find my activities on YouTube good!

Oh man! I hate to turn down any game, but I had my issues with HTML or brower games, sometimes the recording fails, get corrupt, fail to capture either the sound of the game or the gameplay itself..etc!

I would for sure play your game and give you reviews, but I believe you are interested in seeing a gameplay video for your game! Maybe if you can make a downloadable version that can help.


Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry that the game doesn't work properly.I wasted your precious time ...

I made it with GDevelop, but I couldn't create a file for download. I'm very sorry I couldn't see the video you're playing. I was really looking forward to what kind of play it would be. If possible, I would be grateful if you could GAME CLEAR and register for SCORE.


No need to be sorry for anything man! That is related to entirely to me having issues with this type of files (HTML) this has happened to me before, you can the older posts here, you might find some having exactly what you have!

For sure I will palytest the game and give you some feedback, I will try it as soon as possible! If anything I will comment on your game page.


Hi Zack!

Hello everyone!

I want to introduce you to my game

The game will appeal to fans of "Plants vs zombies" and fans of card roguelikes (it was inspired by them).

Please check out the game and give feedback

Thank you all in advance!

Link to the game:

Hey there Six Strings, it took me some time to reach your game as I go by order on a list of requested games, most of them are via emails and Discord. Here on the video will find a lot of feedback, I would also add that you might want to add different backgrounds like areas for each levels or runs, that would be more appealing as I noticed while editing that things get more repeated even with the new cretureas.

I have recorded the entire game, but will post this part for now so I do not turn off the followers on my YouTube channel, I reckon this is better for you since there will be more engagement for the video; thus, more attention to your game. And yes, I am a fan of PvsZ


thank you so much for the video and review!

you are very cool)

Sure thing, you are welcome anytime

Your game is cooler XD

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey friend! Always a pleasure! Got another banger for ya! hahaha. We made an intense bullet-hell / roguelike hybrid of sorts. I cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work you put in for the community! You are a king!!! 

Play it now!

"Become the bullet-hell as you play a crow on a mission to expel the monsters from his newly acquired estate in this high-octane shoot-em-up" 13 Unique weapons 6 different items 8 Unique enemies 1 Monstrous boss Unlimited madness

This game was made over a period of 2 weeks for the #NoticeMe game jam.


Nicolai - Website | Twitter 

  Jeremy Lowther - Website 

  Gizmo199 - Website Twitter


Hey my friend and welcome back, I had the link for the game linked to your game page but I think this has been changed! Overall, the game is so damn good, I have been having a crazy amazing fun time with the game. You really had another banger for me man hahaha.


Always coming in clutch!!! You are the best! I hope it didn't run too slowly for you! Thank you so much for playing! Can't wait to give it a watch!


You're kidding me haha? Running too slowly for me XD! It was so fast, both the action pace and the game, just few lags when things got too much on the screen which is expected to happen in any given game! Really had fun, thank you for showing me this game!


Cool! Thanks for playing! Yeah we are going to try and expand it for sure! :D


Hi! I'm making a game that's got an amazing name.

If you want to try it out...

Here is a link to the game:


Hi PoteComPaoGames, the name of your game is crazy, the game itself is crazy hahaha, I truly loved the content you have put inside your game, would love to see more of your work like this, so feel free to come by any time again.

I will see how this first video does and then upload more on my channel if people like the Gameplay vid! Subscirbe to my YouTube channel because it does spread the words of me accepting game requests more, hence more people like you finding my content.


Thank you for playing it! I subscribed to your channel! I'm happy to see you liked my game!


You are welcome, and thank you too! Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. I loved your game so much! Amazing job!

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi Digi-Device File, your game Digimon: Law of The Jungle is a fanmade multiplayer which something that I am not accepting to make content for on my YouTube channel (See first page here to see the rules).

On general, I do not play online games or multiplayer! There are many reasons for that, some are related finding the right person to play with and being able to record with comfort! 

(3 edits)

Thanks for your reply.

If You could revew the single player it would be grate favour. The single player lets You test the básic controls againts an AI.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you Zack !

Lead your armies through mortal lands, raze villages and claim souls.

Die and rise again from your ashes and enhance your summoning spells through a deep progression system.

In this arcade game with rogue-lite elements, you have to summon your army through the “portal towers”. Many different minions from another plane can be conjured at your disposal. Hire the strongest armies and show the villagers no mercy! Reap the souls of mortals to increase your power. After the fight, unlock perks for you and your army.

Gather your strength anew and return from “oblivion” once again, for the doom you bring can only be set back, but it could never be vanquished!


Hey HOpe86, thank you for putting your game here, I had a great time playing the game and going after those endless enemies! It is super challenging and has great potentials! I have wishlisted your game on my Steam too! Hope this video helps out! Join in to my YouTube channel if you would like to see more content like this XD


Hello, i'd like to suggest you our game, it's a little hard but short in the overall, hope you enjoy it, have fun.


Hello there GrazianoBrothers, I know this comes later over a month but that is due to many busy days I passed by with difficult nights with some personal stuff here and there! I hope this feedback and review can be of a help for your game:

Some of these are more like suggestions, not everything mentioned below is that of importance for the game:

♦ Game Idea: The idea of the game to have this be played locally can be a good one, but still hard to find a close relative or a friend to have over for such a game, due to being it short and hard! It is also noted that the concept of the game and the camera setting overview is hard to playthrough and can confuse a lot of players, will try to explain it more from the other points below (The gameplay video has most of the feedback).

♦ Gameplay: For the most part I have been confused where to go as some places are hidden due to the camera position; such as the first room where the door to the left is not seen at all, it took me a very long time to figure that out (Been running some game test sessions before recording just to see how the first mintue or so is like and if it runs good). There is also the fact that the shield does no job at blocking enemies' attacks! I must also mention the gameplay missing feature of running is required in such games for a better experience.

♦ Story: Would be a nice idea to add a story to the game to balance between the gameplay and story side.

♦ Artwork: It is a nice minecraft-ish art style. Not my style to be honest so I can only have few feedback regarding this point.

♦ Audio: There is no obvious issue regarding the audio design for the game.

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism: Some boss fights needs a little bit of change! The first boss fights, I believe it is better to have the extra enemies vanish after you kill the boss! And for the second one, the combat feels a lot robotic in the sense that the dragon has a rythmic shooting style that is not directed to the player while mid-air! It is also worth mentioning that what makes the game hard like this is the lack of ways to replenish your health after a long run!

♦ Things to Double Down on: In case you want to focus on making the game a co-op local experience, it might be good to add customizations for the characters and add different weapons and gadets for those who wants to play the game some more.


Thanks ZakariaGhorfati for accepting our request about reviewing our game, we really appreciate your critics and commentary during your gameplay.

We enjoyed a lot as developers seeing our game played from another perspective and we really had fun watching your video, we hope the best for you and your youtube channel.

