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A pretty fun little game!

I do have a couple points after playing it in the browser:

  • Personally, I would have liked some music in the background
  • On the second level, the top and bottom houses don't seem to get captured (visually)
  • I couldn't get capturing the enemy base to work
  • The delay between being able to send troops feels a little too long, often requiring me to resend troops

Otherwise, the art style is amazing, and the sound effects are pretty well made.

Thanks for the play!

Music is an area I would love to get more expertise in, so sadly I had no time or skills to make background music.

Of course some visual bugs slipped through during testing.

Capturing the bases is something I was implementing, but I didn't have enough time to fully test and finish it. My bad if it doesn't quite work.

Adding an indicator for troop cooldown would probably be the first thing I add if I were to work more on this game.