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A member registered Feb 05, 2021

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That's fair, overall some Patreon exclusive stuff is a general practice to help drive up support. Hope you keep getting the support you need, both there and in your life in general. I'll also hope I can get into a better situation where I can help out myself, as I truly do love this game.

Can't wait to see what the future brings to the game and hope everything goes well for yah.

Wasn't expecting Patreon exclusive content but I suppose it makes sense. I believe you plan on proper selling the game after you consider it finished, would this content be in it, or would it stay exclusive to those that have been able to support you?

Either way, love the game, wish I could support it but really not in a life situation where that possibility is available. Hope one day I can cause this is genuinely the one game I most wish I could help out on Patreon.

yeah, I noticed seasons mode doesn't have that issue, aside from very rare and few times it has her instead of him. Sometimes it also combines two names from different characters but again it's rare. Seasons runs a lot smoother than the other mode, where I pretty much can't get to the point after the name choosing untill a few good hours of waiting for it to load up properly. Still, it's a cute and fun game to play in seasons mode, do wish I could play the other so I could have a combination of all the ones I like + see how the number of eliminations and other scenes go due to having 60 at the same time instead of just 20.

so, the game seriously suffers from slowdowns, and when picking the all male option, after finally managing to name them all, immediately after some of them start using female pronouns, which I assume means the all male option is useless.

Ok yeah, I just saw someone else play this route, I did every single choice equal to them and the scene still doesn't trigger for me like it did for them.

At this point I'm just giving up on Dozer's route, cause it feels like similar to how completing Chester's route affects it, completing Spencer's does to. That is legitimately the only thing different between how I played the first time and every subsequent one, the fact that I reached Spencer's ending. So I just give up on this, because clearly it's just impossible to get the best ending with Dozer for me.

I don't know if it's ok for me to ask this here, but it's been frustrating me to no end.

I'm now doing a 3rd run through every member of the first 5 and going to do a first run with Richard and Dwayne.

Currently I'm at Dozer, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

The first time I played his, on day 23 after meeting with Spencer I got the option to say what Dozer would think about an action I did and later on Dozer ended up agreeing with it. Later on, on day 31 MC has a dream and in a scene at the tennis field Dozer encourages it.

The second time I played I didn't get either, and I immediately could tell I did something wrong, but I couldn't understand what. I figured on the third run I'd fix it, but clearly I haven't.

I really don't understand what I did right the first time to not lead me to this path in the route. It's been nagging at my brain the fact that I'm clearly doing something wrong but I can't figure out what, cause for the life of me I swear I'm doing everything exactly as I did the first time, but clearly I'm not.

So my question is what/where am I making the mistake? If asking this here isn't allowed I'll remove this comment.

Thank god I have never been so bad as to get it nor will I ever feel the need to complete the game to try for it, cause seeing that would kill me.

I'd much rather be nice to all these characters...

I believe it's days 11 through 13. On the sunday it went back to giving out the facial expressions when it made sense.

I started questioning when Coach's expression stayed in that pensive like one on the friday and when MC and Chester stayed neutral throughout it all.

I don't know if this is a me thing or a thing with the version I have (.136), but for some reason the expressions for all characters stop changing completely in day 11 of Chester's route onwards. Is there something I can do to fix this?

Patreon reward, if I'm not mistaken

Well, maybe you could go with a favorite color question, like how that's a question in Harold's route?

Is that a feature that you are adding to all routes where you, for a lack of a better term, poke around your man of choice for "fun"? Or is it staying with Richard only?

(1 edit)

Those new additions to the extras page will be limited to the Patreon version or will they be seen by anyone currently? Knowing if I reached the best ending would be nice, but I understand if it stays Patreon only for now.

Anyway, I love this game, keep up the great work. I can't download new versions right now, as it would be too tempting a distraction from studying for exams, but hopefully in summer I'll be able to see all that I've been missing out since my last download. Don't pressure yourself and keep at your own pace, we'll love the end product no matter how long it takes, so stay healthy and positive!

Does it require to be the last Chester run you did or simply having gotten the best ending with him once before?

Is there a way to delete save files? Due to the careless way I played and saved before, being able to delete some and be able to properly manage them better now would really come in handy.

Yes it is, in general if you get a cg and all text disappears, you're suppose to explore their body to progress

The one with him sitting on the couch after dinner? You have to click on his body, different parts, to progress stuff.

It's possible, unless for some reason a newer update changed that. It's a bit difficult but it is possible. Wait for the 4th chance they give you to flip the steak and click the button for the spices properly, if I'm not mistaken

It makes sense at the very least. While yes, someone else was shown throwing some affection around, after the confrontation a few days before that it would make sense that they would try and not be as invasive on Dozer and MC. The creator also isn't completely devoid of biases, which is fair as it's their game and their vision, so that could be a factor, considering what he has shared about the character that actually gets that interaction on day 32. Ultimately it's understandable in universe why the choices would be the ones that are given and why another option wasn't offered, at that point in time it feels like the character himself would be pushing it after already doing so prior and being called out on it, even if Dozer forgives him for it the previous time.