This was actually our first game and we still have a lot to learn, 

We made the mistake of just focusing on  building an hard and entertaining game, without minding in depth the overall player game feeling, we are looking forward to make a new game this summer and we will make treasure of your critics on Dungeon Crusaders for the developing of our new project.


Thanks for such a wholesome way of replying! I will surely be glad to take a look at your next game project! Hope to see you guys grow up, for a first game, you guys did great. Keep it up.


Hi Zack,

I just recently added part 1 of a Horror RPG.  It's called My Forgotten Home In Tanodim.  If you're interested in playing it/seeing if this one will record, you can find it at

Hi Danielle,

I have tried to record a Gameplay Walkthrough for your game but realized it was not that interesting to post it, I can try to upload it and make it private for you if you would like to take notes from it! The game has a nice story but there is the Audio missing and that actually makes the recorded video weird as I constatly had to speak to fill the awkward silence, besides when I don't speak you can hear the clicks of the mouse and keyboard! It is really hard to make a good video for YouTube for the RPG you are having!


Hi Zack,

I'm sorry about the audio situation.  I had added music, and had thought it was loud enough, but after checking things I realized it wasn't.  The music situation has been fixed now, though.

(+1) İt is a 2D platformer game

Hi there, great fun game you have there Huhigames, I enjoyed some of the features of the game, as well as to the bugs that I have encountered. This Gameplay video shows most of the feedback being written here, enjoy:

♦ Game Idea: I like the idea of the game that you have, a 2D platformer with a lot of unexpected events and enemies! I really enjoyed my time with your game.

♦ Gameplay: The Gameplay is good but there is room for improvements, for example: when jumping over the swinging platforms, you can notice your character does not fit quite well to the platform, I believe because there is an overlying with the hitbox of both units! You might be better to take notes from the  Gameplay Walkthrough than me explaining here.

♦ Story: For the story, I see that you tried to focus on collecting parts to run the airplane and escape the place, I was wondering if it is possible to be able to actually collect parts for the plane and bring them back one by one (This would be nice for quests and main missions)

♦ Artwork: Some areas are not exactly the same when talking about the design of the HUD, you truly can notice a difference there and it looks like a screenshot was taken, went under crop and pasted on the next area! Overal, the game has that pixel art style which is always nice to see!

♦ Audio: There is that annoying audio sound which is similar to a cockroach singing! The video is better to highlight parts of the audio for the game!

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism: Some bugs are really funny, others can be super powerful like the respawn of ammo in the first area to the right (There is 2 boxes) Also, it is better to have an explanation for RUBBISHES! 

♦ Things to Double Down: The gameplay for the game is fun, and the story adds to it, but I would suggest to focus even more on the story and bring more jumpscares moments! You had a couple of them that really works so good! Best of luck sir! Join to the channel if you would like more content like this, there are other plans and projects for the channel too. 


Thank you for playing this weird  sound will be only in hangar scene.I will add musics.You will collect parts there  is parts now you get 1 every time you defeat bosses.


Oh great! Thanks for letting us know of these points, keep it up with the game and best of luck


Hi again Zakaria. Can you try my NES homebrew called "Randy in Sokobanland"?

Oh hello back Ofihombre, your game however uses an emulator, which I do not use those on my PC!

I am glad to see you here again by the way :)

Hi Zaharia. But you can play online in this link:

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi there Zakaria,

I would love it if you were able to check out my first person atmospheric exploration game. Trying to spread the word and get any and all feedback that I can!

Thank you so much,



Hi there andymetoo, your game Hyperliminal is a great horror game with unexpected events! I have been so busy lately but managed to bring up this Gameplay Walkthrough video with some written feedback, keep in mind most feedback is on the video, these are only written extras. I also invite you to join in to the channel because that really helps me out to keep doing what I am doing and motivates me seeing developers with me as much as what I am doing here motivates you and others probably! I hope so XD

♦ Game Idea: It is a very good idea and concept, for a moment, it felt like you are aiming to bring refrences from famous TV-Shows & Movies, which would have been great to see that! Overall, I love the idea of random places and unexpected events and jumpscares.

♦ Gameplay: Not that many issues with the gameplay, found it easy and nice to control and move around. I must say that I was surprised of how far I can jump and that there was no damage fall (Maybe that would have ruined the game as it does not focus on combat, meaning no health bar or anything like that, so good call right there)

♦ Story: Such a lovely story and good content around it, having that mystery on the story is always wanted.

♦ Artwork: I see that there is a lot of details in the game, although the one under the water was a bit hard on the eyes to notice objects and paths! I do love that room where the door close behind you and you hear them screaming and knocking on the door, that is a great design!

♦ Audio: There is parts where the game runs with almost perfect audio design, such as the unexpected whispering. And there are times where you feel the audio is not balanced, when the jumpscares happen the audio gets so loud, sometimes it really hurts my ears! I understand that is important, but there is a room for improvement there (Example out of jumpscares is the starting point intro, the game audio there sounded very loud comparing with the rest)

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism: Most of this is shown and focused on the video proivded, some other feedback related to this point is a suggestion to try to shorten the story converstaion at the very start, it felt a little bit longer (the first 5 to 6 minutes of the video) This could be done better by giving parts and chunks later on after playing and having some gameplay experience. Also , another point is that the exploration at the very start can be missleading, I thought the entire game would be like this (more open where you have to collect and find those memories) Which to be honest, those white memories are just waste of time for my opinion (A content creator opinion to be clear) The reason behind this is that YouTubers will have less time to try to explore and get collectibles even if they are rewarding, because that will take a very long time to record and it is less interesting to showcase the exploration part. (I felt that I would have done better for a fun video if I ignored the collectibles and focused on the main critical path)

♦ Things to Double Down on: That kind of whispering is fantastic and works amazing, better than having loud noises or sound effects! Also, well done with the random things happening!


This is excellent! Thank you so much for your review and for your thoughtful feedback. I'm actually quite relieved you came out and mentioned two of the things that I thought were the biggest fault (well, one of them I thought was bad, and the other one I wasn't sure of):

-The introduction being way too long. I agree with this as well. I don't mind having lengthy dialogue, but being slammed with so much of it right off the bat was something I was afraid was going to scare people away. Others have said that they didn't mind it, and I've even gotten comments about, "Well, at least people can skip through it...", but I do like the people at least knowing the premise of the story if they skip through it. I like the idea of having the player periodically return, through memory or whatever, to the therapist's room and having the story play out in bits and chunks like that.

-The other was the sound. What with having kids and doing a lot of work on this during my lunch break in the lounge at work, I didn't have too many opportunities to play it through numerous times on full blast, but I was definitely concerned that some of the sound effects would be too loud. I didn't put too much thought into it, however, because nobody really mentioned it in the feedback I received, but now that you have, I will have to look it over more closely. 

Also, one more, is that the underwater area was way too foggy and difficult to navigate. I've heard this feedback quite a few times, and I think I just got used to it because I knew exactly where I was going. I definitely wanted to make the player feel a little lost and like they have to find their way around in the dark, but I'll have to do something about that. 

