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First time playing. I followed my intuition and chose Spencer. I've just finished your route, and there's nothing to explain what I feel in my heart... just too many... too many tears of joy and emotion. I didn't expect it to touch my heart in such a way. A simply beautiful story, and I just don't feel the need to try other routes after reading what I read. Now we can only wait to see the outcome of our good boy's story. He deserves the world and much, much more. To everyone involved in the creation of his and others history, just thank you, thank you and thank you.


I felt the exact same after I chose Harold for my first route. I legitimately didn't play for a month or two after that because I just loved it so much and felt so sad the time was up. I was hesitant of playing the other routes but I don't regret choosing to do so.

While it hurts to see the other guys whose stories you have seen be sidelined, it's worth it for the great bits you get with every guy. Darius is still probably my least fave, but the difference went from noticeable to barely any at all, and Spence easily became nearly tied with Harold for me.

Definitely not saying that you sticking to Spence only is wrong, he's incredible and I can't blame you for not wanting to go through other routes, but I promise you that you will find lots to love if you do, especially with Spencer in certain routes.


I understand. thanks for the report. maybe it's just momentary, having just finished the route. When "love" passes, I must follow new routes. but at the moment it will be difficult heh...


Again, I feel yah there. Same exact thing happened to me with Harold. Do things at your own pace, and if you feel like sticking with Spence only that's valid too. Either way, we should thank the creator for giving us such loveable dorks whose stories we can enjoy


Same boat here, I really loved Spencer's route. It's the first I played, and after finishing Harold and Chester's route, Spencer's still my absolute favorite. He's really just the best boy and all his lines are my kind of sap. He's amazing, and replaying his route over and over never gets tiring for me. I love him way too much to ever get tired. In this world, or the next, longer and brighter than any star in the universe, he'll always be the best~!

(minor spoilers) If it's any consolation for you to try out the other routes, for Harold and Chester's, Spencer still has that "I love you so much, but I'm too shy / scared" vibe going on between you two. He's always so supportive and loving, it makes playing the other routes worth it just to see how Spencer reacts. Even playing a doubles match with you, it's the only time you see his happier face sprite that entire route. He's best boy no matter what route! <3

Lovely! Thanks for the tips.


I don't know how to properly spoiler but I'll try.


And Chester's and Harold's routes are far less overt about Spencer's feelings than Dozer's and Darius', where it far more pronounced in both, especially Darius', which makes sense considering he's the only one that had ample time to fall for MC as proven in his route.