Umm, is that a new update thing I haven't yet seen, as I'm still trying to finish all of a past update before downloading the newest one, or is that a patreon thing?

Also, jesus I swear I have not seen some of those, or at least don't recognize them from those small crops, so either I've not been playing his route as well as I thought or that is also a new update thing.... If the former, I now feel awful for not playing my favorite character's route properly...

There's a Harold Plushie?

Ok, I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy, but I can't seem to get a choice at a section of Dozer's route that I got the first time I played it. 

To keep it vague, I remember having the option of saying that Dozer would have asked for a picture, which I found humorous as he actually says that afterwards, but for some reason I can't get it this time, even though I'm pretty sure I'm playing the same way as the first time.

Because his route ain't over yet, I'm purposefully playing what I assume isn't the proper way by being friendlier with some people than I should be, yet I didn't get both this choice nor did I get a convo with Harvey and Dozer I remember seeing the first time, the one with a videochat that actually shows him, though that might be after the point I'm referring too. Am I just imagining things?

By having the perfect route active, do you mean having reached it at least once, having the last time you played said route end with the best ending or having reached said ending in the latest update?

Of course I ask this without even knowing how to tell if one reached the best route's ending so it might not help me much. Though hopefully I reached with both Ches and Harold already, at the very least they certainly seemed like it, and if they aren't I can't imagine how much more wholesome the best ending is for them.

Anyway, thanks for all your great work, you can tell how your writing evolves within the rout s and all the love you put into the game, so I sincerely thank you for this great game and the characters you've written

Thanks for the answer, and for this whole game.

It has been one of the most wonderful reads in a long time, and all routes have been able to pull a lot of emotions from me, Spencer in Darius' route for example made both want to slap him with the might of Zeus and just hug him till the heat death of the universe. Your writing really can pull at ones heart, with positive or negative emotions, in just the right way, so I can't wait to keep seeing how this game grows.

Thanks for the reply, that leaves me at ease knowing I don't have to worry about any repercussions

Is there any problem that could arise if I delete older versions of the game? They don't seem to replace older ones when I download newer ones, and the saves seem to carry over though, so I wonder what would happen if I deleted the previous ones.

I don't know how to properly spoiler but I'll try.


And Chester's and Harold's routes are far less overt about Spencer's feelings than Dozer's and Darius', where it far more pronounced in both, especially Darius', which makes sense considering he's the only one that had ample time to fall for MC as proven in his route.

Is that only on the last day or did I miss something in previous days?

Again, I feel yah there. Same exact thing happened to me with Harold. Do things at your own pace, and if you feel like sticking with Spence only that's valid too. Either way, we should thank the creator for giving us such loveable dorks whose stories we can enjoy

I felt the exact same after I chose Harold for my first route. I legitimately didn't play for a month or two after that because I just loved it so much and felt so sad the time was up. I was hesitant of playing the other routes but I don't regret choosing to do so.

While it hurts to see the other guys whose stories you have seen be sidelined, it's worth it for the great bits you get with every guy. Darius is still probably my least fave, but the difference went from noticeable to barely any at all, and Spence easily became nearly tied with Harold for me.

Definitely not saying that you sticking to Spence only is wrong, he's incredible and I can't blame you for not wanting to go through other routes, but I promise you that you will find lots to love if you do, especially with Spencer in certain routes.

I don't remember that ever coming up the first time I played his route. Granted it's been months since I did it, but if memory is correct I can't believe I had failed the route to best ending so early on.

(1 edit)

That honestly did seem to be the only thing different. I was trying to see if there were 3 different scenes for Tai, and by extension Chester and Maximo, as I noticed it was different the second time around. I didn't expect these "side" things to impact the actual route, so I didn't count it as a difference. Thank you for the suggestion.

Was the Harold route changed? I am going through it again, doing everything the exact same as I did it before, but when we get to the games at the amusement park it gets different and I can't get myself to be the one to use the tickets to reward Harold. I am sure I am ding everything as I did the first time, where I got the best ending, so I don't get why it's changed at this point for me.

I'm doubtful this is the place to ask this, and if it isn't hopefully I can delete the comment, but does anyone here have miitopia and is talented enough with the customization? I would love to play with the LNL crew, as the roles are essentially covered from the first set of jobs and cook fits Chester perfectly. Again, if I shouldn't be asking this here, apologies in advance.

I understand that routes have to end eventually, but it doesn't hurt any less. I wanted more time with Harold