Once again I thank you for taking the time out of your day to make this review and video of it!

All the best,


Thank you Andy for the lovely game and reply here! & Yes, I do understand when having a job or work to do and trying to "force" your passion towards any kind of free time you can spare! I myself are doing the same thing, so no worries about having bugs or sounds being louder in parts of the game, that's how things work! I genuinely wish you all the best with your game and future projects in life!

May we meet again, Zakaria.

(1 edit) (+1)

hi Zakaria. 

I made my first horror game, and I would like to see someone playing it on a video. It would feel awesome to me, and I will share the video with my friends.

Hi there Vlad, I know this took me long to get to your game but I honestly had a lot going on and still can't find enough free time.

First of all, congratulations at your first horror game! I must say that there has been some stuff that almost prevent me from finishing your game, some weird stuff really haha!

Here is my simple review with some suggestions, hoping to see you around on our YouTube channel, we do more of these videos and reviews for all sorts of games out there! We mainly focus on Indie Games for now in order to support them with what we can:

♦ Game Idea: I love horror games because I can have fun while screaming XD, no, really... Horror games are great when made in a good way, your game however follows that style of retro-ish with VHS vibes which is not my cup of tea! But very wanted style, so your game should have a lot of coverage.

♦ Gameplay: It is a bit hard to see as things are darker than they should be, although the gameplay is good and only had one thing that prevented me from progressing in  the game. I had no painting to have the code for the first key, had to check other streams of the YouTubers on your game page comments! You will see this in the gameplay video provided.

♦ Story: Very interesting story, there is a mystery behind the little girl and the ending is even better, hoping to see more episodes for this game in the future to finish the story and understand it more.

♦ Artwork: Like I mentioned in the Game Idea section, this style of art is not for me, but I can appreciate a good artwork when I see one. Well done!

♦ Audio: The audio design for the game is great, that thunder with lightning was a great jumpscare! Love the voicing of the little girl and her singing, honestly, the game felt for me that it started from the point we see the little girl standing there.

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism: Most of the criticism will be towards the over-usage of darkness in the game, there are cameras in the game but no use of them, which I will recommend changing the position of the girl after a certain progression in the game, this will make things more intense! (You will understand where when watching the video here).

♦ Things to Double Down on: Surely the story is something you should focus on, I mean: realizing that our main character is a robot is such a huge turn of events for the game! Best of Luck Vlad!


Hello! If you'd be interested in a visual novel/otome game here is the link:

A Tale of Other Worlds and Demons is a free fantasy, otome visual novel with some Sci-Fi elements. If you feel like the game is too long I am okay with feedback on just a part of it. And thank you very much in advance :)


Hello there LadyBex, it took me more than a month to get back to you due to life obligations (from work to other stuff)! And because what I am doing is more of a passion now, I can barely find time for it! Anyways, I have played your game over a week now (did not finish the entire story though) and I can say it is really interesting visual novel! Well done espacially if this is your first one... Below you will find a part of the Gameplay recorded (didn't want to have the video long for the followers sake) and some additional feedback:

♦ Game Idea: Very unique idea for a Visual Novel, being a writer myself I can see the creative writing within you in this game! It is rather the idea or the concept for the story for Visual Novels to be great, with other elements of course to make it more interesting.

♦ Gameplay: Visual Novels don't depend much on the gameplay as much as it depends on the story itself, but this does not mean you can't have some gameplay parts, such as having more options to choose from to have an impact on some characters and the critical path of the game (Which I think you already did so, I just did not go too far in the game, will try to finish it in my spare time though). It is also better to have the game set in chapters, this will ensure the players to know what parts of the game they have finished or reached, it is also something that content creators look for; in order to ease things up for episodes and parts to upload!

♦ Story: One of the unique stories about Visual Novels that I have played recently, it has been a while since I saw a good story like this, the mystery behind the entire Sci-Fi part, the worlds mixing together, and the characters themselves! I honestly love the setting of old times, like the Dark Ages and Victorian Era (I studied American & British Literature and Civilization, majoring in both with a Master Degree, so it is something that I really love and admire, I also can help a little bit regarding that).

♦ Artwork: There are certain art styles for each Visual Novel, I understand this is the style for your game but would have been better to showcase the items and backgrounds in a better way (There is an example with a screen attatched showing how much it is hard to see things around the room, espacially with that usage of colors! It looks like there are 2 wolrds mixed together on that photo, could be wrong though, but surely would have been amazing to notice that easily when playing the game).

♦ Audio: Very nice background music and sound tracks. As a suggestion, you could use more sound effects for certain events, like knocking on the door, jumping from the window, having some footsteps in certain places...etc! It is also great to see some voice acting or voice overs, this could be done as I know some starters in this field that would be happy to do this for free for the sake of having their names on a game!

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism: I do not think I found any bug, for the game progress is great and good! Loved the humour parts of this game, can surely say that the Audio part need some work for some sound effects, other than this would say the story of the game does a great job keeping the interest of players.

♦ Things to Double Down on: I have read from other ppl comments on your game page how much they loved your story, keep going and writing, you have a great vision!

In case you need any help or just me testing the game further more (probably way much faster when asked without making a video about XD) just let me know, you can contact me on my Instagram or Discord, these two are what I use more often!


HI :) Thank you for the feedback :D I am very happy your overall experience with the game was fun :D Your suggestion with the sound effects is very helpful, truth be told I didn't think of it , but it would be a great addition. As for the voice actors, since it is a free game and I couldn't pay anyone, I didn't think  anybody would volunteer so I haven't been looking so it is a good tip to know there are people willing to do it.


Very glad that this was of help to you! Wish you all the best you and your friend with making more game and projects in the future!

Best of luck and thank you!


Hello this is my game called Space Runners.

It's a ship racing game.

I hope you like it!

Thanks for the opportunity!

Space Runners

Hello back to you CampiaoGames, it has been a while since I had free time to check on the games here but finally managed to find enough time to test your game and here are some feedback and my review:

♦ Game Idea: The idea of the game is nice and to be honest I would love to keep playing the game for the sake of having fun, but there are few things that shoud be adressed for a better experience.

♦ Gameplay: The game runs good but the steering and handeling for the majority of ships is very hard and strange to adjust to it! Altough, the game mechanics are good and I see you have put a penality for hitting the walls by slowing down the ship, very nice!

♦ Story: Such racing games do not have a story for the most part, but it surely does not hurt to give few of this element in your game or your future projects like this one; you can always have campaigns set that tells the story of each ship, meaning different campaigns for different ships or tracks (planets in Space Runners case) That would be fun to play rather than racing and repeating the same ones, having quests or objectives to go through is what keeps players enjoying, thus keep playing your game.

♦ Artwork: I love that you had each ship different colors or paints, you have good amount of tracks too, the art-style or design isn't the best but it surely has its own style for an indie game!

♦ Audio: Here we find the most issues, for the video you will notice how louad the crowd is and how annoying the sound of the ships when speeding! Would recommend giving the sound design some more time to have a deeper look into, you can easily have that done if you have enough ppl recording a gameplay about your game where you can see if it is enjoyable to listen to your game audio or not, there are sounds in the game that works well, like the sound effects, but not all sounds are of good use in Space Runners!

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism: Keep on the good work on adding new and different space ships and tracks, but don't forget to add more quests or campaigns, it can be useful to give the players a chance to win something when being on top 3 places when finishing a race, like unlocking more better ships and new areas!

♦ Things to Double Down on: Keep on making games, I hope what I have wrote here is of help and support to you! My goal is to help as many devs here and motivate them! Space racing is something fun to play and experience, this is how I feel about it personally at least.


Hello Zakaria!

First of all I would like to thank you for that help!

I read your suggestions and really liked your tips.

I will work hard to improve the experience of the game and especially the sounds of the ships and the fans.

About the part of creating a story for the ships, this is already in progress, but I believe qur I'll take a little hahaha

I'll soon update Space Runners!

Thank you so much for the opportunity!^^

You are most welcome, I wish I was able to test the game sooner than this!

would like you to cover my game. My game is paid, but I can generate a free key.

you could
look @ my other g@mes @s well:

@re free

plese do not wonder. my keybord is defect.


Hi Zack, here is my game called Dystopia. It is similar to Hotline Miami but it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in FPS format. You can view the trailer and download the free game in the linked page:

Hi Laiet, I have tried your game but must say it is so hard, been playing your game for hours yesterday and I could barely progress in the game, here some feedback for what stopped me from going deeper into the game:

♦ Game Idea: The idea of a game similar to Hotline Miami has such a good amount of audience, the old style of these games will always have a commuinty and it is nice to try them from time to time.

♦ Gameplay: Here I found the most troubles, the game is hard from the point of view of combat, you barely do enough damage to enemies before they kill you, and if you came against two of them you are basically dead. The hitbox is large for the enemies, many times I found myself dying easily to their attacks! It is also noted that the special abilities do not do that big damage. You could also try to give a quick tips or tutorial for making a more understanding of the game (Though this can easily be figured out through playing the game for few minutes). You could also try to add mouse sensitivity option.

♦ Story: The game starts directly with no story. Now I am not sure if there will be story elements later on as you keep playing the game or not, I was not able to keep playing for long enough.

♦ Artwork: The VHS-ish style is popular nowadays with such games, although I can say that the drugs might need a better design (Pills for the shape instead of balls as a starter).

♦ Audio: Would not be able to judge that fairly due to the lack of progress in the game by my side.

♦ Bugs & Constructive Criticism; The combat system is what needs the most of the work, if players are unable to get far enough for the start because of one aspect of the game they are more likely to stop trying after 1 hour of struggle!

♦ Things to Double Down on: Having a  game like this would be of advantage to you as I saw this style get consumed fast, try also to get other content creators to play your game and give you feedback for a better overall review! Best of luck and keep it up!


Hey  Zack!

Thanks for playing my game! This feedback is very valuable and I will make sure to keep them in mind. Personally, I recommend you start playing the game on easy mode in order to get used to the controls and mechanics.  Mouse sensitivity options are also available in the options in case you missed it.

In terms of progressing through the game, most people who played in normal mode had also said it was extremely difficult. So, its no problem if you didn't manage to get far :)

I hope you continue making these videos and achieve great success in the future!

You are most welcome Laiet, yes! I have found now the mouse sensitivity options, I have missed it XD!

The game by its normal mode is hard, but to be honest, I never thought to set it to easy mode and try it out! I do also thank you for your kind words, and you are welcome here at any time whenever you make another game project.


Hey Zakaria,

I just heard about your channel. I like the TOP Itch games of the month idea. If you have some time to test my game demo, I'd appreciate it.

Retro Trivia Quest

Thank you!


Hi Johnny Pumpernickel, I like your game demo Retro Trivia Quest! I have also watched Dave and Sam video about it, it is posted on your game page, great spirit those two have! I can also say that I could barely relate to the trivia, big part of that is due to the fact it is not my culture! So it would do to the game badly if I made a video about it where I will completely lost and thus lose the viewers with me and maybe missleading them for subjective opinions and review!

I am also unable to record or play games using browsers! I had my share with issues with them in the past and decided to not accept those!

Honestly, Sam and Dave did a great job presenting the game at its best!


Hi Zakaria,

Thanks for taking the time to play my game and comment about it! I really appreciate it.

I can also say that I could barely relate to the trivia, big part of that is due to the fact it is not my culture!

That is a very helpful critic! I will be making changing to the game, and the trivia topics might be one of them.

Honestly, Sam and Dave did a great job presenting the game at its best!

I agree. They are the perfect audience, and have such a great positive energy too.


Hello again! You might remember me having a cult game on here before (no worries about not covering it, I entirely understand as it was a very sensitive subject). I have another game now that I hope might be both more enjoyable and not worrisome to show to your audience. This game is called "SimpleStrat" and in it you can control all of your units using a rally flag to direct them towards buildings to capture or enemies to attack, in addition to using three powers. There are also seven scenarios to choose from (I personally enjoy "Red Dawn" the most for how chaotic it is) along with various settings to adjust to your specifications.



Thank you for continuing to support Indie game developers and I wish you good luck with your own career! I also understand if my game is unable to be covered for some reason and am available to make any necessary bug fixes.

Hello again, yes, I do remember you and your game! Welcome back!

I have downloaded your game and wanted to check it despite that the trailer video you have for your game is not that promissing to make a gameplay walkthrough for, but decided to go and try the game anyways! However, I found only MP3 and PNG files! You might want to check back your files for the game!

Hello! I think that file there with the globe icon (titled "SimpleStrat") should be the game. It should just open by double-clicking it and if you would prefer, you could right click it and open it in Google Chrome (tends to work better on there but shouldn't have any issues with other browsers unless it's one that's outdated). If it's too troublesome to make a gameplay walkthrough for then no worries!

When developers click this thread to suggest or post their game here, the link take them to the last page here like any other thread, which means some will miss the rules I set and what is all about in the first place from the first page! One of the rules I have set (Because of many technical problems I had for this... same goes to the other rules) is that I do not take browser games requests! I have found the file you are talking about and now I can see it! I wish you all the bests LDGamingExpress, in case you made another game that qualify from those rules I have set, you are welcome to make a request again!


Oh, sorry! I didn't realize mine would qualify as one since it's not really intended to be one and might work as one due to being HTML/JS.


Thank you Zakaria for this opportunity,

My latest published game is called “Sarin”, you can try it from here :


Hi there Ahmed Mo'nis, your game Sarin has a rather interesting concept story that is sensitive to make content about it; I am sure you already know how YouTube is in recent years! However, I took time to try out your game and said at least I could give you some idea, feedback and reviews! But the game starts and the character keeps moving by itself in the first area that looks like the one from Squid Game (the first one), I tried to take control but could only slow his sliding down a bit, the camera is also set in a view which is not optimal, not sure if we can change that in the settings as I only tried to get the character to stop moving!

Wish you best of luck with your game and future projects Ahmed!

(1 edit) (+1)

I understand completely how Youtube has become which is why many people are switching to other platforms like Odysee. To be honest I’m a bit surprised about how the character would move by itself since I tested the game on multiple games with different people playing it and no one reported that ! I do acknowledge that there are some problems with the controllers though and I intend to fix that in my next games. Thank you for taking the time to try my game.

Thank you for your understanding Ahmed, really appreciate ppl like you! Might take a look at this Odysee, haven't tried it before

check my games out man

There are better ways to ask someone to check your game or games!

sorry mate!

Be my guest, suggest which game you would some feedback and a Gameplay for it!


Hey mate try my most recent game caverns of underwood. Should keep you guessing a bit. Thanks and good luck with your channel. I hope it continues to grow!

Hello back again Hodslate, some feedback for your game:

- The game has the mouse cursor always shown once you start playing! Feels like it is stuck no matter how much I tried to take it off!

- The mouse sensitivity is too high and there was no option to change that to what suits me for a better controlling view!

- The game is too dark and confsuing (Maybe the confusing part is something you went for in the game, but the game being that dark prevented me from actually enjoying the game).

Keep in mind I have been recording and later one when was trying to edit the video and seeing the footages, it felt not right to present your game that way since it was too dark to see anything, even after editing and trying to correct the brightness and coloring! It actually makes it worst for the viewers to watch! It would have not done right by your game that video I was making today, so I decided not to go with it!


All good. I noticed it was darker on another stream someone else did but on my computer it's not that dark. I might adjust the brightness in it. Cheers


Hey there Zack! It'd be awesome if you could check out my game with the very original title 'Scary Room Game'. It's a sort of "survive as long as you can" game where the main objective is to figure out how each 'cryptid' works and how to properly deal with them (some trial and error required).

If you do decide to check it out, there isn't really a tutorial so I suggest checking out the Journal before you play, one of the tabs has some information on basic controls and such which would be very useful to know before jumping into it.

Thank you!


Hello there cryo, I have tried your game Scary Room Game, it is not that scary but surely fun to play! Really enjoyed the game concept you have there, with all the audio design and the mechanics! Having to know how each 'cryptid' works is actually fun and engaging! I might suggest few things here for your game:

- Try to add a funny creative text when you start the game for the first time asking the players to read the journel as there would be no tutorial!

- Would be nice as well to have another creative text saying that you are on your own to guess and figure out how each 'cryptid' works and behave!

 - The game would have been better with a full screen option!

- More levels maybe?!!

Here is my Gameplay Walkthrough for it, it is a small video but engaging and there is no repetitions for best quality:


Thank you so much for this review! The video you have made is awesome and I appreciate it a ton! I will absolutely take your suggestions into account when working on a final polish of this game. Thank you again!!


You are so much welcome, and thank you for suggesting your game! It is really fun XD


Thank u  for doing this bro. Do you mind checking out my game?

Hi fizzy07, I have checked your game Alphape! It looks like you are focusing on having an ape agianst others, but visually speaking the enemies look like a box more than anything! Of course, this is a game still in developement, so I understand it is still work in progress!

I must say that the gameplay movement mechanics are hard to control, often you see yourself going off the platforms easily.

There was no music nor sound effects at all, consider adding that to your game!

There is more feedback inside the video itself, hope this helps you out sir:


theres music and sound in the settings, press your escape key! I also noticed that you didnt have a crosshair in the video. You can change your crosshair in settings -> graphics :) great video btw ! you can find the audio settings in in settings->general


Nice, thank you! Was not aware of the game being like this by defult and that we had to change these in the settings, thanks and best of luck!

Thank you for the opportunity,

Could you give some feedback on my game? This is my first one.

Hi RealABgames, even though that your game Tunnel Run looks simple, it gives fun to the players once given enough time! But I can not make a Gameplay Walkthrough video for the game since it is a browser game! I had this written in my first page by the way as parts of the rules!

Oh, sorry. I guess I should’ve read the rules more closely.

Hi Zhakaria, I have updated my game page to include a downloadable file of the game. This game does include registering, but it is not required to play the game, only to have scores saved and in the leaderboard. I think my game satisfies all the rules now, could you check it out?

I checked your game many times but it did not work, I could not find even the file to run the game, maybe because you have it built for Mac and not Windows! (I think I saw a file format related only to Mac users, could be wrong though) Hope this helps you out with checking the game!

Sorry I'm late to reply, as I have been on a trip for a week. I just found out that I had to specify the target platform for the unity build. I have uploaded a windows version now. However, it may not work, as I own no windows computers to test it on, so please tell me if it still doesn't work.


Hi! I'd like you to play test my game called Super Major Miner. It's a demo right now, it's also missing sound effects at the moment. However, there is music! I'd appreciate your feedback. Here's the link to my game:


Hi there Jigson, I have tested your game, looks like the game only have one level to it to be played! I wonder why, I was unable to play anything else except what the game starts with, even after clearing it with much points than the goal!

- It is better to not let the enemies respawn, it surprised me the first time it happened and thought I did not kill them.

- The level does not end when you reach the goal, but rather when time is up, so is there any plans for the extra points we collect them? Maybe skills or upgrades for our character!

Here is also the review for the demo now, could not play any other level so that is why you see it short! After finishing that level, you only able to re-play it:


Ah, I see. You need to hold up near the sack after you reach the goal to complete the level. I think I need to make it more obvious! Thanks for your feedback. Someone else had the same issue lol! That's probably an indicator that I need to make it more obvious. Perhaps I'll put some text above the sack that says "hold up" after you reach the goal. Sound good? There are actually 6 levels to play, it sucks that no one ever reaches them due to this lol! I may also want to reconsider the enemy respawns. And yes, there are plans to have a high score table. That's the only reason I give you an option to complete the level once you reach the goal, but that wasn't obvious lol. Thank you very much for your feedback! I'll probably come back to this thread soon.


Glad the review was helpful, and yes; you should have a way of indicating after you reach the goal, because when time is up and reaching the goal, the game tells you nothing about how to progress (by going to the sack)... I saw on the map there were other levels too, so I figured there must be something I am missing, now we know! Will pin your comment on the YouTube video for those who might come in the future and take a look at that review!

You are welcome again any time Jigson!


Hey Zaki,
I recently made a game for the GMTK game jam.  In my opinion, I am thinking of turning it into a full game to be released. I would love to hear your feedback on this game. 
Hope its enjoyable :)

Hello Aayush Chaudhary, welcome and thank you fro submitting your game Dice Shot here! Few things to mention: You should have found a way to let the players know how to play the game from the in-game itself, because I have made this review before I read your game page writings about the controls! I have also found other issues that need a look from you, hope this helps out!

Hi Zakaria, long time no play.

I have a new demo, this time for the sequel to Redaxium 1, Redaxium 2 aka Generic RPG #777.

if you're using windows:  try

if you're using linux: try

Hello there redratic1, I have never seen you here before and you said to me "long time no play" ?!!

I have tried your game and it seems there is an issue! Your game Redaxium 2 does not start, it freezes directly at this screen and no matter what I press it does not work!

I hope you have not put anything like a malware of a mining virus in your  game, I work hard in order to help developers here and it is very strange that some developers go far to take advantage of this in a brutal way! I only mention this because I had my horrible moments here, you can check the old posts and you will find some here, most of them delete their posts after I call them out!

If not, please check your files for future users who might come to visit your game page.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello ZG.  The game's predecessor and the full game is on steam. This is not malware of the month you seem to be on the lookout for. 

To be fair, Redaxium 2 goes by Generic RPG #777 but this is explicitly mention on the steam store page and the link.

Which btw includes a link to the steam store page. 

Yes we've had previously dealing and even then there were issues with the game running. I was hoping this time it would be a peace of cake for both of us.

That was for Redaxium which became quite a full game as I said. The account then says, but is the current and it definitely has entries for both Redaxium and Redaxium 2. I hope that clears up the confusion.

Getting to the point:

Games sometimes do a preconfiguration on themselves when you run them. Infact i'd wager you've seen this phenomenon tons of times.

preconf.txt says OS=0, or OS=1  Windows/Linux respectively.

preconf_result.txt is generated for debug reasons.

In both cases the files belong to the game. And when preconf_result.txt it is or isn't present it is created anyway.

We're doing this for debugging purposes it should recreated regardless so it's up to date.

That implies deletion ALWAYS. 

The bottomline ZG, games touch their own files. Depending on the developer their may be more or less smart/dumb/elaborate/concise with how. Should I create an append-only ledger for this? I guess I could. Should I cram all my debug files into one giant debug.log? I guess I could.  But even that would be recreated so I could get the up to date file. Or I must make it into a giant ledger too.

I'd hoped we evolved past this stage where something goes magically wrong because of  permissions, emulators, or overly cautious Anti-Virus program.   


Welcome back redratic1, if I had known you are using another user name or account I would have welcomed you regardless of me checking your game or not! After I checked the link you just provided, I knew who you are! Do keep in mind I remember all the devs I help here and all of their games, even if it is not worthy of even called a game! I often test only half a level that some new uprising devs calls a game (Example for this, go to the very first page and look for Danielle's Games, his game is something that no one would be interested in, but I am here to offer my help) But, since I never tested your game because of that issue a year ago! I could not remember it by its name!

Now, let us put what we do here aside, I have showed you some screens from your game, right? I was hoping for me helping you (Keep in mind I had no idea what the game is about nor the developer which is you)! Now, if someone is offering their help for literally free, you don't come off that strong telling them or accusing them with looking for "malware of the month you seem to be on the lookout for"... I had someone similar to the tone of your first sentence here asking me agressively to review his game! With no context and no nothing:  + Another one was so impatient at the start, just after a week he posted the same game as if he is in a hurry: Of course, I tried to be very understandable to his own situation and offered him other extra ways to get what he is looking for!

I can literally state lots of examples but I decided to choose the new recent ones so you can truely understand how much is so hard to offer your help and still get such kind of words! Please, do not accuse me of looking for "malware of the month" or whatever! Now, let me be understandable to you! I believe you are having some bad days, probably because of your game not having enough attention! And that's fine man, trust me! I am literally there! Most of the time I sleep only 4 hours every single day (It has been like this for the past 9 years or so) Working outside to sustain myself and my family, doing this whole online thing... There are times I literally spend hours and days in making for YouTube and at the end no one watches! Literally NO ONE! So I get it man, I get your anger and what you are passing by will probably be less hard to deal with! Our fathers usually say: "You grow with sturggle and pain..."

Again, I am here to help, but if there is any issue with what I clearly stated at the very first page that clearly goes to harm me or for this example my PC, I can't do that! I can't help on the expanse of hurting myself, I have done it in the past and it is horrible and scary! Man, I am here for the simple deed of helping solo developers and small indie game studios! I hope you can look to that and truely see that! Keep it up and best of luck! Never give up!

With respect,

Zakaria Ghorfati.


I think you are right ZakaraGhorfati (ZG).

I've got to take into account you can't control which games will be the ones that let you down. So it's a struggle for both parties.

I do see that many of your YT videos view counts are quite low. Which doesn't make sense because you are one of the few people who transparently review games on the regular. The fact that people aren't giving the videos and thus those games a chance to be "heard", is disturbing. 

You sensed right that I was not in a mood to react with any overt politeness. I know how quickly the mob turns on developers and I couldn't afford to pretend as if I did something wrong on the subject of literal malware or not. The fact is I take a lot of pride in my work.  I didn't think you were alleging it was malware but the mob may not care if you were or not. That includes other developers too btw who might have their smart kneejerk responses. This thread, your YT, and yourself are valuable, even if much goes underappreciated because we can't pick who gets to be a hit.

I really want things to be as simple as possible for you so you can do your job. Maybe I should remember you aren't paid anything to try these game so it's hard to stay motivated. You review games it seems almost daily, if not every other day. 

I also take into account what's enjoyable for me as a developer. I can't be watering down my methods, even if there are counter-examples of people succeeding differently. You clearly have played games that ran correctly i'm guessing on first try. Some not so much.

I knew from our experience before there was an issue but I sincerely felt this time around there wouldn't be one. The game is so much more than the main menu which in all cases we've interacted doesn't even show the buttons! 

Let's address the screenshot. It's true the game does things to its own files. The failure of which can lead to the game not running properly. 

If your anti-virus is blocking the game from doing what it does in this regard of manipulating its own files, then it's not a surprise the main menu won't load. That might seem strange consequence but the FIRST thing the game does is read/writing to its own files. This more or less a pre-GUI task.

Sadly I cannot fix this order of operations meaningfully, because the game still needs to touch its files eventually.

What I think we've learned here ZG is I need to add a GUI error window that says what has gone wrong. Then you can know what to do.

I'm definitely pretty tired myself and immensely broken by gamedev. Skipping the sob story about game journos not responding and me begging people to even give my game a chance...   it's just not easy to fundamentally re-work anything anymore.  I've for a long time wanted a more reliable UI at the start that was disentangled from game errors, but there are so many other unrelated issues that are important for the good of the game. I figure if someone really cares they just add the AV exceptions and get on with playing the game.

If you've tried everything then I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Good luck.


Once can clearly notice from the way you have put these words that you are indeed an understandable person! Of course, you will be upset to see your game not even running, not along for someone to slightley attatch it to having a malware or anything!

You probably have been trying with the gamedev journey for so long! I had tried as well, for a period of time, all I wanted is to make games! Without getting to the sad story of mine with the gamedev, let us just say I got betrayed for my own ideas and hard work (Will never mention names when it is something this bad) It broke me, and I knew developing a game was not right for me at that time (Not even now, maybe a little bit down the road)... So I deleted my past, or at least a huge part of it!

Now, I am doing what you already mentioned in your own nice words! Thank you for that, really! It means a lot to me for seeing things as they are! And I do get it, life is not easy! For the whole YouTube thing, is just a bi-product from my Game Testing passion let's say! I wanted to help ppl out in the best way I can, the whole YouTube thing was just to showcase whta I can! Of course there are times where you think I should just stop this, but there are also times where you feel blessed or happy at least (Yes, me happy for helping others and happier when I know I have truely helped) Examples:  So there is a good side of everything here!

My humble advice to you sir, you keep on what makes you feel better! Do what you love, but if it does not work for you after many tries, try to change it up a bit! Example of my YouTube channel: I wanted and still want to do Gameplay Walkthrough videos, but it is not going anywhere! So I changed that to game reviews, I even tried Top Best games here, Interviews...etc, So do try to change what you are using for developing your games! Try a different tool, try different assets, styles, coding...etc

Hey ZakariaGhorfati You're probably busy on the next game review. But whenever you gain the time, could you please upload these files,  game_debug.txt, preconf_result.txt, and log.txt? They should be in the game folder where the .exe is. I know you couldn't get the game to work, but they could contain important information so I can begin to think about what to try differently. You may choose to review them in a text editor first if you wish. If you could do this for me i'll add you to the credits of the game next update. 

Hello Zakaria!
I've updated Space Runners!
Now it has a quest mode to unlock rewards.
I modified the sound of the ships and softened the effect of the fans a little.
I hope you've improved.
Thanks for the attention! 
Link for Game:

Hello and welcome back CampiaoGames, you have been fast with that update! Looks better than before of course!

Would it be crazy if you  were to add some combat system? Like shooting the cars while racing?! Think of Blur (A racing game called Blur)!

Also as part of the feedback, the other ships when racing seems to have very low AI as I was able to win every single time in 1st place with a huge difference! Maybe I am just a good dirver haha who knows!


Hello Zakaria!

Thank you very much for the feedback!

I like your idea of a mode of combat. I need to study how i still do it, but I intend to add that idea.

About AI, I'm going to review a few things to make it more challenging.

Thanks again!

You are most welcome! Keep it up, glad I could help!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Zakaria! 

Thank you for this opportunity. I have been developing a game for the past few months and just recently uploaded my first demo of it. It's called Cities Restored and it's a strategy, simulation, city building game, where you attempt to rejuvenate rejected cities and populate them with families ready to prosper and enjoy life. I would very much appreciate it if you did a gameplay walkthrough of it as I'm trying to get as much feedback as I can about whether or not people like the concept. You can find it at

Hi vmahabir, I just replied on your latest post here about Cities Restored game! Please reply only on that post to keep things organized instead of making a new post! In case you have new updates and need me to test it again or just looking for feedback, you can simply contact me directly on my Discord or Instagram or E-mail, these are the fastest ways you can reach out to me!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Zakaria! 

Finally, I finished my theatrical performance. And it's ready to show. 

I will be glad to see you and hear your opinion my friend!)


Hello and welcome back itfunkylab, always nice seeing your short horror games! I believe you are making chapters instead of having all at once inside one game! Maybe one day you could gather all the contents together, really looking forward for more content from you.


Hi Zakaria!!! Thank you very mach for your comment and video!!!

Someday I will collect all the parts in one game. BUT, so far I've only been able to do this development format.

You are very welcome! Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Hello again! I want you to play test my Super Pole Jumper game demo. There are 5 levels in this demo (one of them is a tutorial). The controls should be fairly simple: Simply press A to attack and Z to jump or double jump, and Enter to pause the game, and that's about it! You can also slide by holding down and pressing A (the attack button). The tutorial should explain the rest. There's like 15 music tracks, as well as sound effects! (I let you listen to all the sound and music in the pause menu). Thank you very much for your feedback so far! See you soon! P.S I suggest trying to make it to the snow stage, it's my personal favorite! Here's the link to my game:


Hello Zakaria! So I haven't heard from you in some time so I wanted to find out if you were still interested in playing the demo of my game Cities Restored, the strategy, simulation, city building game where you attempt to rejuvenate rejected cities and populate them with families ready to prosper and enjoy life. I uploaded an updated version of the demo yesterday so I would recommend you try that one instead of the one I uploaded previously. Here's the link: Even if you don't stream it or put it on youtube, your personal feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

If you have any questions about the gameplay mechanics, feel free to message me.

Hello vmahabir, I have seen your previous post and I was working on it, however it takes time to reach your turn due to the amount of game requests I get, I go by order by requests most of the time in case you are wondering! Of course, I am not making any money by doing this, so there is my personal life + my job and work outside of the online world... However, I do have a gig running on Fiverr for those who are in need of a fast test for their games or sessions of tests or any kind of feedback, I had to make a new gig and take down the old one since I mostly I get requests from solo developers and small game studios! (The new gig has lower prices that suits devs for a fast delivery)

Now, since this explanation is out of the way! (Only explained after I saw this new post of yours) I have here a review for your game! Of course, I will mention here some additional feedback to you:

- The UI need a little bit of work, since the game starts directly with everything on the map. Maybe giving a section for the tutorial apart to explain things out is better from a gameplay experience point of you.

- I could say some of the things need of explanation are: What causes happiness to drop and/or to rise up (I figured this by myself but better have things sorted out for new players) Also what causes the "red" phase of a family and how to save it. How to eradicate those pests and criminals. One thing very important, try not to explain things in long sentences or pragraphs! I have seen many players avoid reading for too long.

- I do like the fact you have power-ups being generated to you with the option to choose!

I see that you wrote here you have a new update for your game! Keep in mind this is based on the version found in your first post here! Hope this helps


Hi Zack! It's been long since we last talked, how have you been doing?

By the way, we are back with a completely new project! We have decided to take a break from the World War 2 era and decided to create a modern-day tactical shooter based on classic Ghost Recon & Rainbow Six games, called Phantom 8: Counter-Terrorist Unit.

This game is quite different from our previous ones, as it offers you freedom in choosing your approach to objectives, it's basically non-linear. You would also have to be more careful with your surroundings, as a few bullets alone could sign you off this world immediately, without any help from medpacks.

This is the link to our game! It currently only has 1 level set in Greece, since we are waiting for feedback to further develop the game ;D
We hope you could give it a try, your feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Hello and welcome back, I have not been active that much on latelt for the lack of support, now after seeing your post I took some time before getting down to testing the game and give it a go! 

I liked the new project of yours and hope you guys are doing well at your work over there, best of wishes to you both!

I would surely say that the AI is the massive issue, for the most part it felt so easy to go through each room with almost zero danger but still a fun game to play the least and a good change from what you guys have done before! Hope this video helps XD


Thank you so much for playing! I guess we breathed some fresh air back into the itch post XD

I'm very glad you enjoyed our short little demo, we will continue to improve upon it to give you the best possible experience when the full game comes out, including more competent bad guys!

We'll feature your clip on the game page :Đ


Thank you! Really glad to see you working on more games again.


Hey! Are you still doing this?



I stopped for a while for lack of support and some other developers not looking for feedbacks or improving their games but rather just a covered video uploaded on YouTube which they would not even take a look it for themselves!

I am still open to help devs here as long as they are looking for it, not going to refuse anyone who submit their games unless against some common morals. You are welcome here 9BitGames!

Deleted 2 years ago
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It is kinda a free marketing service haha! I started here with the intention to help indie developers (Long ago I watched an indie game that was literally dying, at that time, the fast growing Jacksepticeye started a series on it and now we have it as Subnautica, he shared something the developers said about their game not having even enough people testing it and giving feedback, even without making content about it! So I took this to my vision after I became a Game Tester).

It is sometimes hard on developers and on content creators to grow! And this is exactly why this is here free! As long of course I am of a help. Honestly, the support that keeps me motivated doing this is you guys finding what I do of importance and value! Some (very few and rare people) did not show any interest in their own game, all they looked for is a promotion to get money out of it, well at least show some love to your own game! We all have to earn a living of what we are doing, just make sure to not lose that passion, wouldn't you agree?

A support can go a long way, sometimes just a show of interest when submitting your game can be enough! You check some posts of others here and you will find them not even caring after I do reply and post a video with lots of detailed feedbacks! Joining to my YouTube channel is the most that I could ask here!

Deleted post

Yeah, I understand your point! I used to be like why the hell I would want to watch someone else play a game! Well, there a lot of people that can not afford a good PC to play certain games they love, or afford the game cost itself so they watch others play it, it is more like a TV-Show series and can be fun depending on the creator who is posting! Some others watch it for the sake of seeing how the actuall gameplay is so they can judge it themselves before buying, others watch because of the fun moments someone can have when showcasing a game, like Jacksepticeye when he used to play a lot of unkown indie games...etc! There are a lot of reasons to a person watching "Let's Play" videos! Even Indie Developers watch those so they can take notes to make their games better.

For your own game to be chosen by a creator for example on YouTube can depend a lot on the style and taste those having in common with your game! Some love and only look for Puzzle games, others look for Horror, I have seen some YouTube channels only post weird looking indie games, some pixel-art styles game... you got the point!

I will be glad to take a look at your game, already downloaded it yesterday, I have some work to do first then I will get back to yours!

Still waiting for your email for your game! Have not recieved anything from you even after checking spam!

Oh... I didn't realize you needed an email. Sorry for the inconvenience, you don't have to play my game.

No worries! You did not send me any link or posted here your game! I hope you have read my rules in the first page my thread here... I am not buying any games in case this is what you thought! I assumed you will send an email with a key like so many here did since I am doing this for free here helping devs with their developments! Overall, it is all good. Best of luck for you 9BitGames.


Hello Zakaria. I made my first game and i would be very interested in your opinion. I hope you like it.


Hello Kinis, looks like you have an interesting game with lots of content! However, there are plenty of issues and bugs going on in your game, this video should showcase to you the most important notes so you can get your game in a better shape than it is already! There times where I got stuck too with no way to get out unless I restart the entire game! I hope this is of help to you! You can also see my first impressions on some interesting parts of your game.

I only write such detailed feedback for those who seem serious about updating and developing their games better, so here are some written feedback alongside the Gameplay Walkthrough here:

♦ Game Idea: I do like such cursed kingdom games, looks very interesting to play through! I can see myself playing this again in my spare time after fixing the issues of course!

♦ Gameplay: Most noticable thing is the sensitivity of the mouse, it is too high and I would appreciate having a setting option for this part. 
- There are multiple bugs and blocked ways in the game, it is much easier to let the video explain as there are visual help to get you through with these issues!
- Another issue is the combat, it does not feel responsive that fast, nor it feels like it is accurate for when pressing the attack buttons.

♦ Story: Nice little story going on, would be better if the sound quality was a little bit better.

♦ Artwork: Nice artwork and level designs!

♦ Audio: For sure the voice over and voice acting can do better, it does not sound stable across different characters, for the pitch and volume too!  Might know a couple of voice actors out there to help you out!


Hello Zakaria. Thank you very much for your feedback and video. This will help me a lot to further improve the game and fix existing bugs.  All the character voices are my own so they sounds really weird :)


Happy I could help! Really a good solid idea you have there for your game!

I kinda figured it out for the voices haha, you did good changing them for the other characters!

Deleted post

Hi there Majid Roth Media, had some copyright claims! I believe it is due to music in your game so I can't really risk it to go public, I tried to mute sound where the copyright claim is locate! Not sure if it is resolved or not. This video will help you see how your game is doing with some feedback, hope this helps:

Deleted post

The video has been put to private like I said to avoid any risks from YouTube itself! Had my share with such legal issues before.

The piece is starting from 06:15 in the video, I believe YouTube might have have processed that part and muted all sounds there! Can't tell the name of the music piece anymore.

Deleted post

Thanks! Appreciate it.


Hi! 9BitGames again! Could you check out Lava Cube? It's now free!


The 9BitGamesTeam


Oh, just replied to your other post here! Sure thing, let me add this to list to do for this upcoming week! Thank you for submitting your game here.


Hello Zakaria, sorry if I’m being a bother but you didn’t seem to respond when I showed my Pole Jumper game to you. I was very excited to know what you thought about it and what I could improve! Thanks again for all you have done, for me and everyone else in this thread!


Hello Jigson, ohh! I thought I did, must have mistaken it being an update with your Major Mining game that I have done before. Will get to it! I also had taken a long rest from creating content here on so I never double checked here on my thread.


Thanks a lot!


Very cool, my Game Dampftraum is now available in english and i would be happy to see you play it.

Its a short story driven game.


Hello everyone! For any future readers to this thread; I am closing this kind of service I had for now, had some issues here and there but overall it was great guys! Thank you all for the support and happy that I helped so many of you already here! Now I need to move on and have some rest before I come back, probably with a new thread. This was fun honestly, I met a lot of people here from developers to awesome content creators! Will see you soon, take care everyone.


You've helped us all so much, Zakaria. You deserve a good break.

 We hope to see you back in action soon!

For now, take care :Đ


Thank you a lot Warlines Studios! You guys have been great with me! Hope to see you in the future.

Keep up the good work XD


All the best to you mate! 

See you again in the future!!!


Thank you! Hope to see you in the future too!